T Tuesday: journal dump edition

I wasn’t sure I’d make it here for T stands for Tuesday with Elizabeth and the gang…I was feeling down right rotten for the past 36 hrs or so. But my stomach no longer feels like its trying to eat itself from the inside out so I think we’re good now. Likely TMI…but I’ve been known to overshare before.

As par for the course, I didn’t have a solid plan of what I was going to share anyway. I did realize that I had created a few journal pages and never got around to posting them.  So here they are in no particular order.

My typical indoor photo spot wasn’t working for me today…So I had to improvise on the patio table. A little bit of dappled sunlight just for fun.

This page started with gelatos over gesso. I’m not a fan of this gesso as its so grainy. I ended up with these loose, whimsical flowers somehow. Cultivate Kindness just seemed to fit.

I love this color combo. And circles. This has to be my favorite page as of late.

This was a page from my wonky junky journal. I remember it coming together so quickly that I was almost a bit sad it was over. I believe that was when I put gesso down for the first page in this post. Gosh I hate wait for paint and glue to dry. I need a much bigger area so I can have several things going at once. LOL

A week or so ago a neighbor shared a new Surly beer with a few of us. Typically I’m not a fan of Surly brews…usually too bitter. But this, my friends, was awesome. It was very difficult to find but I am oh so glad I did.

This is where I’d typically ask you what you were doing today but since the day is nearly over…hope it was a good one!
7 Thoughts on T Tuesday: journal dump edition
    27 Jul 2021

    OMGosh I want this can to go with my skull and skeleton collection. I wonder if this beer is sold on line. It is just too cool. Your art is so pretty. Have a nice day.

    27 Jul 2021

    Hi Do glad you are feeling better. Enjoyed seeing your art journal pages-and wow what a cool can of beer, too bad it wasn’t a label you could soak off-Happy T Kathy

    Sharon Madson
    27 Jul 2021

    Glad you felt good enough to join us for tea! Love your journal pages specially the turquoise one. Happy T Day!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    27 Jul 2021

    Your journal pages are great, especially the turquoise and orange. Those seem to be your colors.

    I am glad you are feeling better. I hope all is well now.

    I’ve never heard of Surly beer, but I like the can design. Thanks for sharing your beautiful journal pages and your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    Erika N
    28 Jul 2021

    I’m loving your journal pages Halle. It’s such fun when they come together as that one did, isn’t it? Nothing worse than a page that won’t come together though. That beer sounds good too. I haven’t heard of that one so it must be a microbrew? I like the can. Hope it was a super T day. Hugs-Erika

    Divers and Sundry
    28 Jul 2021

    You choose the perfect words for your lovely art. I love those cultivate kindness flowers :)

    That can would’ve tempted me to buy it for the design alone. Cool!

    Happy T Day!

    28 Jul 2021

    SO much wonderful texture in your journal pages! And I really love the bright colors. Happy Belated Tea Day, Kate

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