Hello! I made it for T stands for Tuesday…I was beginning to think that I’d be missing it until school starts. I still won’t guarantee I’ll be here every week but I’ll certainly try my level best to join in the fun.
I’ve been collecting seeds from my Cleome plant now that I know what it’s called. I’m guessing there will be a bunch of volunteers starting under the deck next Spring though since so may seed pods broke open before I noticed.
Look at the pretty tomatoes on the vine. I’ve been having Caprese salad for lunch each day. The fresh mozzarella likely isn’t the best for the waistline but you’ve got to eat those tomatoes when they are at their peak!
This was my harvest photos from the last two days! YUM!! Look at that ridiculous cucumber though…I finally just picked the dumb thing since it’s been that size for a week.
I also so happy with the way my little flower garden is doing this year…
The pots are so nice and full.
Little J and I are off to the salon to get haircuts in a little while. I’m thinking I’m going to get 5-6 inches cut off. I’m tired of constantly having my hair in a ponytail or bun. Big J just endured almost 2 hours in the orthodontist chair this morning…poor kid. We’ll have to bring home him some ice cream to sooth his sore mouth.
What are you doing today?
Your flower bed looks great and love your garden harvest photos… my cucumbers didn’t do a thing this year… too much rain :( I’ve been thinking of a hair cut too for the same reasons… but I’ll wait til cooler weather is here to stay .
Pretty Cleome you have there and you will have seeds out the wazhoo I’m sure ;-) I’m with you on the capreze salad…I have to watch my tomato (nightshade family!) in take but also enjoy a tomato and avocado “salad” with some nice balsamic vinegar and fresh chopped basil. In fact that’s what I had for lunch today because I went to TJ’s and forgot the fresh mozzarella yesterday = Doh! I am trying to resist getting a haircut until there is enough to donate to charity again. I kind of like my hair pulled away from my face. Happy T Day Halle oxo
Lovely post! Your harvest looks great, and yes, you need to eat that Mozzarella with it, sometimes we need to bring sacrifices! Your garden looks great,too! Thanks for the info about the purple loosestrife, its relatively new around here, so perhaps it has invaded us! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
I always envy you your pretty garden photos and great looking produce! I just get a bumper crop of poison ivy. Anyway, hope the new school year goes smoothly for your family, and thanks for commenting on the new look of my blog. I’m still not sure, but for now it will stay… ;) happy T day!
Wow.. great garden pics Halle! Enjoy your summer furthermore! Happy T-Day! oxo Susi
What lovely produce! It tastes much nicer when you grow it yourself! That cucumber is so tiny! I hadn’t recognized it as a cucumber, poor thing. Your flower garden is gorgeous! I hope you can see it from your window. That would be really nice. Have a great week and thanks for popping by earlier, Lisca
What a harvest !… and a funny little cucumber… bet it still tasted good though ? My hair is down the middle of my back and i constantly thrreaten to cut it off….lol I get tired of the bun and pony tail too but i like it away from my face.. Happy Tday to you! Hugs! deb
Cleome is such a pretty flower. Your coleus looks good, too. I love photos of what people have planted. Happy T Tuesday!
Caprese salad–yum! Your tomatoes look great. The little yellow pear-shaped ones are my favorite.
The suburb that I grew up in was pretty rural, too. I don’t know where I acquired my taste for city life–maybe it came from going to college at the U.
Your plants are looking great. Other people have had odd sized garden produce, too, this year. Just the weather, I guess. But it all looks good. Enjoy your shorter hair. Happy T-Day! :)
I love the mutant cucumber! When I grew them, there were always a couple that looked like balloons part way blown up with a small tip. They tasted just as good though! Your flowers look great. Poor Big J….I remember those days well with our DD. I’m sure the ice cream will help!
What is wrong with me? I thought I left a comment HOURS ago, but when I went back, I see I only typed in my name, etc. I’m with Carol. The flower bed is divine, and so well designed, too.
Golly, I feel like such a slacker because I didn’t plant much of anything that lived this year. And no veggies at all. You have a bumper crop, to say the least.
Thanks for sharing your tea and your beautiful flowers and veggies for T this Tuesday. Sorry (and shocked) I’m so late.
Glad you could make it to the tea party. Your garden and your harvest both look good. When I think of summer I always think Lazy Days but in truth summer months often turn out busy. Enjoy it while it lasts.
I envy you all who are lucky enough to have a veggie garden -:) Those tomatoes look awesome! Happy T day
Belated T-day wishes and thanks for stopping by for a visit this week.
Tomatoes, mozzarella cheese AND fresh basil….and I am in heaven! Even your pictures are making me hungry….*grin*
Did you cut off enough hair to eliminate a ponytail?? I went short….way shorter when I decided to pull all the color out of my hair and just go natural white/gray. There are days I do miss that ponytail……LOL