T Tuesday: checking off the list edition

The clock is ticking on the kids leaving for college. Mini-me goes in a week and a half, J is the week after. The piles of supplies are beginning. Last minute orders and trips to the stores, doctor appts, new glasses just to name a few items on the list. But slowly, we are making progress.

To add to the busy time…the garden is also producing like crazy.

That means that I need to preserve the harvest.

I’ve canned 7 pints of spicy beans and 3 pints diced tomatoes.

Air drying herbs as well as trying to dehydrate some.

Mini-me seemed to have an allergic reaction to the herbs in the dehydrator so after we finally figured out why her nose was running like a faucet, I shut it down and got it out of the house. Poor kid.

I was attempting to dry some of this mint as well. Its really growing like crazy. Since the dehydrator seems out of the question, at least until she leaves the nest for college, I tried making some tea with fresh mint and nasturtium blossoms.

It was ok. Not bad but not very flavorful…which is not surprising. I know herb flavors concentrate after drying.

I may try to dry some but I am not holding out a lot of hope that I will enjoy the end product so therefore I am not super committed to the process.

One day last week, Mini-me and I took a quick drive over to IKEA and the Mall of America. We were able to get a few items on her list for college ay IKEA. Obviously a lot of other people had the same idea before us since several of the things on her want list were sold out. We decided to go into MOA since it is literally across the street from IKEA.

I quickly snapped this photo of a few of the truly massive Lego creations that sit atop the Legoland.

And Nickelodeon Universe. The mall was really not busy at all which was very refreshing. I don’t think we would have stayed if it had been busy.

I’m posting this on Monday evening because I have an eye appt in the morning. I know she will dilate my eyes so I won’t be able to see much of anything for several hours. I’m not a fan of it but I know its to check eye health so I will do it begrudgingly.


What are you doing today?
13 Thoughts on T Tuesday: checking off the list edition
    11 Aug 2021

    oh I love your dark tomatoes, are they a heritage variety I wonder? Love all the preserving, well done, it’s a big job. Happy T Day Elle xx

    10 Aug 2021

    Ohhh you are busy. Your garden is amazing. I am canning string beans in the morning. Your peppers!!!! It is too cold here for good toms and pepper. The green house is helping so we will see. Have a great day.

    Sharon Madson
    10 Aug 2021

    What an amazing garden you have. I hope you can get everything canned and dried. The mall looked like there with fun things. Happy T Day!

    Lisca Meijer
    11 Aug 2021

    Yes, this is a busy time. I’m sure you will get everything done before the kids leave. Then you’ll have some peace and quiet.
    I am impressed with your vegetable garden and your canning. You really have done well in your garden. It must be very satisfying.
    I’m sorry to hear about Mini-me’s allergic reaction. Herbs can be used fresh, but you just have to use more of it. We have fresh mint too and we like to make tea with it.
    What fun to see those Lego creations! I have never been to Legoland, but our son and d-i-l live in Windsor (England) where there is a Legoland at the bottom of their road. So they take out a season ticket while the children are still small.
    I have been to the MOA many years ago (perhaps 30 yrs ago). It was new and it was a major tourist attraction back then. My late friend lived in Bloomington.
    Happy belated T-Day,

    13 Aug 2021

    Busy time with the young people. Looks like you’ll get quite a bounty from your garden. Your tea blend looks so pretty, too. Happy T Day

    Iris Flavia
    10 Aug 2021

    We have such a dehydrator, too. Only made Jerky so far. Hmmm, any tips on what else to do?
    IKEA… haven´t been in ages and it´s just a 5 km-walk!
    Happy T-Day!

    Erika N
    10 Aug 2021

    I remember those getting ready to leave for college days. It is a lot of work. Is Minnie-Me excited? How are you doing Halle? And your garden is looking great. Mine is slow, but coming along. and fun photos of the Mall of America. When do you go back to school? Too many questions from me, so I will wish you a happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    Jan s
    10 Aug 2021

    It’s a busy time getting ready for college, I remember when our son went off to university, my car was fully loaded and then it all had to come back again at the end of the year.
    Your garden looks well stocked, our tomatoes weren’t the ones we usually grow so they’re more for cooking than eating but we will freeze them for making sauces in the cooler months so they won’t be wasted
    Happy T Day

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    10 Aug 2021

    Wow, such a busy time for you! You must be so proud of your kids going off to collage 😁. Your garden is looking amazing, such lovely fruit and veggies. Loved seeing the mall too, such fun! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

    Linda K
    10 Aug 2021

    Oh how lucky you are to have such a productive garden!! I so miss the next door neighbors we had until last year- they always had the nicest garden veggies and herbs- and we got to enjoy it all with them. All the best for a new year of college for your kids. Happy T day!

    Kate Yetter
    10 Aug 2021

    Loving the Legoland creations.
    Everything from your garden looks fabulous! Our temperatures have been so hot that everything is getting burnt. Your plants seem to be producing a lot! Those beans sounds delicious!
    Happy Tea Day,

    Divers and Sundry
    10 Aug 2021

    You’re getting a lot from your garden. It’s nice you know how to preserve so much. The tea looks pretty. My daughter and her husband went to the Mall of America after they moved to MN, and it looks impressive! Happy T Tuesday :)

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    10 Aug 2021

    I never had to worry about getting kids ready for college, but I did that a lot myself. I only had one back pack all through my college years. Speaks wonders for Jan Sport.

    You have done a ton of canning. That is amazing and all your plants/veggies are going like crazy. I am in awe of your sage. Was that rosemary in the dehydrator? Sorry for Mini and her allergies. That put a crimp in your drying.

    Loved seeing the MOA. It is the one big mall that is still going strong, unlike so many that are past their prime.

    Thanks for sharing your veggies, canning, MOA photos, and your pot of mint tea with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

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