T Tuesday: disaster edition

T stands for Tuesday_200As always on Tuesday…I’m linking up with T stands for Tuesday where we share a virtual beverage and talk about whatever comes to mind. IMG_0202

This week I was hoping to share all kinds of fun things that I had created with you like my new journal

But instead I have a tale. A true story from Sunday.

So grab your cuppa and sit a spell.

Sunday morning I put a turkey in the oven…one of the four I purchased when they were on sale at Thanksgiving.  It looked and smelled delightful when I pulled it out of the oven. It was perfectly cooked…I had out done myself on this one.

Mini-me was helping with all the sides. We had gravy heating on the stove while I was carving the turkey. She was heating green beans in the microwave and making instant mashed potatoes ( I know…but those are the kind she loves and since she was making them). The plastic splatter cover from the microwave was set over a burner…that was never on…and when we turned around it had melted in and was on fire.

I quickly grabbed the plastic and tossed it into the sink at which time the melted plastic on the burner continued to flame even higher.  I made a judgement call and grabbed the fire extinguisher and shot it. Only then did I realize that horrendous mess we had.

I threw open windows, the smoke alarm was going off. Mini-me was in tears in her room. Our entire meal had to be thrown away due to the toxic nature of the chemical flame retardant.

On the bright side…my kitchen is the cleanest it’s been since we moved in thanks to Mr. G. He is a cleaning master. I took the kids out to eat (since I had thrown away our food) after getting everything off the counters cleaned up while he cleaned up the rest including taking apart the stove to get all the chemicals out from the nooks and crannies.

How’s that for excitement!?!?

He jokingly told me next time I wanted him to clean,  to just ask. :)

Today I’m staying home watching the freezing rain and snow fall outside. It’s going to be a skating rink out there.

What are you doing today?

17 Thoughts on T Tuesday: disaster edition
    11 Feb 2015

    Hello and Happy T day late! WOW, that is some story, how sad and scary. So glad all of you are ok, especially your daughter being so close by. Good thinking and reacting on your part. Thanks for turning it around to the brighter/funny side at the end, made me laugh at what hubby said. I think it’s so awesome that mini me helps you in the kitchen and what a nice dinner you had planned too. YAY! I like your daughter love instant potatoes but am the only one in the house. Should come to your house and have some. Hope the rest of your week isn’t too exciting as this. Stay warm and safe in this winter weather.

    10 Feb 2015

    What a crazy story!! Glad all turned out ok.

    10 Feb 2015

    Gosh .. that sounds horrible– good to hear that no one is injured… That’s essential! Keep care …. xoxoxo Susi Happy T-Day!

    10 Feb 2015

    Oh what I did today you wnt to know- I was also looking on the snow falling down today and did snow shovelling…

    10 Feb 2015

    Oh my word what a scary drama; I’m so glad nobody was hurt! Ahh, your poor daughter – what a fright she got, bless her. Your weather sounds like you’re best off staying indoors. :) Today I finished another page in my Anti Journal (new post tomorrow) and started birthday cards for my oldest boy. Happy T Day :D

    Divers and Sundry
    10 Feb 2015

    My days are never that exciting. ;) I think excitement is over-rated lol

    I am back from my volunteer duties at a local cat shelter, making fresh coffee, and cueing up a Japanese movie via Hulu’s free offerings on the computer. No snow or ice here and not likely to be with a high predicted in the upper 40sF.

    I hope today is a calm and peaceful one for you :)

    Linda K
    10 Feb 2015

    Oh my that could have been even more disastrous! Thank goodness everyone was OK and what a dear Mr G is! That comment about the cleaning made me giggle. We had a bit of a skating rink yesterday but thankfully it is melting a bit today-before some more snow is due Thurs. and Sat. Where oh where is spring? Stay warm -and safe- and happy T day!

    10 Feb 2015

    Oh my- I always wondered what would happen if I had to use one of the fire extinguishers . In spite of the mess, I’m glad you did it and all are safe! Nice mug photo!

    10 Feb 2015

    That is way too much excitement for one day! All kidding aside, I am glad that it sounds like there was no real damage other than a mess to clean up. Today it is sunny and 40 degrees…I really hope the weather you are having today is not headed our way!

    10 Feb 2015

    Such a shame to waste all that food but at least no one was harmed. Do you rent out Mr G by any chance? I need my kitchen cleaned up but it is too cold out there to be on my hands and knees cleaning inside the cupboards! My Mr works nights and I cannot clean the oven because the cleaner affects my chest…when I want the oven cleaned I leave the door open on his last night and the cleaners on the door and usually he gets the hint!! Happy T Day! xx

    Rita McGregor
    10 Feb 2015

    OMG! Sounded like the death of the scent of turkey in the air like on A Christmas Story…only instead of the Butkus’s dogs it was burning plastic that destroyed the meal. Glad you are all safe! Sorry about the turkey, though. Happy T-Day! :)

    Karla B
    10 Feb 2015

    I am glad nobody was hurt but sorry about the waste of food.Here we have to clean our own kitchens alone. Our husbands hardly ever help us. Today I worked in the afternoon and now I am here enjoying myself!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    10 Feb 2015

    Yes, I’m late getting here, and I have no excuse, other than I was trying to feel better.

    Something similar happened to me two weeks ago. I lit the fire under the metal cover on my burner. I set the pot of beans on the burner, but forgot to remove the metal cover. Scott stopped by and laughed. He told me I had another ART PROJECT. At least, mine didn’t cause any melting, and I got it off before it became a disaster. Sorry to read about yours, but at least Mr. G was there to help. What a gem.

    Thanks for sharing this tale with us for T this Tuesday. In the end, I’m sorry, but I had to laugh. You will too in about 20 years or so.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    10 Feb 2015

    I forgot to mention. When I first started reading, I thought you were going to tell us you cooked the giblets in their packet inside the turkey. Don’t ask me how I thought of that!!!!!!!!!!

    11 Feb 2015

    OMG, I can’t stop laughing!!!! I once set my kitchen sink on fire and wouldn’t call the fire department because our good friend was on duty. I put the fire out myself. It was set off my using acetone to clean something in the sink and cooking soup on the stove at the same time! It did about $2,500. worth of damage to the kitchen cabinets and ceiling……LOL Hope you share your new journal next week. Thanks for the earlier visit.

    11 Feb 2015

    Oh my! That must have been real scary. Glad to know that you could keep the fire in control. Wishing you a peaceful week-:)

    ~*~Patty Szymkowicz Magpie's Nest
    12 Feb 2015

    YIKES scary and such a waste of your nice cooked meal. Lots of lessons learned all around. The thought of toxic fumes gives me a headache. You all take care! oxo

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