T Tuesday: ?? edition

Welcome to my weekly blog post. This frustrates me beyond belief but right now that’s just the way it will be,

Last week I didn’t remember to post the journal page that I had created mostly because it was a twofer post with Second on the 2nd.

I did a little play on words since it was the 1st of May. Not my favorite page but at least I got my hands messy with paint, ink and glue.

I have another page sitting at this point…

Just a background or at least the start of one in a whole new journal. I’m trying to be mindful of embellishments in this one. Not too thick or at least not towards the spine.

Last Friday was my birthday so I got my free drink from Caribou coffee…they are a chain like Starbucks only 1000 times better! You can only find them in the midwest USA though…sorry.

The coffee cooler was so big and decadent that I could only drink 1/2 of it. I put the rest in the freezer for Mini-me.

The chore of cleaning out mom’s apartment is still going. We’ve decided the best thing to do is to have a garage sale. Hmmm…feels like I just did one of those a couple weeks ago. UGH!

I did get the majority of my garden planted over the last couple days.

The tomato plants were getting gigantic.

The onions were planted last fall and look great already.

The shed garden doesn’t look too exciting right now…just some row markers.

I had to leave some room for the plants J started at school in Biology class. He’ll be bringing home 7 tomato plants , a sunflower and a pumpkin plant if all survive the study and trip home.

Sorting, book keeping and cleaning are on this list…exciting stuff.

What are you doing today?

11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: ?? edition
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    8 May 2017

    Happy belated birthday. Believe it or not, I thought of you and have you marked on my calendar. I have a small, mostly nothing gift for you, but right now, I have no time to send it. And to think, I could have sent it early if only I had been more on the ball.

    Caribou Coffee may have made it to the upper midwest, but it sure hasn’t made it to Kansas. And anyone who would give Starbuck’s a run for their money, I’d gladly support. That looks like a fabulous freebie, too!

    I haven’t even thought about my garden, but I somehow doubt there will be any tomatoes. Only herbs again this year, I fear. At least once I finally get around to working in my garden. Your tomatoes already look awesome. Will you join the group again who buy in lots of food each month? Sorry, i can’t think what it’s called.

    Thanks for sharing your really pretty journal spread and your birthday coffee with us for T this Tuesday. And thanks for understanding why I didn’t visit last week.

    8 May 2017

    Happy Birthday and love the look of that huge coffee, I have never heard of any shops doing things like that over here:( Lovely journal pages, have fun finishing the second one. Love the markers in your garden. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    9 May 2017

    Happy belated birthday and Happy T Day

    Great that you got a free coffee.

    Your plants look great and you have protected them so well. Hope they reward you with lots of fresh goodies.

    Love Chrissie xx

    9 May 2017

    Belated Happy Birthday wishes, it looks a huge coffee. Free coffee isn’t given in the UK, it seems a lovely thoughtful idea and would get folk returning to the coffee shops. Your journal pages are looking great. Happy T day. Yvonne xx

    Let's Art Journal
    9 May 2017

    Your page is so pretty, the colours remind me of spring and I love all the detail and layers you have created! Wow, your garden looks wonderful and your plants have really grown since you transplanted your settings into bigger containers – amazing! I’m sat at the hairdresser at the moment ? . Happy T Day! J :-)

    Linda K
    9 May 2017

    Happy belated birthday-that coffee looks delicious! I quite like your first journal spread Halle. The garden is coming along nicely. Just got ours tilled-no planting yet.Have a good day and happy T day!

    9 May 2017

    So glad to hear you have managed to make some time for yourself and getting your hands dirty.. albeit glue, paint or dirt… somehow getting the hands dirty seems to help the heart…. All looks wonderful Halle… Happy T day hugs! deb

    Lisca Meijer
    9 May 2017

    Belated happy birthday! That coffee (or is it an ice cream?) looks delicious. Your garden is looking really good. Those tomato plants are obviously loving it there. Looks like you have been getting your hands dirty in the garden as well as the craft room! Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca

    9 May 2017

    Love the journal pages! Can’t believe the size of that coffee – Happy Birthday! Your garden is already looking so good! Happy T Day! Chrisx

    Dianne C.
    10 May 2017

    I really like your paint-y journal pages, and then I read everything else that you have going on! good for you to find time for yourself to create! Happy belated birthday ♥ and I’m impressed with your tomato plants. We’ve had frost warnings here, so I figure you’ve had to cover/protect them overnight a few times? Best of luck with the sorting and garage sale thing…remember to save some treasures for yourself. happy T day!

    Divers and Sundry
    10 May 2017

    Good luck with the garage sale!

    Your garden looks great! Looks like you’ll get a healthy batch of tomatoes there :) I love the plant markers. Pretty!

    Happy late T Day

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