T Tuesday: Dig deep edition

Hello and welcome to the one year anniversary of T stands for Tuesday! Elizabeth asked us to “dig deep” in our archives to find our favorite T Tuesday post from the past year. What a task!!  I had a hard time choosing just one….it’s like asking who’s you favorite child or pet. So I sat down last evening with a glass of red wine and my eBook reader to contemplate.20140714_5879I finally settled on a post from last October.

Lets take a look….


It’s been a whirlwind of activity around here since last week. I think the last time I’ve had two hours to rest during the day was when I was in the salon, last T Tuesday, getting my hair done.


I’ve been sewing like crazy. On both fabric…

cup cozy

And paper.

sewn cards

Of course, some painting as well.

painted series

In fact I have some spray painted goodies in the garage right now. Hopefully I’ll get everything done for Saturday. I have so many ideas now at the last minute for my craft sale. That’s the way it always works with me. I come down to the wire and my mind starts racing with new items to add to my table.

In addition to my “crafty crap”, as Mr. G so affectionately refers to it,  I have these this on my list.

  • a chapter to read for my bookclub tomorrow.
  • finish A Wrinkle in Time for Big J’s “partners in reading” project….yes, I get homework too.
  • mow the lawn…bagging it since there are so many leaves.

As well as the regular Tuesday stuff…knitting group, pesky household chores and  visiting T Stands for Tuesday blogs.

What are you doing today?

17 Thoughts on T Tuesday: Dig deep edition
    15 Jul 2014

    Happy T anniversary, Halle! I enjoyed this look back at your awesome art!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    15 Jul 2014

    So glad you chose this post. It was fantastic last year, and again this year. I still love the streaks of pink you add to your hair to honor Breast Cancer Month. Thankfully you have the complexion for it, too.

    I get a kick out of “crafty crap” every time you say or write it. It’s so funny, and I can just hear you saying it now.

    Thanks for joining and sharing for this special T edition.

    ~*~Patty Szymkowicz Magpie's Nest
    15 Jul 2014

    Choosing one post was challenging…you did good Halle with this selection chock full of good stuff! Here’s to continued fun and sharing… Happy T Day oxo p.s. to answer your question here too…I use Pixlr Express to make mosaics and add my watermark and such … it is a REALLY easy free program to use that I cannot live without :-)

    15 Jul 2014

    I enjoy your posts and always find something new to look at even though I’ve looked before. Looking forward to another year of T Tuesdays and seeing what you are working on.


    Divers and Sundry
    15 Jul 2014

    Love that hair! I remember that cup cozy and that striking button. It’s hard to pick a favorite. I kinda gave up ;)

    Linda K
    15 Jul 2014

    I LOVE those pink streaks in your hair! Delightful cards and painted projects too. Thanks for sharing and a happy T day to you!

    15 Jul 2014

    A lot of accomplishments that week, and a terrific re-post! Loved the pink hair, and all of your gorgeous cards!

    15 Jul 2014

    HI Halle!!

    I can SO hear my hubby say Crafty Crap just like yours… although usually he is a little more diplomatic… lol….. Thanks so much for sharing your archived post. I’m new around here so its not archival to me but NEW! :) Hugs! deb

    Denise Price
    15 Jul 2014

    I think you chose your post well, because it has “a little of everything.” Happy T Day! :)

    15 Jul 2014

    Oh What a great post. Well done you for streaking your hair pink for cancer. Something I am contemplating this year. Though my hair is so short I am not sure it will be seen! Hugs xx

    Rita McGregor
    15 Jul 2014

    Fun to see the art and craft things you were working on again. I totally forgot about the past post thing. Oh well. Happy T-Day anniversary! :)

    Bridget Larsen Australia
    15 Jul 2014

    I know why its your favourite, gorgeous cards you have there Bridget #4

    Ohhh Snap
    15 Jul 2014

    Love your paintings! The wine looks delicious,

    gayle Price
    15 Jul 2014

    Hey Halle, wow you have been busy. Love the colour in your hair and your little paintings and cards. I have just bought an eBook, a Kobo and just love it. Isn’t it great to look back and see what you have done !

    15 Jul 2014

    I don’t remember seeing this before. Your paper cards and paintings are awesome. Happy T Anniversary to you too and Thank you for sharing your lovely art here.

    15 Jul 2014

    Hello and Happy T Day! I remember this post and LOVED it and still do!! Full of beautiful art that you are still sharing with us. I like that you also do a variety of crafty things, more fun I think. So glad you remembered my fall post and enjoy it. It was fun to see everyone’s today. WOW, you do have a lot on your list, hope you got it done and had fun in between. We had a surprise party for my sister at her new house, she was shocked to see us all show up. She thought just my mom was coming, lol. Have a great week!

    15 Jul 2014

    I wasn’t here, so fun to see for the first time! Here’s to another year of T4!

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