I finally got my garden planted. Seeds are in the ground, plants in pots. I still want a few herbs but that is just an after thought at this point.
I’m growing all of my tomatoes and peppers in containers on the deck this year. I’m hoping this will help with the blight my plants have struggled with over the past few years.
Of course this doesn’t look like much at this point but very soon little sprouts will emerge bring me great joy!
The interplanted radishes and carrots seem to be doing ok. This was a trick my dad used to do…carrot, radish, carrot, radish and so forth. The radishes are harvested much earlier than the carrots therefore giving them the room they need to continue to grow with having a bare row in the garden. Time will tell if this works out for me.
Mini-me had another of her lasts…her last choir concert.
It looked very different but it happened so I am happy for them.
We snapped a quick picture up on stage before clearing out. I’m also sharing this photo because Mini-me donated her hair to Locks of Love again. She had 12 inches(30cm) cut off! This was her third donation.
Yesterday was a hot one…after I got done with work, dinner and watering the garden I treated myself to a cold one.
I’m not sure if I like this beer or not but it was wet and I was overheated so it worked!
Wow, your plants are doing well! I bet you are wishing them out of the ground! Well done Mini-me. Singing in a large choir is so exhilarating. Lovely photo of you two. I’m not keen on fruit beer either, but as you say, when you’re hot and sweaty and very thirsty: it’s wet enough. Happy belated T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
Your garden is looking good – I wanted to grow some things in our communal greenhouse this year but the bad weather put me off going round there! Another ‘last’ done with – a bitter sweet time! Well done to mini – me for donating more of her gorgeous hair. Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx
How lovely for Mini-me to do this again. It is such a worthwhile cause.
Your plants look amazing and healthy. Just beautiful. Is that rosemary or lavender in the pot on the left? I really like your setup and you have a much nicer patio than I have.
I was out just a few minutes ago watering my plants on my front porch, when my neighbor two doors south of me yelled my name. I looked up and she was waving to me as she rushed to my driveway. In her hand was an envelope. She explained the postal worker put it in her mailbox. She lives at 1728. Yes, the package is from you. I saw your question earlier today and looked in my mailbox. There was nothing. Thankfully, I now know the reason I didn’t get it right away. Can’t wait to open it. Thank you beyond belief.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful veggies and herbs, as well as Mini-me’s final high school concert, as well as your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.
Hi Halle, you have a lovely garden and I’m sure all your hard work in e garden will result in some lovely veggies, we can buy veg so cheap over here but it doesn’t have the satisfaction of picking it from your own small patch. How wonderful that your DD donated her hair again, Have a lovely week Jan
I have struggled with the blight in the past as well. This is my first year planting roma tomatoes again in the garden. I put the Cherry tomatoes in pots. I am curious as to what you use to put under your pots. I have a lot lining my deck too and I don’t want them to leave marks. That is so exciting that your mini-me is almost done school. Now off to a new phases of life. Happy Tea Day, Kate
I like all the pots on the deck. It will be so easy to harvest things too. Congratulations to Mini-Me, life is going to be full of adventures.
You can do it. 11 days is not so bad. But I know, those 11 days can be forever. Loving the garden photos Halle. It is looking good. I can keep finding excuses to go buy more plants. I is an addiction I think-smile. And loving the photo of mini-me in her concert gown. Those lasts are sad, aren’t they? And then they move on and those events becomes not so bad. But you miss them because it means they have spread their wings. Have a wonderful T day Halle. I’m not a fruity beer kind of person but you are right about it being cold and wet and that is good. Hugs-Erika
Hi Halle, I have been enjoying seeing many of the gardens-looking good-always worth the efforts in the end. a good label to save afterwards, always fun to try something new-Happy T Kathy
Your garden is just beautiful and so organized. Looks like a nice concert. Ohh Passion Fruit beer I have never tried it. Sounds good. Have a great evening.
Your garden always looks so good so I’ll be curious as to how the container plants do. I’ve ben thinking of trying that next year;) What a great donation and cause supported yet again by Mini me! Happy belated T day!