I feel as if time rapidly accelerates when we flip the calendar to August. I haven’t gotten a thing posted for two weeks…even though I have been doing a little creating.
Here’s a little snippet of something I will post later today hopefully.
I know its awful to tease like that but sometimes I just can’t help myself.
I replanted my garden with a few things and three of the four items are growing nicely.
Green beans, snap peas and zucchini. I also have a volunteer tomato plant in the corner of the garden. I decided to leave it and see if it gets big enough to produce any fruit before the frost hits. I planted some carrot seeds in the deck box garden but they never sprouted. I think it got too hot for them. Oh well.
Speaking of carrots….this was a volunteer that I pulled from a pot of nasturtiums.

The faux watering can has a false bottom about 4 inches down so that’s why the carrot is so stumpy.

Marvin and I were enjoying a bit of sunshine yesterday. It was simply gorgeous. Low humidity, beautiful temperature…just a perfect day. While keeping one eye on Marvin, I noticed seed pods on the nasturtiums. You know me…had to save the seeds.
I’m super excited about this…likely more excited than one should be about seeds. I just have to let them dry. Ideally letting them dry on the plant is best but evidently you can also pick them off at this stage. These just fell off into my hand when I touched the plant. Time will tell if they are viable seeds. I also read that you can lacto-ferment these to make sort of a caper. In other artciles I read that the plant is very edible. The leaves have a pepper, mustard flavor and the flowers can be eaten raw or made into tea. Who knew?!?! I’m not one for eating flowers but I may try some leaves on a sandwich.
Since my last post I also found out what the fall will bring for our family. J goes back to campus for a mix of online and in person classes. Mini-me will be taking her college course online from home and choir through the high school…also online at this point. I will be starting the year in hybrid learning…meaning I will be at school 4 days a week. Monday-Tuesday group “A” kids and Thursday- Friday group “B” kids. Wednesday is all distance learning. I have very mixed feelings about this. I want to be in the classroom but I’m also afraid to be there. I can’t see how I can possibly do my job in person maintaining a 6 foot distance.
Today has me knocking super boring and lame items off my to-do list. Phone calls, dentist appt, etc. Not one of my favorite days. I wish we could roll back the clock to last year this time…Mini-me and I were in Yellowstone!!
Oh well…time marches on…
We had nasturtiums for a while and got such a kick out of being able to eat them. The kids were little back then, and it made a big hit lol
The safety of in-person schooling sounds hard to reach to me. I trust y’all will do all you can, but air-borne transmission worries me :(
Happy T Tuesday!
Yellowstone sure stay with ya doesn’t it? I got to go with a friend 3 years ago and I miss it so much. good to see your garden is doing well-here it’s pretty much a bust with too hot and no rain and the chipmunks eating everything. Happy T wishes Kathy
I have had nasturtiums served on a salad here, they tasted good. Hope your seeds will make lots of new plants. Stay safe, happy T Day, Valerie
What a lovely afternoon to spend with Marvin- he certainly looks quite content:) I have had a few nasturtiums in a fancy salad already but it’s not like I make a point to get flowers to add to my home salads. I feel so bad for all the teachers and kids of all ages having to deal with this whole new routine thanks to the Covid pandemic. I hope it all works out OK for you. Happy T day!
What could be better than exploring Yellowstone, such a beautiful place and you took a stunning photo too! Your garden is looking wonderful, loving that carrot ?. We’ve never had much look growing them in our garden. Loving the little snippet you shared and I’m looking forward to seeing more ?. Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x
What a gorgeous photo of Yellowstone! Your plants are looking great. I hope you have great yield. I have never heard of a nasturtium but great idea to read up on it. Laco-fermented anything is something I am interested in but it can be hard. I wish you success and hope you will share your technique. Our school district is doing the same thing as yours. Hopefully, it will go better than expected. Happy Tea Day, Kate
You’re such a tease, Halle (grin). I love volunteer vegetable plants. Such pleasant surprises. Who knew about nasturtiums? Certainly not me. Very interesting.
I’ve missed your T posts, but life happens. I hope your school work plan works out. Like you, I wonder how you can do your job with social distancing. Good luck.
Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen
Loved the preview of your art. I am delighted you are getting a second crop this year. I’ve read that the crop planted in summer and harvested in autumn is actually better. I hope that rings true.
You and Mr. Curiosity look like you were having a fun time together. Love how you showed your drink.
I feel for you and your inability to work from home this next year. I suspect it won’t be long until someone tests positive and everyone is sent home. My thoughts are with you, dear.
Thanks for sharing your garden, your pods, that crazy carrot, and Marvin, as well as your drink with us for T this Tuesday.
I get it ~ I wish we could be on VK too! I can’t fathom what this fall is going to look like, so I’m taking one day at a time. Enjoy the harvest that produces & the week ahead ~
I get your thoughts about school. I am very happy I planned to retire this year and that I don’t have to deal with the hybrid my school is doing. It is a tough time for sure. Hopefully next year summer will be a bit normal, and those nasturtium seeds of yours will grow beautiful plants. Hope it was a happy T day. Hugs-Erika
August sure seems to be flying by. I heard nasturtiums are edible but have never tried them or grown them. Maybe something to look into for next year. Take care and Happy T Day.
You garden looks wonderful. Wow seeds. I am excited for you. That is awesome. Enjoy your evening.
Nasturtiums are great plants. Easy to grow, pretty orange coloured flowers and they are edible too. Now you have more seeds. Very exciting. You’ll have an orange garden before long! The teaching schedule for next year sounds very complicated. I can understand it will take a lot of adjusting and getting used to. Not easy. I feel for you. Also the kids having to study on-line. That takes a lot of self discipline for a young person. Lets hope for the best. I’m sorry I’m late in commenting. My laptop has decided it does no longer wants to use Chrome or Internet Explorer and I have not been able to comment. I have an iPhone but I’ve tried commenting before and most comments don’t arrive. So I am looking for someone to do me a blog on WordPress (the free version). If you know of anyone who could do that for me and is reasonably priced, please let me know. I have tried myself but I have not succeeded. Happy belated T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
August does seem to be flying by. Your garden looks great. I’ve been collecting seeds this year, too. (I have a todo note to collect them from my Lilac Bush, when they mature later in time.) The colleges here in Connecticut are doing something similar to yours. I’m not sure about public schools. Last I saw, they were talking about the group A and group B stuff. That’s fine for parents who can stay home with their young children during the days they aren’t in school, but what about parents who have to go to work all 5 days of the week? And I expect cases to spike once back to school starts, so then what? The whole situation remains bad. Happy Belated T-Day!
Speaking of carrots; it was the only thing I grew quite successfully when I had a garden. Those and beets. LOL Happy Day1
I remember eating nasturtium leaves and flowers when I was a child – haven’t tried them since! My Mum went through a phase of trying wild foods too, nettle soup being the most memorable – it was horrible!! I hope all goes well for you when you are back in school – talking to my son today – he goes back in 2 weeks and little confidence that they will be able to keep their distance! Chrisxx