T Tuesday: highs and lows edition

This week has been filled with a roller coaster ride of emotions and events…frankly, I’m exhausted. I wasn’t even sure I was going to play along with T stands for Tuesday but I’m here and will share the highs and lows with you.

Let’s just get the low over with so we can move on to brighter things. My mom has Stage 4 Melanoma so her time left with us is limited. Exactly how limited, we don’t know. Now my absences from blogland both in posting and visiting make a bit more sense. Anyway…mom is determined to live what life she has left on her own terms which I highly praise her for.

She has a good friend in her building that has taken a big sister role in her life. She is such a sweet lady and I am so grateful for their friendship. I wanted to show some appreciation to her and put my nervous energy to a creative use.

(Note the wine glass as my beverage for T stands for Tuesday)

 I think it turned out pretty well and when I delivered it to her apartment I learned that yellow is her favorite color! I love it when things work out that way.

I also got my plants started…well some of them. I still want to start a few more.

I used old kid cups that were just going to hit the recycle bin as my planters. I literally had them in hand over the bin when I realized they could be used for my seedlings. I just drilled a couple holes in the bottom for drainage and ta-da…mini pots.

You may also notice the markers in each pot. I cut down container lids and wrote on them with sharpie marker. Since it’s April (Earth month) I thought I’d point out those little recycling tips.

Now just about a week later I have this! 

Do not adjust your screens….that is the full spectrum UV light you see in action. The different color LED’s all combine to cast a pinkish purple light and obviously the plants love it!

On Thursday last week the kids and I drove to Fargo, ND. We spent the night in a hotel before taking a tour of NDSU in the next morning. J said he thought it was a little too big for his taste but is still planning to apply since they have really good guaranteed scholarships for students with high GPA and ACT scores. Fingers crossed that he does well on the ACT this month. Mini-me said she didn’t like NDSU at all. Ok…check that one off the list for potential schools for her.  I, myself, spent a brief time at NDSU as a freshman. The campus has certainly changed since then.

I also did some work on this painting.

I am letting it sit for a few days to decide if its done or not. I’m thinking it is…what do you think?

Today has a repairman coming out for my stove. Luckily I called in just days before the warranty was to expire. Also lots of phone calls and emails to take care of since I pretty much took yesterday off. I really needed a breather day after last week.

What are you doing today?

13 Thoughts on T Tuesday: highs and lows edition
    Linda K
    4 Apr 2017

    So sorry to hear about your mother Halle. Sending prayers and positive thoughts. Your wreath is gorgeous and will surely brighten every day for your Mom. Looks like you are keeping very busy and working with your hands in planting and art are good for you. Happy T day, and good luck with college hunting too.

    Patty's Magpie Nest
    4 Apr 2017

    Your Mom and you have been on my mind Halle. Take care of yourself with so much going on. Gorgeous wreath…the flowers almost look real. That was a really thoughtful gift for your Mom’s friend. OK since there is no charge for my opinion LOL…your painting is wonderful. I did wonder how it would look if you turned it upside down :-) Happy T Day to ya oxo

    4 Apr 2017

    Halle… my thoughts will be with you and your mom.. so nice of you to treat her friend with your wonderful craftiness…yellow is my mom’s favorite color too.. I’am not one to ask about abstract art but i just love the blue in there against the orangy colors.. Happy T day…..deb

    4 Apr 2017

    So sorry to hear about our Mom, that will be a hard time for you all, and I send you all my best wishes. The wreath is gorgeous. Take care of yourself! Happy T Day! Hugs, Valerie

    Lisca Meijer
    4 Apr 2017

    I’m sorry to hear about your mum’s melanoma. What a bummer! So good to hear she has a dear friend to help her. Wow! Those plants have grown so much! Due to the UV light no doubt. I have never tried that. Here it is natural sunlight or nothing. The wreath is beautiful. I bet the lady will be very pleased. Your painting looks great. I too turned it upside down. It looks good upside down, but then the white bit needs something doing to it. So better leave as is.(IMHO) Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca

    Jo-Let's Art Journal
    4 Apr 2017

    Your mum is so brave and has such a wonderful outlook on life living it on her own terms! That’s so nice of you to create the beautiful wreath for her friend, I’m sure she loved it! Happy T Day, thinking of you and wishing you comfort :-) . J :-)

    Chrissie sz
    4 Apr 2017

    Sad news about your mum but good to know she has a friend. So thoughtful of you to make the beautiful gift Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

    Divers and Sundry
    4 Apr 2017

    I’m sorry to hear about your mom. It’s hard to know what to say at times like these, but I’m glad she knows what she wants and has helpful support. That wreath is lovely, such a cheering sight.

    Your plants are growing _fast_! Your painting looks “done” to me. I can’t imagine anything that would improve it. The design and colors look perfect!

    Happy T Tuesday

    4 Apr 2017

    Sorry to hear about your mom, Halle. I give her great credit for her decision and you as well for supporting her in it. My sister-in-law made the same decision. She made her last two years count creating wonderful memories to leave all of us who loved her. I treasure them daily.

    The wreath is absolutely beautiful. How neat that the friend’s favorite color is yellow.

    Yes, I think the painting is done. It’s stunning!

    Hugs, Eileen

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    4 Apr 2017

    I’m saddened by the thought that you will soon be left without your mother, but delighted she is doing things on her own terms. I know you will try to spend as much time with her as possible, now. I’ll look for your occasional post and be thankful to see you when you visit.

    The idea that big J would go to such a large school rather far away sort of boggles the mind. But I know this is a really stressful, yet exciting time for you and him.

    That wreath is wonderful. Really quite professional looking, too. Thanks for sharing it along with your wine for TA this Tuesday. I truly believe that painting is finished, because it is a beauty. If only I could make my abstracts look this good.

    4 Apr 2017

    I was sorry to read about your mom, she seems a strong willed lady and I send my best wishes. Take care of yourself as well. The garland you made looks beautiful and I’m sure it pleased your mom’s friend. Happy T day. Yvonne xx

    4 Apr 2017

    Pleased to hear that your Mom has someone close by to watch out for her! I love the garland you made – she must have loved it! Good luck with finding a school suitable for all concerned! Glad you found some time to make such beautiful art too! Happy T Day! Chrisx

    Erika N
    5 Apr 2017

    So sorry to hear about mom Halle. That is really sad news and I know has to be tough for you. Sending some energy your way and prayers for a little miracle. But I must say what a busy week. No wonder why you are exhausted. Take care of yourself. Hugs-Erika

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