T Tuesday: canvas edition

I have been all over the place this week with ideas. None of which have actually come to fruition. But ideas are the start, right?

I am thinking of making a few seasonal canvas paintings. While digging through my canvas stash I found this one. I feel like it needs some words.

On these canvases, I threw some color down on the background to cover the previous paintings. I picked these two canvases out of a free bin at a garage sale over the summer. No idea where I’m headed with these…or if this is even a remote representation of the background colors….it was just a coverup.

My journal keeps getting more things tucked inside without any actual placement or journaling. One of these days…

The same goes for my travel journal. Although I did get photos printed, so I’m a little closer.

In art class this week the kids are working with clay. One of my students wanted to make a creeper from Minecraft. On the day I missed, it was decided that he’d make a mug. I helped him assemble the pieces and create the signature face. This week it’s all about adding textures and interest.  I’ve been assisting in the assembly a few other students’ projects as well…I love playing with clay. It would be so fun to make a project myself too. :)

This weekend brought us an unwelcome visitor…snow. As you can clearly see, we are nowhere ready for winter. Thankfully it was short-lived and we made it above 50°F today.

On Saturday we also had welcome visitors. They brought over this hard cider,

It was really quite good. I didn’t think I’d like it as most hard ciders are too sweet. This was not…it was almost like a dry white wine in flavor.

And I promised photos of all the assembled furniture…the white pieces are Mini-me’s and the dark brown is in J’s room.

We have a choir concert tonight for Mini-me. She is in two choirs this year…she and a couple of other girls are helping to lend more voice to the small freshmen girls choir. This means a change of clothes for them…floor-length dresses to choir robes.

What are you doing today?
15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: canvas edition
    14 Oct 2019

    Looks like me-several art projects in mind but not quite ready to start in on one-that’s me right now for sure. the hard cider sounds interesting, the clay art class you are teaching sounds fun. Happy T wishes Kathy

    Sharon Madson
    14 Oct 2019

    Snow! They had snow flurries in the forecast in the northwest part of our state earlier this week. So it was cool enough to turn on the furnace, but today up to 79 again! LOL I like that mug, very interesting. Happy T Day!

    14 Oct 2019

    Art projects keep the creativity going- whether they are completed or not. I’ve got those hanging around too:) Snow??? Oh no- I couldn’t stand it so soon… glad it was just a dusting. I think I see some clay work from you appearing here soon:) Happy T day!

    Erika N
    14 Oct 2019

    You have so much going on Halle. But other than the snow, it seems to be all good. Glad you got the furniture together too. But that snow, even if it wasn’t a lot it is still way too early for it. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    14 Oct 2019

    You have been very busy. I like the look of the canvases. I can’t believe you got those free. They are SO expensive, even in thrift stores.

    So glad you were able to get all that furniture assembled. That was a LOT of work.

    Loved the clay mug. It looked better than the hard cider, but you know I’m not a drinker.

    I saw on the weather channel that you had snow. I was checking to see that I’d had a hard freeze when they were talking about your snow. It snowed on Halloween a few years ago, so I’m not as surprised as some seem to be.

    Thanks for sharing your pending art and journal projects, your completed IKEA items, and your hard cider with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

    Iris Flavia
    15 Oct 2019

    That mug is a fun idea! Ewww, snow already?! The cider looks yummy, though I actually prefer a good beer. What am I doing today? Getting rid off clothes I didn´t use in say… 3 years. How boring! Happy T-Day!

    15 Oct 2019

    Snow: just the word makes me tremble in fear. I’m glad it melted quickly. Ugh. Your art canvases look good. Your beverage looks tasty. The assembled furniture looks nice. Happy T-Day!

    15 Oct 2019

    The mug looks fun and I think the students will be loving these classes using the clay. Your weeks seem to get busier , you must long for the holidays. It was good to see the furniture it looks very smart. I’m sorry you got snow, it does seem far to early, I hope it stays away from us for a couple of months. Hapy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    Divers and Sundry
    15 Oct 2019

    Snow?! Wow!

    It looks like the furniture project went well. The pieces look really nice. Happy T Tuesday!

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    15 Oct 2019

    Great post! You have so many crafting projects on the go, your canvas and journal looks beautiful ?. The furniture looks fabulous too! Wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    15 Oct 2019

    Brilliant idea to pick up painted canvases cheap or free and then paint over them, Halle.

    I have travel journals-to-be just like that. They sit for years. I’ve actually completed two. That leaves three or four.

    Good job on the furniture. When I look at ours, I sometimes think, “I can’t believe we did that!” Because it wasn’t easy. Some kits are better than others that are missing pieces or where pieces don’t fit well.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    15 Oct 2019

    Lot of projects to keep you busy in your spare time.? I don’t think I’ve had hard cider. I do like sweet white wines though. The furniture turned out great. I like the clean lines. Bet you’re glad you finally got it put together. Enjoy the concernt!

    16 Oct 2019

    I do like IKEA furniture and yours looks good and useful!! You certainly are busy – I hope you get some journalling time soon! Belated happy T day! Chrisx

    16 Oct 2019

    Oh dear, all those unfinished journals. Better do them or you will forget the details of your trip and how you felt. Well done you for putting all that furniture together. That was quite a job! Snow? You’re kidding me! I’m still in short sleeves…. The clay mug is brilliant and my mouth waters at the sight of dry cider. I would love a glass of that. Like you, I don’t care for sweet cider, but love the dry stuff. I love it that mini-me is so into her choir and singing.Singing makes you happy, but of course she knows that! Happy belated T-Day, Hugs, Lisca

    18 Oct 2019

    Ohh You have a lot of ideas Halle !! Perhaps you´ll need more time to achieve your projects, like me :) (smile) But what a chance to get those canvases, I ´m sure you´ll create wonderful art with them. Good idea to complete little by little what you want to put in your journal. The furniture look lovely. Wish you had a very happy T-day, and hope your weekend will be great. Big hugs, Caty

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