T Tuesday: I have no idea edition

Last updated : March 17, 2020

Wow…I don’t even know where to start. I had effectively checked out of blogland for an extensive period of time. I wasn’t creating, feeling like being creative or even enjoying looking at others creative work. A big old funk is what I’m calling it.

Now perhaps since we are heading into this crazy uncharted waters time of life, I feel the deep need to reach out to my online folk and participate. I hope you will all welcome me back with open arms…because after all…we are maintaining a 6 foot distance.

I don’t mean to sound flippant about the current state of the world at all. I mean it. It’s serious folks. Life as we know it is changing more rapidly everyday. Schools are closing and moving to online learning models. Case in point….I spent all day today typing online curriculum in the event we go to “distance learning” after our extended spring break.

J got the notice today that his college has been moved to online learning for the remainder of the semester. It’s really too bad that we had just traveled to Duluth on Saturday to get his laptop and books along with some clothes…now he needs to move completely out. *sigh*

With all the ever-changing, fluid nature of everyday life we are currently dealing with, it’s nice to be able to share with others some beauty, some stories, some escape. With that in mind I will update you on a few things since I’ve been AFK.

In the art realm, I’ve been a bit stagnant. I did create this journal page which made me happy that I hadn’t completely forgotten how to art journal.retro color quote art journal page

I like the ragged edge on this page. It will eventuality get glued onto a black card stock page in a binder journal.

Over the past few week school and school events have kind of taken a bunch of my time and energy. Our school does a fantastic fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of MN each year. Our students take this very seriously. During the final push classrooms hold garage sales with donated or created items all under $2. Juniper my pet rock

Meet Juniper, my new pet rock. She lives in my locker. Greets me each morning upon arrival to school and makes me smile.snowshoeing

My job as a special education paraprofessional has an extremely varied job description. I go from class to class supporting my learners in whatever it is they are doing. Science, math, reading, home economics, technology etc. This day it included snowshoeing. It was actually really fun and not as physically taxing as I had imagined. We traveled 1.5 miles in about an hour through the woods up and down a ravine. Marvin field trip

Speaking of school…on a workshop day, Marvin went on a little field trip to the high school. Do you see him?cookies

Mini-me and I worked our district archery tournament right after Marvin’s’ field trip. IT was a busy weekend. Mini-me made lots of cookies to sell for concessions. This picture show the ducks and grey ducks….its a MN thing…and the right thing. Duck, duck, grey duck NOT duck, duck, goose.archery tournament

I worked the team registration table so I decided that some signage was needed. It turned out really well so it went in the tournament bin for next year. archery tournament

Mini-me shot her personal best once again. She has been continuing to shoot better each tournament. She shot a 272 out of a possible 300. Now with COVID-19 running rampant, the final tournaments have been canceled. Hopefully they will still grant her varsity letter in archery.painted fingers

Yesterday I snapped this photo…messy painted fingers. They made me so happy.

I have two more days of school…with no children there…until our extended spring break. Then who knows what will happen. Mini-me was supposed to get her wisdom teeth removed over break…again…who knows what is going to happen. I guess we all are learning to be flexible.


What are you doing today?
11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: I have no idea edition
    16 Mar 2020

    Good evening, so good to see you post again. Sometimes I just need to get away from the computer and blogging for awhile too-but with these changing times I feel blessed to have interaction with people on the computer now more than ever.
    we are in our 70’s so are pretty much stay at home anyways-but now we are really staying home especially for my husbands compromised immune system.
    Loved all the photos and the catch up-cute kitty-and those cookies are so pretty.
    stay safe and good luck with everything going on Happy T Kathy

    Jan Spencer
    17 Mar 2020

    Welcome back, I’ve been pretty pleased to hear from my crafty friends recently since we are in lock down, its the only contact we have with the outside word apart from family of course.
    You’ve made a good start with your artwork, its lovely so are those cute cookies, the icing is very precise too and lovely colours.
    Keep safe and have a Happy T Day
    Jan x

    17 Mar 2020

    Hi! we have not yet declared an extended spring break, but I guess that’s where we’re headed too ~ Your page is wonderful! it’s good to get your hands dirty and play. Your pet rock and kitty on an outing made me smile ~ Stay well & craft on!

