Today we have a special edition of T stands for Tuesday. Not only is it Earth Day, it is our hostesses birthday….or bEARTHday as she is fond of saying.
Happy Birthday Elizabeth!
Since it’s Earth Day, I thought I’d give you a little overview of my day and what I do to leave a little smaller footprint.I make my grocery lists on junk mail envelopes if I’m bringing coupons to the store. I’ve lost enough using just a paperclip in the past. Originally when I started using envelopes I used new ones…one day while throwing out junk mail about 17 years ago it dawned on me…I should just use those. Duh!
I’ll be combining my errands today to save on gas. I have 4 places to go all around our bustling little town.
One of those stops will be Goodwill. We were fortunate enough to get a couple bags of hand-me-downs from a friend again. Just in time too since the weather is changing and both kids out grew most of their summer items. Anything that is too worn, stained or holey gets torn up for rags around the house. I wash the standard cleaning job rags but the ones used for the nasty jobs…I just throw away. I figure I got one more use out of that sock with a hole so it’s all good.
In our continuing effort to shop local we signed up for a 1/2 share CSA (community supported agriculture) for the summer. We’ll also be getting an egg share from the same farmer. Soon our freezer will once again be filled with butcher wrapped cuts of meat from the 1/4 of beef for the year. Our neighbors go in on buying a whole cow so it keeps the price lower…the processor is only 20 min from here.
I’ve written several other posts over the years with tips and tricks to help leave a smaller footprint. We can all do our part…no matter how small…it all helps.
Happy Earth Day everyone!!
Those junk mail env’s come in handy don’t they? I keep a stack in a drawer near the phone and use them to jot down a quick word or two if I need to remember something.
Hello and Happy T Day!! I love what you’ve shared here and am happy to say I use envelopes for my lists too. Never thought about putting the coupons inside, YAY!! I use the same old towels we’ve had for years and finally pitch them when they are falling in shreds. I hate doing this and usually my hubby has to secretly dispose of them for me. Same with my hair towel, I’m the only one here who likes to put there hair up after a shower. It’s the same towel I’ve used for about 18 years now, because I don’t do anything but wrap my hair it’s still in good shape. When we have to go the mall which is a half hour away, I combine everything into one trip from that area too. I also keep foil from our baked potatoes and reuse them each time we cook them. Every little bit does help. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips. Have a great day and Happy Earth Day!
my mother always did that, and i learned it from her. never through away those envelopes or blank-on-one-side junk mail. there’s always another use for it. we’re fond of goodwill, too. they know my husband’s car on site lol. we donate everything that can be carried there.
great ways to help save our earth Halle. I use those envies but never thought to use it for my shopping list-love this idea!! Happy T day and happy earth day too!
Awesome post about how you recycle…great idea about the grocery lists! I love Goodwill & Salvation Army too, and often donate there as well as shopping there. Great place for ephemera, old books, and glassware! happy T day my dear!
That’s a clever idea for the grocery lists and coupons! Eating local is great! Dagan and Leah joined a farming thing this summer with some friends for veggies for the season. I think they get a box every week or something like that. I may get some of the overflow. ;) They also get a quarter beef, too. (Myself, I don’t eat meet.) Local is the best!! :) Happy T-Day and a Happy Earth Day!
Happy T Day! I often use the envelopes for lists, if Hubby has left any without shopping lists on! LOL! I also recycle clothing and sewing scraps as well as only light the room I am in. I am still working hard to get Hubby to do the same!! All non meat food stuff goes to our feathered recycling units outside – Chickens! Nothing like the taste of your own eggs. We all need to try our best for future generations! Hugs xx
Wonderful post and right up my eco-friendly alley. That’s a lot of things to take to the thrift store. How sweet of you. I have so much junk mail, I’m often writing lists on them. Good idea, too.
Thanks for sharing your recycling tips AND for your box of goodies, too, on my T bEARTHday.
happy T-Day! Hmmm … never thought of using those junk mail envelopes that way. Our local realtors always leave a note pad when they hang promotional junk on the door. I have so many of them I have a supply to use for my grocery list for a long time. The one local we buy is strawberries. My neighbor picks them up (from Oxnard CA) on her way from work. They are SO good!
I keep all the blue lined envelopes for papermaking, as they add a bit of colour, and also open them out and paint them for collages.
Very clever idea to recycle envelopes! I’m always dropping/loosing my coupons. Hope you had a nice T day.