Well, we made it…end of school year…end of k-12 career for Mini-me.
Wow! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind here at the end. Leading up to the end of the year I was having very mixed feelings. I was so ready to be done working for the summer so I could start on projects and spend more time gardening but at the same time I was feeling a but sad that my time as a mom of school aged children is over.
I think it all started to become real when I was making a stack of graduation cards about a month ago.
Not sure why it was the cardmaking that triggered things but one never can tell how a mind works. This is my go-to grad card design…the only issue is when I have to mail them. They are non-machinable which means a trip to the post office.
This was the traditional staff photo after “waving off” the buses. It was almost 100°F, I can safely say we were all hot and tired.
I got this sweet gift from a student I’ve been helping virtually on their “at home” day throughout the year. It’s the perfect size coffee mug for me.
A friend, co-worker and mom of a 2021 graduate gave me this candle holder on our last day to commemorate our kiddos final day of school.
I thought this was a really fun photo a mom captured and shared with me. Mini-me is third from the right.
She has an affection for Eeyore so she found an Eeyore quote that fit both of them. She picked out some handmade paper from my stash to add a borders to the elements. Thanks Elizabeth for the fantastic handmade paper. A little piece of you was at Mini-me’s graduation. :)
My neighbor was watching the live stream and snapped this photo just as she was moving her tassel to the left. Speaking of tassel…she chose to wear the tassel she received from her college honor society instead of her high school tassel. She was the only one with a yellow tassel. She graduated Magna Cum Laude. So proud of that girl!
Ok I’ll stop gushing…I’m just so excited for her!
Truth be told, I’m proud of both my kids. J has a paid internship this summer. He’s doing things that I don’t really understand but that’s ok because I’m not the one getting a Chemical Engineering degree. He’s working in R&D for a local company which is right up his alley.
Me…I’m just happy to be working outside with my plants. Every morning I go out to check on my plants. It’s so rewarding to grow your own food. Granted it’s not enough to live off but it sure is a nice fresh addition.
With more time to walk in the mornings I’m sure I’ll be racking up some more Fitbit badges. They just make me happy…gold star girl.
Congratulations to mini me, I love the cards you’ve made, I remember all the small milestones of our sons, the first day at school, starting senior school, going to university, starting work, I had a lot of tearful and proud moments, now it’s the GSs! Enjoy your free time while you can Happy t day Jan
Good morning, Congratulations to Mini-me and to you as well for completing another school year-but in a more challenging atmosphere. Your garden is doing great-home grown veggies are the best. Enjoy your summer-Happy T Kathy
What a fun idea to have the graduates decorate their hats. I have never seen this before but I bet it will make a wonderful keepsake. Your plants are looking great. Yes, it is not enough to sustain a whole family (unless you have a farm) but it certainly gives a feeling of accomplishment that you grew something for your table. Not everyone can do that. Happy Tea Day, Kate
I love your card design with that tassel. That’s the perfect way to stage a photo so it can be shared anywhere. Great idea. Congratulations to your daughter and to your son on his internship.
“We’re all in this together” is a great quote for these days”. The garden looks like you have a green thumb :) Happy T Tuesday!
Congratulations Mini-me on your Cum Laude graduation! Yes, You can be proud! And congratulations J on your internship. Very exciting times for both of them. And sure, you will have to make more adjustments. You will slowly get used to it. Your plants are doing so well. So far no animals have been eating them. What a lovely mug, and great slogan. I just love the idea that the back of the hats are decorated. In England students have to hire the outfit and you are not allowed to mess with the mortarboard, which is what the hats are called in England. Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
Love the cards! And oh. I have no kids, but every time I got a new company car I thought, OH?! Three years have passed in a blink of an eye again. And my Nieces! The first baby turns 11 soon! Great mug. And candle holder. And hats. You have me smile big here. I think you have a great tradition over there. We don´t. You graduate, you leave. And certainly you are proud, who would not?! HA, see?! My Brother says it´s ridiculous needing a watch (I have a Polar) for motivation – thank you for sharing this :-) Rock a T-Day.
Congratulations to Mini-me and on her successful graduation. So glad she graduated Magna Cum Laude and a bit of my handmade paper made it to her graduation. Quite an honor for her and a lovely gesture you shared with me.
Love that new mug. And your candle holder is going to make you smile each time you light a candle in it.
You have some incredible plants growing and they are thriving, too. I am in awe because my plants are doing next to nothing.
Thanks for sharing your teachers/staff photo, the photo of the girls in their caps and gowns, your incredible plants, and your new mug and candled holder with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.
congrats to all!!! Great looking cards and grad caps. Your garden is growing so well. happy T day!
I understand where you are at having been there before. I remember that adjustment. And my daughter was only 35 minutes away from home. (smile-I am a big softy). But I should say congrats on finishing this challenging year and congrats on Mini-me’s graduation. Those are very exciting things. Your garden is looking super also. You’ll have fun this summer getting veggies. Hope you have a super T day Halle. Hugs-Erika
Congrats to Mini-Me! I love how they got to decorate their mortarboards. The graduation cards you made are adorable, too. Happy gardening and Happy T Day
Congratulations on your mini me graduating. Love her topper for her cap. Great your friend could get a pic as she changed her tassel. Happy T Day!
Many congratulations to Mini-me! Sounds like both your kids are living their dreams, you must be so proud
. Loving your garden, it looks so amazing! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
Ohhh congratulations! A milestone crossed. The garden looks amazing. Have a nice day.