Welcome to another installment of T Tuesday!
Life has been busy and I just haven’t taken the time to post anything. I find sitting at a computer pretty much the least desirable thing lately mostly because when I do, it hurts my back. But I’ll take one for the team today. I’m actually sitting on the floor at my coffee table in hopes that it will help my posture.
Lately I’ve been doing more canning and preserving. A neighbor ended up with an excess of fresh food items from an event of some sort and shared hard boiled eggs, potatoes and apples with us.
I decided to try pickling eggs again since I had a gallon sized bag to get through. I don’t have a picture but you’ll have to believe me when I tell you they turned out wonderful. I even made egg salad with the pickled eggs. So yummy!
Canning potatoes is something I’ve always wanted to try and now that I have a pressure canner I am able to can low acid foods.
My first round of canning potatoes turned out great. And more to the point…tasted great!
I have been using my new outdoor propane camp stove for my latest canning projects. I’m so pleased with it. I have an electric stovetop in the house and hadn’t realized how much I like cooking with gas!!
Over the weekend I did back to back canning projects in the garage. (Yes I had proper ventilation in case anyone was concerned).
I canned 6 quarts of turkey broth and 7 quarts of potatoes. Unfortunately one of the quarts of potatoes failed to seal so I put it in the fridge and we had it with dinner tonight…so yummy!
Getting our pantry/storage room stocked and organized has been on my mind lately. Especially the organizing part because you don’t know what you have unless its organized in some fashion.
Slowly but surely I’m getting better on the organization end of things. My brain seems to work in a creative chaos most of the time but I am learning the value in everything having a place and everything in its place. At least in some areas of life. Don’t even talk to me about my desk…or craft desk…
Rewinding a bit to November…I had the chance to go on a couple of field trips with a handful of my 6th graders. The first was an outdoor environmental learning experience…unfortunately it was a terrible rainy day. We made the best of it and I think the kids got something out of the experience. The following day we headed to the MN Science Museum.
What’s a science museum without a bunch of dinosaur fossils?!?
This piece of art intrigued me and I wish I had had more time to check it out but duty calls.
I did snap this quick photo about the piece to check out later. I found it very interesting! I love that the artist used pieces salvaged from the Mississippi River.
As far as everything else in life… I’ve done a tiny bit of crafting when inspiration hits. I’ve also been listing things on eBay again with 50/50 results.
We hosted Thanksgiving here as usual and I was very happy that Mini-me was able to come home. J came over as well as Mr. G’s side of our immediate family. It was a nice way to spend the day!
Marvin enjoys his “only child” status immensely.
Since it wouldn’t be a proper T stands for Tuesday with a beverage…
here is one I sampled with the neighbors one Saturday afternoon while watching some college football.
I have done some canning in the past and found it very fiddly and time consuming, especially the sterilising the jars before hand. I see you have some sort of pressure cooker device. Is that how you sterilise the jars? I have a pressure cooker. Can I use that? That would make canning easier guess and perhaps a bit faster. I still think it’s not worth it as the jars are very expensive plus the energy to ‘cook’ each jar…. But your collection looks really nice, and as you say, it’s good to have everything in its place. Noe you can quickly grab something if you need something to eat. That fish artwork is amazing!! Thanks for sharing. Happy belated T-Day, Lisca
I’ve never tried canning. Mostly, there’s not much storage space in The Dollhouse. The trip to the science museum looks like fun. I love that fish sculpture and very cool made from stuff salvaged from the river. Nice that you had the family home for Thanksgiving. I bet that was lots more attention for Marvin. Happy T Day
For someone with a bad back, you sure did a LOT. Nice you did all that canning. I haven’t canned in I guess about 10 years.
I love your organization. You have some really great shelving, too. I agree that everything has a place and you keep it in its place.
You were right. That cat in the ad looks just like Marvin!!
Ah! You had an Octoberfest beer. Too light for me, but glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for sharing your canning, preserving, organization, and beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.
I love all the canniing you did! I’m still struggling with organizing it all. Made lots of pickled cucumbers and tomato sauce this year. Yum!Happy T Day and Prost!
Wow Halle, I am impressed with your canning operation. I’ve never tried canning low-acid food before, but the pickled eggs sound yummy. Thanks for sharing. It sounds like you’ve had a great few weeks since your last T day post too. I remember school field trips and duty calling too. But it’s fun. I hope you have a super T day. hugs-Erika
Hope your back gets better. I have a machine where I can turn upside down, that helps… Wasn´t even expensive. To canning and cute Marvin. Oktoberfest. Not an option for me… Either way, happy T-Day.