This past weekend was one that filled my heart. J came home on Wednesday night for the first time in 2.5 months. It was really great to have him at home again. He left again Sunday afternoon but Thanksgiving really isn’t that far away.
Then Mini-me and I shared a little treat together before heading off to the mall. We were both in search of shoes. While we were there I asked her if she wanted to go to Barnes & Noble to see if her magazine was on the shelf.
It sure was! Her look of glee was priceless! She had already gotten her complementary copy but seeing it on the shelf makes it even more real. Here she is taking a photo to send to her friends. It’s so funny that the girl pictured along with Mini-me’s words happens to look A LOT like her from behind. Crazy coincidence since the publishers didn’t know what she looked like.
The magazine was featured as one of the Trending magazines on the newsstand. How cool is that!?! I’m so proud of her.
I’m still plugging away at my new journal. I decided to gut the rest of these books since they really aren’t good for anything but fodder for other projects.
After removing the text block I go through and remove any images for future use. It seems the older the copy, the more images I like.
This book was just too pretty for me to gut yet. The cover makes me think of mid-century bark cloth. So pretty.
I’m thinking about putting together a December Daily journal. Over the last few years I’ve noticed some posts and social media chatter about them but figured it wasn’t my thing. Now I’m thinking about giving it a whirl. Now that I’ve figured out the multi-picture prints on one print..(I’ll have to do a tutorial)…I think that I might be able to keep up with both words and photos throughout the season.
Have you ever played along with December Daily?
It sounds like a great weekend. And congrats to Mini-me for her publication. She must be on cloud 9. I have done a December Daily journal but as usual, I put my own spin on it. Some years I do photos and some years I’ve done more art journal pages. Can’t wait to see what you decide to create. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
Wow! What a great compliment to your daughter’s skills. I look forward to seeing your December Daily. I made one a few years ago and really enjoyed it, although I found it difficult to do everyday. I had a lot of catch-up days. Looks like you have good bones to work though. I love those covers. Happy tea Day, Kate
Glad you had such a great weekend. Congrats to Mini-Me for the publication, I’m not sure what it’s about, but anyway, it’s a real achievement. I used to get those books for presents when I was a kid, we always used to call them R.D. condemned books! Happy T Day, Valerie
A very happy post and your sounds so proud of mini-me as you should be for sure. Such an acheivement to see the mag on the stand.
Good Luck with your journal for December it has made me think I should do something like that so thank you for the inspiration
Happy a very happy T Day
Love Chrissie xx
Congratulations to your daughter on being published. You must all be so delighted for her. It sounds like you had a lovely time with the family, days like those are to be treasured. Happy T day wishes Yvonne xx
Hi sounds like a wonderful weekend for all of you-Congratulations to your daughter getting published-how exciting!! I am not familiar with those journals so look forward to yours. Happy T hugs Kathy
What a happy posting! Have a great T-Day Halle! Hugs, Susi
sounds like a good time especially being able to spend time with the growing kids. Congrats to your daughter-seeing your work in print is always fun and exciting! Have fun making your new journals. happy T day!
Many congratulations to your daughter on being published, how exciting it must be and you must be so proud of her ?. I thought the photo was of her until your said – such Happy Serendipity! It must have been lovely to have your son home too. I can’t wait to see your new journals and your December Diary sounds fun! Wishing you a very happy T Day! J ? x
Congratulations to your daughter! That is so exciting to have her ability recognized in that way :) Happy T Tuesday
Somehow I missed where mini-me was published. Maybe it’s because I’ve been in a fog for days on end. I’m so happy for her.
It was great to have J home for a few days. I know it’s been like cutting the cord, but at least you don’t have to let go just yet. And Turkey day isn’t far away, either.
I found a couple of really old RD books were sewn, not glued, but they still don’t hold up well, even sewn. So gutting them is really the best thing. Now what to do with all that leftover paper? You could always make a pinata (grin).
Your drinks look appropriate for your time of year. Here it’s still quite warm and windy. Thanks for sharing your love edition and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday.
What a great idea with the old books! Here I got rid of boxes of them when we downsized and moved! Congratulations on Mini’s accomplishment. Happy T Day!
Mini-me is a published author? Fabulous. Congratulations!
Gutting those old hardcover books makes so much sense, Halle. We have shelves of them. They used to be considered decorative as well as useful. My how times have changed.
I don’t know what you mean by multi-picture prints on one print, so I hope you will do a tutorial.
I don’t know about December Daily, either. I feel like the world passing me by – lol.
Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen
Oh my, I must have missed this. I had no idea that your Mini-me had written something, let alone published. Wow, you must be so proud! Well done mini-me! And seeing your son again recently is wonderful too. A very happy post indeed. What a good idea to gut those old Readers Digest books. I look forward to see what you do with them. Happy T-Day, Lisca
congrats to mini-me! of course she is excited:) and you make me think about december journaling… it is planted in my mind… happy t-day:)
I’m behind with your news but how wonderful that mini-me has something published. That’s quite exciting.
Congrats to your daughter, Halle! I keep meaning to do a December daily, but never make it :( I guess that I need a community to spur me on…