    Lisca Meijer
    17 Mar 2020

    Welcome back! Great to hear from you. And you have started to tentatively craft again. That is good.
    It’s great to hear about mini-me and J and what they are up to. Well done mini-me on her personal best in archery.
    I found it interesting to see the snow shoes. I had never seen any.
    Yes, I spotted Marvin, and he made me smile.
    Happy T-Day my friend,
    and stay safe,

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    17 Mar 2020

    Fabulous post, so pleased to see you here in blogland again! I’m loving Marvin under all those blankets, I bet everyone was surprised how big he is … lol ?. Those snowshoes look amazing and your page looks gorgeous, you still haven’t lost your creative touch ?. That tournament signage is stunning too! Happy T Day! Take care and stay safe! Hugs, Jo x

    17 Mar 2020

    Challenging times and it’s good to stay connected. Massachusetts pretty much shut down over the weekend. All schools are closed. All the colleges sent students home. All learning will be done online. Himself teaches chemistry so is wondering how he will teach the labs. No dine in at restaurants only take out. Stories of stores being out of basics like hand soap and toilet paper about. I’m finding it comforting virtually visiting you. Hearing about the challenges you and your family are facing. Rather normal things now and a feeling that we aren’t alone. Happy T Day and take care.

    17 Mar 2020

    Welcome back, Halle. Virtual hugs from Mexico. I feel like you that our online community is more important now than ever. We’re all lucky to be so involved in arts and crafts. I can’t think of a better way to get respite from the craziness.

    Beautiful page. For you, journaling must be like riding a bike. You never lose the knack.

    Jupiter makes me smile too. I bet Marvin was a hit with the teachers. Mini-me’s cookies look terrific! I bought a grey mug in MN with a bird on it that says, “Loony in Minnesota” – lol. Loony birds are a MN thing too, right?

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    17 Mar 2020

    It was good to read your post and see you again in blogland HALLE . I think the internet is going to be a real bonus for keeping in touch and not feeling so alone in the coming weeks.
    The photos were great and Marvin does look comfortable and cosy in the blankets. The cookies looked yummy and I’m sure folk would be enjoying eating them.
    Happy T day wishes and keep safe.

    Erika N
    17 Mar 2020

    Things with corona is crazy here. We went to online learning this week, and I’m not so sure I like it. I guess I will get used to it. But I should say I am glad you are back online and back to your art too. Sounds like you have been busy. But stay healthy please. Happy T day Halle. Hugs-Erika

    18 Mar 2020

    Welcome back. I had missed you during your blogging absence. Your art journal page looks fantastic. I hope Marvin enjoyed his field trip to the high school. (I don’t think my cat would’ve liked that.) I’m glad to hear about mini-me doing well in archery, and sorry to hear the remaining events are cancelled. About a week or two ago, Connecticut started cancelling all school sporting competitions. J’s college switching to online learning and everyone needs to get out of the dorms started about a week ago here. Stay healthy and safe.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    19 Mar 2020

    After ATT ran a new line and new connectors, I was finally back online. Just when I thought things were stable, I was once again offline for over nine hours. At least this time, I was able to get back on. Sorry I’m such a bad T Tuesday host this week.

    It was good to get all these updates. Too bad J’s classes have all been canceled, but the same here in KS. No more in school classes the rest of the year here, either.

    Sounds like Mini-me has really taken to archery. Maybe she’ll get a scholarship out of it if she ever gets to go back to school. Sorry, didn’t mean it to sound so down, but this virus is getting serious.

    Loved your journal page. Loved the duck cookies. ALWAYS love Marvin!

    Thanks for sharing what you’ve been up to since you were offline. Thanks also for sharing your Minnesota coffee mug with us for T this past Tuesday, too, dear friend. Virtual hugs sent my way to you.

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