T Tuesday: assembly edition

This week’s post is brought to you by IKEA…well, not officially. It’s just what the past three days and counting were all about. Building new pieces for the kids’ rooms. Truly not the entire time but it certainly felt like it. And I’m still at it!!

My weekend actually started a day early. J was feeling really cruddy and just wanted to come home to rest. He caught the 6:45 am bus from college. I knew he was definitely ill when he voluntarily got up that early. I took the day off so I could meet the bus at MOA.

It was good to see him a few weeks earlier than expected…just a bummer that he was so sick. Nasty virus. I didn’t even hug him until he was leaving….sad but true. He pretty much spent the weekend in bed or in a steaming hot shower trying to clear his congestion.

So I mentioned IKEA…in the above picture if I had panned right 90° right, you’d see IKEA. Of course, at this moment in time, we hadn’t decided to purchase anything new. SO off to home we drove.

The next morning we made the decision to buy two new dressers and a desk from IKEA…back across the city we went.  Mini-me and I started by putting together her new dresser. It went wonderfully. Then we open the desk box….DAMAGED GOODS! UGH!

I was not about to drive back there again on the same day since we’d be heading back on Sunday to drop J off at the bus. When we returned we got a new desk and another storage unit. Yep…4 pieces of furniture to assemble. Oh goodie…

This is the current state of things. I’m on the last piece. Four drawers left to assemble on J’s new dresser. I can tell you one thing…my body doesn’t like me sitting on the floor that long.

I promise I’ll share photos of the new pieces…but for now. My water is empty and I need to shower because it’s picture day at school tomorrow! Remember the stress of picture day? It’s funny…not quite as stressful for me these days. I know for sure no picture I take can be as bad as the ones I took during my middle school years! LOL

What are you doing today?
16 Thoughts on T Tuesday: assembly edition
    Iris Flavia
    8 Oct 2019

    IKEA, such a joy ;-) Last time I only bought a chair, all ready “to sit” :-) Happy T-day!

    Erika N
    8 Oct 2019

    IKEA furniture is pretty good stuff, and certainly priced nice, but I am with you about the assembly. You had a lot to do also. Hope your photo came out super! And happy T day. hope your son is feeling better. Hugs-Erika

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    8 Oct 2019

    You did a great job shopping at IKEA and assembling the drawers, well done you! I hope J is feeling much better now, my hubby isn’t too well at the moment with a sore throat and cough. Hope the school photo is a good one ?. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    Linda Kunsman
    8 Oct 2019

    Hope your son is feeling better now. I’ve never been to an Ikea store. Have a good photo day at school, and happy T day!

    Jan s
    8 Oct 2019

    My husband hates Ikea, he says once you are in you can’t escape! Plus he hates me helping him build the units as I’m always on page 20 while he is still counting the screws. Our eldest GS had to have his photo taken twice as it was windy outside and his hair was stood up on end, DIL took him for a hair cut before the second one. Have a great week Jan x

    Divers and Sundry
    8 Oct 2019

    I’ve seen the IKEA puzzle box and am hoping never to see it again lol On the other hand, they have some dining chairs I’d like to try on for size ;) Happy T Tuesday!

    8 Oct 2019

    Been there; done that, Halle. Hubby and I assembled our bedroom furniture as well as a large chest and two side tables for the TV room. All at the same time. What were we thinking? One thing just led to another – lol. We were exhausted.

    That’s too bad about the weekend being ruined by a nasty bug. We’re having an outbreak of dengue fever. A friend has had it and recovered without complication. Fingers crossed.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    8 Oct 2019

    That’s really a big job assembling all of those pieces-good job. Hopefully no one else in family gets down with the bug Happy T Kathy

    8 Oct 2019

    Ikea is a good place to buy build your own furniture, I think you are very talented to assemble your own. I would be making a right mess and the hubby would have to taker over, he doesn’t trust me with a hammer or screw driver. Happy T day wishes. I hope you will share the photos of the made furniture soon. Yvonne xx

    Caty --
    8 Oct 2019

    Hard work after buying at Ikea!! Hope you´ll finish to assembly the drawers soon. And I also wish J feels better now. Happy T.day ! Have a nice day atschool too, and send you big hugs, Caty

    8 Oct 2019

    I have never been to an Ikea. Any some assembly required falls to Himself as I sometimes have left-right issues. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. ? Hope J is feeling better. I don’t like having my picture taken so I’d be tempted to call in sick. Happy T Day

    8 Oct 2019

    Oh the joys of assembling IKEA furniture! We’ll be doing the same soon! We went to look at some things and came back with two small craft trollies!!! Your glass tells the tale! Happy T Day! Chrisx

    Sharon Madson
    8 Oct 2019

    Oh, how I wish there was an Ikea near us! I asked for a rolling cart from Ikea for Christmas. Our daughter and family had gone there for all the furniture for their oldest who moved into his own place. So they picked it up for me and brought it for Christmas. So happy they were here to put it together! We couldn’t have done it, son in law even had difficulty. Happy T day!

    Martha Brown
    9 Oct 2019

    I forgot it was picture day for me (on Monday). I was wearing jeans and my hair was in pigtails ?. Ikea is a time sucker, isn’t it?

    10 Oct 2019

    I’m sorry to hear your son wasn’t feeling well. I’ve seen nice furniture at Ikea, but the “assembly required” prevented me from getting anything. With all of those screws, etc. shown, it looks like it was complicated to put together.

    On a side note, is that word Cray on the side of that building? As in Cray computers?

    Happy Belated T-Day!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    11 Oct 2019

    Who would have thought a pesky squirrel could have sidelined me for over three days. You might have read that it ate through my phone/internet line and sidelined ME. Otherwise I would have been here sooner.

    I got back online just in time to learn there was going to be a hard freeze tonight. I spent the entire day cutting back my herbs and getting the ones I could lift into the house. The others I covered tonight with sheets. I understand you might get SNOW.

    So sorry to read about J. I hope he feels better now. With the fluctuation in temps, it’s a wonder more people aren’t sick.

    I’m with Sharon. There isn’t an IKEA within a 1000 miles of where I live. I have put several pieces together in the past, and some have lasted, while some were poorly made to begin with. Nothing from IKEA, though. That was a bummer you had to start over.

    Empty water glass means you are getting more than I get in a day. Thanks for sharing your trip to IKEA, J’s health concerns, and your water with us for T this week. I just hope your pictures turn out good.

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