T Tuesday: domestically inclined edition

Hello there…you came back for yet another edition of T stands for Tuesday! Thank you! For those of you who are new to my blog, WELCOME and let me tell you a little about T stands for Tuesday. Elizabeth aka alteredbooklover hosts a weekly link up or virtual tea party, if you will, where we share what ever the heck we want for the week as long as we can somehow tie a beverage or beverage related item into the mix. Pretty simple huh? So lets get on with it, shall we…

This week I’ve been a mix of artsy and domestic. I’ve previously posted a couple of artsy things so now you get to see some of my domesticity. Last week…no, two weeks ago (geez where does the time go) I shared our “new” hutch for T stands for Tuesday. I mentioned that I need to make a curtain to cover the wine rack shelf. I went searching through a box of vintage linens and found the perfect solution.

vintage linen

Simple beauty. These were my Grandma’s as well. Or perhaps her sisters…a cousin of mine just told me a story that my grandma talked her sister out of a bunch of linens saying that she needed them more in the parsonage than her sister did on the farm.  Hmmm…

vintage linen

I’m guessing these were purchased by my grandparents in Minneapolis if the stickers are to be believed. Dayton’s became a upscale department store here in the midwest and started the discount chain Target.

After ironically running to Target to pick up a tension rod, I realized that I wouldn’t even have to cut these linens. I folded them in half and ran a straight line of stitching an inch from the fold.

vintage linen curtain

This gave me a double layer of fabric providing more light blocking which was exactly what I was going for with this project.

vintage linen curtain The linen curtain makes this piece feel more Scandinavian. Marvin still loves his spot by the door and really could care less about the curtain.


I did a bit of canning and baking as well when the weather cooled down.

spicy beans

I made spicy beans, zucchini bread and pumpkin bread. I like having a little bit of baked goods in the freezer just in case we are suddenly having company and I was completely out.

I also have to share a day that Mini-me  and I had about a month ago. I keep meaning to share but it just hasn’t worked out. She’s been wanting to dye her hair…not all of it but some. A streak or some underneath. She just couldn’t decided so we waited. She finally decided, so we did it.



It’s faded now quite a bit so we are going to redo it likely in the next couple weeks before school starts.

We went out to eat at Old Chicago to celebrate her fun new hair. It’s one of her favorite restaurants.


Well that’s it for today. I’ve got another busy Tuesday ahead of me but I’ll be around eventually to visit.

What are you doing today?

15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: domestically inclined edition
    9 Aug 2016

    Love those linen curtains, looks so good! Well done on a great project. And those beans look tasty, too. Your daughter’s hair is fun, glad you went out to celebrate it! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    9 Aug 2016

    The linen towel were perfect for your project. Clever you! The hair color is great, just enough. I especially like the effect when it is braided.

    Dianne C.
    9 Aug 2016

    I adore old linens…so impressed that these are crisply new with the tags still on! They are perfect for your little curtains and look just right in this wonderful hutch! Love the hair color…so fun… And canning too!? a busy week…love your domestic post! Happy August!

    9 Aug 2016

    These linen towels are so awesome! i love the look of a bit red in them.
    and the two-Color braids… aaah, they are so beautiful!! what a good idea to Color just a part of the hair.
    have a great week and happy t-day!

    Lisca Meijer
    9 Aug 2016

    Wow! That is lovely quality linen! From the days when girls collected stuff for dowries. They look great on your new hutch.
    I did a similar thing with a (new, not antique) large towel in one of my bathrooms to hide an under-the-stairs cavity.
    Well done for doing some canning.
    I really like your daughter’s fun color streak. It’s fun.
    Happy T-Day,
    And a great week ahead,

    9 Aug 2016

    Great job with making the hand towels into curtains for the hutch…they look great.

    Way to hot to do any canning around here, of course I haven’t canned in years…LOL!

    Love the braids with the dark running through them…cute.

    Happy T-day

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    9 Aug 2016

    Goodness, you really ARE MS domesticity, aren’t you? Love the curtains, and adore how well behaved Marvin is. Lucky you. BTW, I remember you telling me about Target being in Minneapolis.

    Mini-me is truly growing up, isn’t she? Love that hair. Maybe you could do mine next. I’ve got at most three inches in front, and 1/2 an inch in back. I wanted it cool for the summer and Sally thinks I’ve been scalped!

    I think there used to be an Old Chicago here, too, but it may be gone now. Thanks for sharing the curtain and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday. Tell Mini-me I like the color she chose for her hair, too.

    9 Aug 2016

    Love that streak — very cool. And love those vintage dishtowels and the little curtain you made. And the beer looks good too. Happy T day.

    Divers and Sundry
    9 Aug 2016

    That curtain looks like it was made for that piece of furniture. Well, it was… but you know what I mean. It’s the perfect thing.

    I haven’t made zucchini bread in years, but I do like it.

    My daughter loves the blue in her hair. It’s so much fun to play with these ideas to find what suits you. I’m trying green in mine ;)

    Happy T Tuesday!

    Jo-Let's Art Journal
    9 Aug 2016

    Your linen curtain does make it feel more Scandinavian, a lovely addition! Nothing tastes better than home baked and canned goods, delicious! And I’m with you I always have things in my freezer incase we have unexpected company :-). Love your daughter’s fun new hair and a great idea to celebrate at Old Chicago! Wishing you a Happy T day! J :-)

    9 Aug 2016

    Great curtains Halle – adorable all those canned goods -and this hairlooks super!!!
    Happy T-Day Halle!

    9 Aug 2016

    The linen fabrics, into curtains, were a great find for your cupboard. A great finishing touch. Your canned vegetables looked very tasty.
    Your daughters hair looks fun with the colour running down the plait.
    Happy Tuesday

    Erika N
    9 Aug 2016

    I guess I missed the hutch while away but man, it is a gorgeous piece. Your linen curtains really finish it off, and it does look so Scandinavian. I like how it holds different things so well. And like you I love to can. Yesterday I made zucchini bread with some zucchini from from garden and tomorrow is pickle day. Always exciting. Happy T day-Hugs-Erika

    Carol L Samsel
    10 Aug 2016

    Love those linen towels !!! They do make the perfect curtain. I have canning I need to get done this week too. Wasn’t planning on a puppy eating up my time. Love your daughters hair :)

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    13 Aug 2016

    What a perfectly lovely and meaningful use of those linens Halle!
    They look great and compliment your Scandinavian hutch beautifully.
    I like your daughter’s hair partially dyed. It looks more interesting than the whole head in my opinion.

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