Thanks for stopping by once again for T stands for Tuesday hosted by the one and only Dr. E, Queen of Free.
I made myself a mug of miso not only to warm my hands but my insides as well.
So that’s the hot soup…what about the hot scoop?
Well…after 13.5 years or so of being a stay at home mom, I am now gainfully employed. I’ve been added to the sub list for our school district. I still have an orientation to go to but other than that, I’m ready to work again.
I’ll still be crafting, making art and blogging.
I had to show some of the ornaments I made last week. I made some others but they sold and I never photographed them. Bummer!! Although I do know one of the ladies who bought 3 of them…think it would be weird for me to ask her if I could take a picture??
What are you doing today?
Congratulations on getting back into teaching Halle, that is exciting… Also very happy to hear you’ll still be blogging and creating! Your ornies are all lovely…the words speak to me especially ;) I can see where they would all be a hit! Miso soup looks good on this misty morning Happy T day to ya oxo
I’ll be a paraprofessional or clerical sub in the district not a teacher. Although I may sub for one preschool teacher I know occasionally.
It’s kind of warm here so you can keep the soup, something cool would be good though! Congrats on the new job and I love your ornaments… the ones you remembered to take pics of… how many times have I done that… LOL
Your post really made me smile today! Congrats on the job. The ornaments are so creative–I can see why the others sold fast! Happy T Day!
Congrats on your return to the work force. I’m glad to see you will still be blogging. I wouldn’t know what to think if you didn’t.
I love the adorable ornaments. Great use of leftovers, too.
I’ve never had miso soup, but I hear it is excellent. It looks quite warming, especially since it’s so much colder in your neck of the woods (or lakes).
Thanks for taking time to join T today, because I know you have a busy schedule. Sally and I are heading to lunch again, so I’ll be able to get out of the house and out of my basement, which is getting the finishing touches put on.
Hi, and Happy T Day! Your miso soup looks delicious, and your ornaments are so cute! The “ball of yarn” ones with the knitting needles are so clever.
My gosh, you and I really do have quite a bit in common. I am also a licensed teacher, but I’ve been a SAHM for many years now. I think that whenever I reenter the workforce, I’ll probably end up subbing at first, for the convenience of not having to work every day. I’m not ready to do that yet, though. Good luck, and let me know how it goes!
Oh, I just read your reply to Patty’s comment and realized that you’ll be a para sub. I didn’t know there was such a thing! That should be fun, I think, because you’ll probably get to work with smaller groups of kids and help them with skill-building–very satisfying work.
Great ornaments, clever idea! Congrats on getting back to work, I’m enjoying retirement way to much to go back to work….. LOL Happy T-day
Wow, congrats on the job! Will fit in great with your kids’ schedules. You will be amazed at the situations you will have to deal with when you substitute. I did it for 5 years. I liked the elementary…the high school…not so much. You will be a fun and creative teacher! Happy T Tuesday!
Miso soup sounds delicious right about now! Congrats on your sub job – that will work perfectly with the rest of your busy life :)
Good luck with the teaching! I used to do Play school. The soup looks lovely! and yes, go ask her if you could take a photo, or maybe she could, and then email it to you!! Happy late T time ((Lyn))
Hi Halle – congrats on the new job – hope you have a fab time – I have never tried miso soup – will have to give it a go one day… Happy T day – Mxx