We’re home! It was a whirlwind trip to Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. What a fun and crazy trip!!
(fair warning…picture heavy post)
My first time flying in over 25 years started with a full and thorough patdown from TSA and Mini-me getting her backpack searched. Evidently, we looked very dangerous. Our red-eye flight to Montana was otherwise uneventful…thank goodness.
The next morning I woke early as usual and walked out to greet my friend’s backyard chickens.
After we packed up the car we headed to pick sweet corn at her Aunt and Uncles farm before heading to Idaho.
We had a bit of trouble….we spent two hours stuck in the mud before her uncle and cousin came home and yanked us out of the mud with the tractor. For the record…I wasn’t driving.
Much later than expected we made it to the cabin. It was so inviting…perfect for the 5 of us.
Once again I woke early and enjoyed a cup of coffee in the brisk morning.
Her Aunt feeds the hummingbirds so I was able to have lots of entertainment with my coffee.
They even have these hand feeders…if you sit still enough they will drink from the container on your hand.
After a late breakfast, we ventured out to do a bit of sightseeing. A waterfall, historic ranch village and tourist shopping in West Yellowstone. Just as we got back to the cabin dark clouds rolled in and we had sideways rain and hail…thankfully the hail was pebble sized and the storm blew through quickly. We ate dinner, played games and went to bed early since we had a really big day ahead of us.
I highlighted our trip through Yellowstone.
Obligatory entrance sign photo
Old Faithful
Grand Prismatic geyser basin. This photo doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the amazing beauty we saw. Or the vast area this covered. I’m sparing you the 35 photos I took at this one site alone.
Again the obligatory photo at the continental divide. I’m breaking my rule with this post of not showing our faces…but we both have big sunglasses on.
It was later afternoon by the time we reached the West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake. There is a geyser basin alongside the lake so we stopped to check it out.
As we continued our drive we got to the area of the park that wildlife is more prevalent. When we saw a massive amount of cars parked along the side of the road and some Park Rangers we knew there must be a bear.
Yep…a bear eating a bison. Thank goodness for the long lens that I was able to zoom in a bit. Otherwise, it just looked like a brown rock in the distance.
Later we saw hundreds of bison…some in the distance and some up close and personal.
After leaving the park we got on the Beartooth highway. It is not for the faint of heart…let me tell you. This was just one of maybe dozens of switchbacks.
The elevation was high enough that there was still snow on the mountains. …oh yeah…notice the lack of guard rails…yikes!!
We made it safely back to Billings Montana after 12 hours in the car. It was along but truly memorable day. Memorable three days really! Our girls got along. We enjoyed some actual facetime. We laughed until I was crying and snorting…so ladylike. So. Much. Fun!!!
This week is back to reality…high school orientation for mini-me, college move-in for J, mini-vacation in Wisconsin, etc. Gosh, I’m tired already!!
What spectacular photos. I bet Kathy in Ozarks will love them, since she’s a huge fan of Yellowstone.
Had to laugh at you (not YOU, but the collective YOU) got stuck. Sounds like something that would happen to Scott and me.
You got some fantastic shots, went lots of places, including the Great Divide and Yellowstone. What a fun, fun trip you and Mini-me must have had.
Thanks for sharing these photos and your coffee in a Yellowstone mug with us for T this almost Tuesday.
Enjoyed all the photos! Yellowstone is my most favorite place ever-I just love it there. thanks for sharing-your cabin is very cute too-sounds perfect. Happy T wishes Kathy
Oh and I am in love with your coffee mug have not seen that one before
Fabulous trip photos Halle. Looks like you hd a super time and still have some fun summer events ahead of you. It’s back to school for me on Thursday. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
That must have been a fantastic trip, Yellowstone is just wonderful, thanks for sharing the photos. And bears and bison, great combination, we don’t have either of them over here. Stuck in the mud – ouch! But things like that happen! Happy T Day, Valerie
Wow, it looks like you had a wonderful trip! I loved seeing the Yellowstone photos, it brings back such happy memories of our travels there ?. How wonderful to watch the hummingbirds too! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
wow- what an amazing vacation and stunning photos!! Getting the car stuck – oh my I bet it needed a really good bath…Lovely looking cabin, and the hummingbirds- how I love them- fab shots! Never been anywhere west so thanks for sharing your wonderful trip. Happy T day!
Awesome photos, you must have had a great trip away and get home with loads of memories. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx
We get hummingbirds here, but I don’t get photos like yours. Wow! Your photos are _perfect_!
I’m wanting to see _all_ your photos of this trip lol That sounds delightful, especially since I’ve never been out West. It sounds like a blueprint I could happily follow. Only maybe I’ll go Greyhound, and leave the driving to them ;)
Happy T Tuesday!
I had to laugh at you getting stuck in the mud. I am sorry about that. Gorgeous Yellowstone photos! We went many years ago, and my photos aren’t that gorgeous. I guess photography has come a long way since then. :) Happy T Day!
Ahh, the joys of farm life. Mud is a very hazardous thing. Loved seeing the pictures of the chickens. Yellowstone truly is beautiful! I have never been there but I want to. What a great trip to take before the start of school. Happy Tea Day, Kate
Great photos of your trip. I like Mini-me giving the thumbs up with the car stuck in the mud. The cabin looked newly built. That’s such a beautiful part of the country to get to see. Happy T-Day!
Thank you for sharing those photos (I would have liked more…). Yellowstone Park is truly beautiful. I know someone who will be drooling over these photos (K in Ozark). The cabin looks perfect, just as you say. Was it all girls in your party? Boy I bet you had some laughs. The hummingbirds are beautifull. Nice to see some photos of you and mini-me even though you are wearing sunglasses. Happy belated T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
“For the record” – lol. However, I think anyone would need an off road vehicle, jeep, tractor or tank to get through that mud!
The cabin looks really neat. Great hummingbird shots. I wondered what that little container was. At the risk of showing my age, I thought it was a pill container for your morning pills.
That switchback road is like the road up to Pike’s Peak! When we got to the top got our of the car as fast as I could and practically kissed the ground. I didn’t want to go back down!
Happy T-day! Eileen xx
Cute and cozy cabin. I love the pictures of the hummingbirds especially the one that looks suspended mid-air. Amazing pics of Yellowstone. I’ve never been, but felt I was right there with you. Happy T Day
Wooww really wonderful photographs you share Halle !! Thanks so much. I love this chickens, and the beautiful hummingbirds. I think I could take hundred of photographs from Yellowstone too, it´s a super beautiful place, bit afraid ? yes also. The bison seems to be quiet and don´t mind if people is near or not. Hope you had a nice T-day, and enjoy always. i wish you a very happy Friday, Big hugs, Caty