T Tuesday: eco dye edition

Last week on T stands for Tuesday I had mentioned that I had attempted some eco dyed papers. Today I thought I’d share my results with you.

Last we left off I had bundled my papers and my cooking pot was way too small….

One trip to Goodwill later, I found the perfect size pot in which to cook my paper bundle. 

The bundle wanted to float since it was pine boards that acted as the presser boards. A couple rocks worked well to hold the bundle down in the vinegar and alum spiked water. I boiled on the side burner of our grill for about and hour. Thank goodness I did this outside because it was not pleasant smelling. Also I learned that the pine boards had a lot of sap left in them…what a mess.

After boiling I drained off the cooking water then added cool water which I salted quite heavily. Once everything was cool enough to handle I started the unbundling process.

Then set the pages to dry on the hot concrete. I was surprised at what did and didn’t leave an impression. The marigolds and lemon grass had the greatest color from the experiment.  But that wasn’t my favorite.

It was these….the baby maple trees I pulled from my lawn were lovely ghosted images.

A few freshly turned leaves from our service berry tree gave a slightly rusty, vein like appearance as it’s only impression. Pretty as well but still not holding my interest like those baby maples.

I think I’ll try this again…but perhaps with other sources for dyes. Purple cabbage and onion skins are the first to jump to my mind. I think perhaps I’d get some nice color out of those.

Speaking of color….

I enjoyed a colorful sort of beer this summer. Grain Belt came out with a limited edition Blueberry infused beer. I had to buy some…its local and we like to support our local business. That’s my excuse and I’m stickin’ to it. It was pretty in color and pretty tasty too. Not that you’d really want to drink more than one…too sweet for that.

Anyway…this Tuesday I will be late in visiting…

Next week I may miss all together unless I prepost. We are taking J to college!! Move in day is the 21st. Crazy!!

What are you doing today?

17 Thoughts on T Tuesday: eco dye edition
    14 Aug 2018

    Your papers turned out really well, love the delicate patterns and colours. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    14 Aug 2018

    Kathy In Ozarks says the alum we get at the grocery store is NOT the kind we should be using for eco dyeing. I’m going to try making some using NO mordant the next time. I think your maple leaves turned out great, albeit a bit pale. I still like the outlines and how well they turned out for your first experiment with them.

    “Be the blu sheep of the family.” That cracked me up. I really laughed when I saw that. I can’t begin to imagine what blueberry beer would taste like. I’ll just take your word for it.

    Thanks for sharing your eco dyeing exepriment and your blueberry beer with us for T this Tuesday.

    sheila 77
    14 Aug 2018

    Your papers are so delicate. Dyeing often (sometimes) gives lovely surprises like these. The Blueberry beer has a lovely colour. I wonder if you could dye papers with that?

      sheila 77
      14 Aug 2018

      Also forgot to say “Happy Tea Day”. Happy Tea Day!

    Erika N
    14 Aug 2018

    Your papers still came out pretty cool. The leaves impressions would make some great art. ANd now that you have a good pot, you are ready to roll and make some more. Wow. It’s hard to believe the summer i down time is almost over and we are moving back to fall. I go back to school next week myself. Have a great T day. Hugs-Erika

    Kathy Inozarks
    14 Aug 2018

    I am so glad you shared your eco dye-this is so fun isn’t it?? and there are just so many ways to do it, had not heard of adding salt to the mix before-You got some very lovely prints! I like the idea of adding some onion skins to the water-I may try that. I can’t drink most beers cause of the gluten in them-but your blueberry beer sounds perfect for summer Happy T Day Kathy

    Kathy Inozarks
    14 Aug 2018

    and I wanted to say-what a perfect find at the goodwill shop-perfect!

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    14 Aug 2018

    I’m loving your papers, the ghost maple leaf prints are my favourite too – perfect ?. Oh yum, that blueberry beer looks so good! It sounds like you are going to have a busy week with J off to collage, have fun and wishing you a happy T Day! J ? x

    Kate Yetter
    14 Aug 2018

    Your papers are so lovely! I loved seeing the process through pictures.And I have to agree with you, the ghosted maple trees are so beautiful. They certainly steal the show. I didn’t see it mentioned but I was curious about the type of paper that you used. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    14 Aug 2018

    Look what fun you had Halle!!! You got some really great results! There are several there i like.. I do NOT need another hobby… Thats my new mantra…. lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    Dianne C.
    14 Aug 2018

    oh wow, good luck on move-in day! it IS crazy trying to get all those students moved in, but what a fun adventure. ;) love your eco-dying experiment…beautiful results. and apparently a bit unpredictable…you would think the Maples would have been green…they really are stunning!

    Divers and Sundry
    14 Aug 2018

    Those maple leaves are special, but I like all the leaves and flowers. I’ve never heard of a fruit beer, but I’ll join you in patronizing local businesses. How exciting for J! Happy T Tuesday

    14 Aug 2018

    Your dyed papers look lovely, Halle. It also looks like it was a fun experiment with lessons learned.

    Your apron strings or heart strings must really feel tugged – taking your eldest off to college. Have fun helping him get settled in.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    14 Aug 2018

    Fabulous results on your papers. The soft colours of the maple look beautiful. Happy T day wishes, I hope you have a good week. Yvonne xx

    14 Aug 2018

    I bet you had fun dying. The imprints are beautifully subtle. Very delicate. College moving in day already? Wow, time flies. A red drink called Blu. That is funny. I also read at the top of the can: be the blu sheep of the family. That tickled my funny bone too. Happy T Day, Lisca

    15 Aug 2018

    Your papers are lovely! Is your drink blueberry beer? I don’t drink beer, it blueberry flavor sounds good. You kno what I have never heard of that I would drink is blueberry tea. Happy Tea Day , late. I am last to the party this week.

    15 Aug 2018

    What beautiful results! Your drink looks great but if it is loaded with sugar I’ll pass thanks! Can’t believe it’s college time already! Have a great week! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

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