T Tuesday: Como Zoo edition

Good Morning! I almost missed another week of blogging. I’ve been really off my game for a couple of weeks.

J came home from college on a 4 day Fall break.
It was fun to see him again so soon and mostly healthy this time. He still has a lingering cough. The evening we picked him up I sat back and watched the fun banter between the kids. It felt more like old times. Warmed this mom’s heart.

On Saturday Mini-me and I went to Como Zoo so she could take photos for a photography class assignment. It was a photojournalism assignment to record a community event. We went to the polar bear talk at the zoo. 

Look at the size of those paws!! It was an interesting presentation. Mini-me got lots of great photos to complete her assignment. Then we were able to walk around and enjoy the rest of the chilly morning.

This lioness was very upset. There was a service dog walking past. She was staring and growling. The dog was whining. It was sad because the family was deaf and wasn’t aware of the dog’s distress right away until it began to act out of sorts…definitely not like a trained service dog. Thankfully for the dog, they immediately left the area when they realized it.

Before heading home we stopped in the gift shop.

We discovered a large selection of tea sets. Who knew?

These cats made me smile.

I was very tempted to purchase this black set. It was so beautiful.

Well kids…I’m off to school. Halloween is Thursday…I’m dressing up again this year…the kids will think it’s pretty funny…I hope.

What are you doing today?
15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: Como Zoo edition
    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    29 Oct 2019

    So nice to have J home and it sounds like you had a lovely time visiting the zoo! Poor dog I think I would be afraid if the lioness was looking at me like that too ?. The tea services are amazing, the kitty cat made me smile too and I would have been tempted by the black set, the finish looks like Raku pottery. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    Divers and Sundry
    29 Oct 2019

    What a good opportunity y’all found to get photos for that assignment. I wonder about the service dog’s training… That’d be stressful for everybody :( Those are all 3 beautiful tea sets. It’d be tempting :) Happy T Tuesday!

    Iris Flavia
    29 Oct 2019

    Wow, those are huge paws indeed! Poor doggy… I love the cat-tea-set. Happy T-Day and Halloween later :-)

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    29 Oct 2019

    Glad that J made it home and the two Js had fun together. I know you have missed this.

    Does this mean you were able to get into the zoo free, since she had an assignment? Too bad the service dog apparently wasn’t properly trained.

    I LOVE the Kitty tea set. They are all great, but the kitty stole my heart.

    Thanks for taking us to Como Zoo and sharing those tea sets in the gift shop for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    29 Oct 2019

    Zoo’s are always a fun place to visit. That sounds like a fun project for your daughter. Those tea sets are beautiful! I love the first one and the black one. I could look at tea sets all day. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    29 Oct 2019

    What a lovely weekend you had, Halle. Memories to cherish. I love the oriental tea sets in the zoo shop. I agree, unexpected products to find there. Does the zoo have pandas?

    Happy Halloween and Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    29 Oct 2019

    Lovely photos from the zoo and the paw looked huge. The dog must have been really distresses. its good the owners realised something was wrong. Those tea sets looked beautiful, I think the black one would have been my favourite as well. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    29 Oct 2019

    Hi, sorry I am so late visiting, I was gone all day today. sounds like a fun event with your daughter. I love those tea pots they look like they are made in Japan. my favorite is the first one but I love the cats too. Happy T hugs Kathy

    29 Oct 2019

    Great zoo photos. And service dogs probably don’t get trained on exposure to things like a mountain lion, so it’s no wonder its instincts took over, and it was afraid. Those tea sets are beautiful. I especially liked the first one. Happy T-Day!

    29 Oct 2019

    Oh that is a fabulous kitty tea set. It looks Japanese, maybe? And I bet you had a fun trip to the zoo. It looks like you had a good day. Hope it was a super T day. hugs-Erika

    29 Oct 2019

    Love the photos of the tea sets, I like them all and I agree with everyone else that they look Japanese with the handles. It’s always lovely when you get the family back together, my favourite time especially listening to and joining in all the banter. Have a lovely week Jan x

    30 Oct 2019

    This bear is lovely Halle !! Wish you spent a very nice T-day. Those tea sets are very beautiful, the green and black is amazing. I wish you a very nice Thursday, Big hugs, Caty

    30 Oct 2019

    I expect mini-me got lots of information for her school assignment! Great that you had the bonus of seeing the lovely pottery! Enjoy your family time! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

    31 Oct 2019

    I’m sure it was great to have J home again (and his sister enjoyed it too). I love the photos from the zoo. The polar bear paw is impressive. Those tea sets are beautiful. They look Japanesey. The cat one is really nice. Happy belated T-Day, Lisca

    Sharon Madson
    1 Nov 2019

    Fun zoo visit. I love to visit zoos! Love all those tea pots! Sorry to be late. Have a great week-end!

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