T Tuesday: cats edition

Last week for T stands for Tuesday I had wanted to share a video with you. I am 99% sure it will work but first I want to give you a little back story.

We have a stray cat that keeps coming around. It’s really friendly to a point…such as it rubs itself all over you but if you pet it “improperly to its standards” it will spit at you. I have yet to figure out if its a boy or girl or if it still has front claws. Close inspection is definitely not allowed with this one.


Look at it’s funny tail. It’s curly like a pug dog. So weird and cute at the same time. We’ve taken to calling it Pumpkin for the gender neutral name. We do feed and water Pumpkin when he visits usually once a week. It comes when I call to it so it makes me think that it has a home but for goodness sake…keep it inside then.

Marvin is an inside only cat so these two have only met through the window screen. I think Pumpkin wants to be friends….


We’re thinking about building some sort of shelter for it as we are not sure if this cat has a safe and warm place to overwinter. Since Pumpkin is quite feral and possibly belongs to someone we hesitate to bring him in as well as the fact that we know nothing about his health.

We are in search of another kitten though. We’ve visited a few and fell in love more than once. Who can resist a fluffy, playful kitten?!?

I’m battling a sore throat currently…more tea with honey and lemon is in order.


What are you doing today?

14 Thoughts on T Tuesday: cats edition
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    29 Aug 2016

    HMMM! You are braver than I. I won’t feed or encourage a cat that I don’t want to adopt. But it sounds like it wants to be loved, at least from all indication. And the idea of you being a two cat family had me about fall off my computer chair. I’m in total shock!

    Hope you are feeling better soon. I think you have been hanging out in my basement too long! Hope this is temporary, and the strain of the new school year doesn’t get you down.

    Thanks for sharing your tea and the visiting cat with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, I couldn’t get your video to come up, but it might be me and my very old computer.

    30 Aug 2016

    Feral cats can be dangerous, so be careful, but kind of you to care for it when it’s there, it’s very pretty, too. Sorry about the sore throat, hope you soon feel well. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    30 Aug 2016

    Its good to feed the feral cat, I’m not sure I would get to close either. Your cat seems a little unsure as well. Enjoy your Tea and I hope you feel better soon. Yvonne xx

    Linda K
    30 Aug 2016

    He does seem awfully friendly for a feral cat. I’m not used to seeing that. My great aunt feeds several strays (at least we think they are)daily but they don’t let anyone near them. I think you’re wise not to let this one indoors but understand wanting to give him shelter. Tea and honey is a great remedy for a sore throat. Fell better. And happy T day!

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    30 Aug 2016

    Marvin was definitely keeping his eye on Pumpkin LOL. Cute video. Time will tell what’s up with your cute visitor I guess. He knows a friendly cat house when he sees one. Happy T Day Halle Hope you’re feeling better real soon oxo

    Erika N
    30 Aug 2016

    Too bad Pumpkin has that one nasty nervous trait, especially if you are looking for a cat. He is obviously friendly, but maybe a little abused and can’t decide how to act. Poor guy. Hopefully you get a good house for him outside if he’s around all winter. Hope you feel better too. Hugs-Erika

    30 Aug 2016

    How kind you are to the stray (?) cat. Tea with honey and lemon is an old remedy my Mom used to give us……….plus Vicks vapor rub……they were tried and true. I do hope you are feeling better real soon. Happy T-day

    sheila 77
    30 Aug 2016

    Poor little feral cat, I’m glad you are being kind to it and thinking of providing a shelter. That is a very touching video, the cat is looking into the comfortable house and seeing the well-loved house cat. Hope it all goes well for you and the cats.

    Jo-Let's Art Journal
    30 Aug 2016

    Pumpkin is such a lovely name and he’s the right colour too! Seems he has found a friend and I think you are very sensible being so cautious :-). A little kitten sounds wonderful, they are always so cute! Sending you get well wishes, your honey and lemon tea sounds perfect for a sore throat. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

    30 Aug 2016

    Both cats are so attractive. Pumpkin looks a little too well cared for to be feral. Maybe at some point you will find out if Pumpkin has a home. Meanwhile your heart is in the right place and you are providing what you can.

    Lots of tea and honey – and maybe a shot of brandy. Never hurts, LOL

    Carol L Samsel
    31 Aug 2016

    Pumpkin is a pretty cat and semi friendly is good. A winter shelter will be great for it just in case. Cute video and Marvin does look a bit unsure yet about the new kid on the block.

    Divers and Sundry
    31 Aug 2016

    I’m thinking s/he must have a home since s/he’ll rub against you. Providing a safe home-away-from-home is thoughtful and certainly doesn’t hurt anything. Love the tail :)

    1 Sep 2016

    Maybe Pumpkin does have a home but prefers to be away! Hope you feel better soon! Chrisx

    2 Sep 2016

    your “pumpkin” Looks exactly like one of our neighbour cats, who often decides to stroll through our garden and makes her meow with a voice i never heard at cats before (like she had smoked too much, haha). i think he pretends to be a Lion;) how nice to make thoughts for him/her for winter. happy belated t-day, halle!

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