It’s that time again…time for the kiddos to head back to school.
Notice anything peculiar about this photo. Hmmm….there are THREE lunch boxes ready to pack in the morning.
That’s right…I’m heading to school too. I got a job in our school district. I won’t be in my kids school but a middle school. I’m working in Special Ed lending support to children in general ed classrooms. It’s definitely a different type of position than I had 17 years ago when I had J.
I think I have bigger butterflies in my tummy than the kids do tonight.
I’m not giving up on blogging or creating but I know there will be an adjustment period while I figure this all out.
What are you doing today?
Good luck with your new job, sounds like fun, and have a good start at school. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
I know you’ve wanted to do this for a long time, and I’m SO glad you are finally able to accomplish this. It’s a great break for you and I’m totally delighted for you. Thanks for sharing your three back packs and drinks with us for T this Tuesday.
I hope you have time to post on Tuesdays to keep us up to date on what’s happening in your life. We are rooting for you, regardless.
Good luck with your new job. It is very rewarding working with children who need extra help, I’m sure you will soon get a routine that will suit your family and working and I hope you will still be able to find some time for yourself. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx
Good for you. You might be nervous but how exciting. I like the photo of the 3 lunch boxes. :) Happy T day. hugs-Erika
A new direction is always exciting.This week, I’ll be preparing for the open house at the museum, a workshop series I’m teaching at a library, and waiting to see if my class at the museum runs next week. Even though I’ve done these things before, I still get butterflies on first day/night. Good luck with the new job
Good luck with your new job-it is always scarey to go into something a little different-could be fun too! I have been doing more baking in my dutch ovens outdoors-trying yeast breads this time-fun for me. have an awesome week! Happy T Day Kathy
best of luck for a great school year for all of you. I’m sure it’ll all be comfortable after the first new week. Happy T day!
Good luck for the new adventure!
Many congratulations and well done you! How wonderful and exciting to be starting a new job and you’ll do great ?. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J ?
OOOOOooo best wishes to you Halle… i won’t say good luck because you don’t need any…. you GOT this! Happy T day!! Hugs! deb
Good luck in your new job, Halle! I bet you’ll enjoy it. I taught special ed for 15 years and loved it. It was the most satisfying job I ever had.
Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen
Congrats on your new adventure! I trust all will go well :)
Happy T Tuesday
I hope that today went well, Halle! I’m back teaching Kindergarten again this year, and they wore me out today! It’s 7 pm and I’m in bed already :)