T Tuesday: days of summer edition

Last updated : April 11, 2016

Happy Tuesday! So glad you could join me for another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

We’ve been trying to get out and about more this summer with the kids before they are too old to want to go out with us….or have jobs and can’t. I know we still have a couple of years but the times goes by so quickly.

On one adventure we came across a garage sale…more of a sample sale I guess. The kids convinced me I needed this travel glass.great at 40Of course, this edit would be most accurate…actually 42We’ve explored the MN Landscape Arboretum twice already. I bought a 1yr membership with my birthday money so I want to make sure we make it worth while. collage1 collage3Such a beautiful place…abundant trails…something new around every corner.

We always have a great time on Independence Day.collage4And no, those are not my kids. Mine are much, much older.

collage2We just had to go see Minnehaha Falls after the torrential rains and flooding. I’ve never seen the Falls running that fierce. It’s just a few short blocks from the Mississippi River, we ventured over there as well. collage5These photos were taken from Lock and Dam #1. The trees in the middle of the river look pretty strange right?! It’s normally an island about 200 yards from the dam. A good share of the walkways used by the Army Corp of Engineers are totally under water as well. I’ve never seen anything like it.

The more we adventure around…the more places we want to see. I keep making lists of things to explore. I’m sure we’ll have lots more to share before summer is over.

But for today, I have my everlasting list to tackle.

What are you doing today?

15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: days of summer edition
    22 Jul 2014

    Gorgeous photos dear…love the mosaic of arboretum photos! you are right about doing stuff with the kids while you can… you are making wonderful memories! happy T day!

    22 Jul 2014

    Wonderful pictures. I have a friend in Minneapolis, and have stayed up with all the flooding, and HERE we are dry as a bone. The flowers and art work are just stunning. Thanks for sharing, and happy T-day

    Linda K
    22 Jul 2014

    LOVE your new altered cup :):) It’s wonderful to be able to enjoy that fabulous arboretum-especially with your kids.Really great photos! I thoroughly enjoyed them all-especially the water shots-wow! Happy T day!

    22 Jul 2014

    I love the photo mosaics you created! The arboretum looks like a fun place to explore–that statue is really interesting! Do you know anything about it? We felt the same way about our daughter (who is now 21) and took her loads of places. As a result, even now that she has a job, a steady boyfriend, an internship and lots of friends, she still enjoys and wants to do things with M & D!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    22 Jul 2014

    First, I think that mug is adorable. If it stands still, you will alter it!

    Second, I see some kids (bottom right band members from 4th of July) who look like they are shaving already. NOW I KNOW Little J and Mini you are NOT that big (grin)!!

    I was all enthralled with the photos of the arboretum because we have nothing that actually compares here. I really liked following you around the grounds, then on to the roaring, swollen river and the bridge and locks. This was a fun trip for me.

    I hope to be doing something FREE later in the week, because you know how I feel about free! BTW, not sure if T put it on Facebook (she probably didn’t), but her mom died on Saturday, peacefully at home.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    22 Jul 2014

    OK, my OTHER right bottom photo (grin).

    Divers and Sundry
    22 Jul 2014

    I love your photos! That arboretum loves wonderful. I like the flowers and the sculptures. I know you’ll enjoy your membership.

    I guess all that water will be working its way down to our part of the Mississippi River soon.

    Bridget Larsen Australia
    22 Jul 2014

    Love that travel cup and yes you’d have to change the last digit every year LOL. Arboretums are gorgeous places to go to Bridget #1

    22 Jul 2014

    Your cup looks great. Wow! the arboretum photos are simply awesome. I’ve been wanting to go to the Botanical garden we have here. Have a wonderful week

    22 Jul 2014

    Enjoyed discovering the museum and the falls through your photos. I’d have to have a much “older” drink cup though, LOL!


    Rita McGregor
    22 Jul 2014

    OMG! I couldn’t believe that was Minnehaha Falls! And the Mississippi looks just wild, too. Goodness! I knew we have all had a lot of rain this summer, but that really drove it home for me. You guys have been getting out and about. Good for you! Enjoy!!! Happy T-Day! :)

    Robyn Josephs
    22 Jul 2014

    Beautiful travelogue. Your new cup will help you keep hydrated and all your activities

    ~*~Patty Szymkowicz Magpie's Nest
    22 Jul 2014

    Your photos are wonderful Halle. I spy some Scavenger Hunt shots in there too! The Arboretum sure looks special… lucky you to have it close by. Your high waters had been on our news here in the DC area… you are so right about how quickly time flies too! Happy T Day oxo

    23 Jul 2014

    Great photos there. What a surprise to see the mississippi flooded like that. Wow! I have a lot of my bucket list on pinterest now! I need to live and be active until at least 100 to do them all and craft. I will need to keep working too to pay for it all! Hugs xx

    Kim Andersen
    24 Jul 2014

    Isn’t it fun to explore our own “backyards?” You live in a beautiful part of the country!

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