T Tuesday: Juneberry jam edition

Last updated : April 11, 2016

Welcome to yet another edition of T stands for Tuesday hosted by Dr. E aka Elizabeth, caretaker of Bleubeard and Squiggles.

20150629_8030So what’s a Juneberry you ask? I love putting words in your mouth…makes me feel all powerful and full of myself.

20090623_2733 But seriously…ever heard of a Juneberry? How about a Saskatoon berry? Or perhaps a Serviceberry? Until recently I didn’t know that they all happen to be the same thing. And even more so…we have a tree in our yard. Wish I’d realized that 12 years ago when it was much smaller!!

20150629_8044Of course they are much tastier when left until they are a deep purple…but you have to fight the birds for them.

I found several recipes online for Juneberry jam but decided to go with this low sugar version.

20150629_8029Isn’t it pretty!?! I ended up with a partial jar that went into the fridge for immediate consumption.

I’m not a big sweets girl…(unless it’s chocolate…which I’m allergic to but I’m willing to deal with the consequences occasionally but that’s a whole other issue)…so a slightly tart jam suits me just fine. Honestly I haven’t tried it on bread yet…just the spoon. Slightly tart and quite full of seeds. It will depend on if anyone else likes the jam if I bother with all the tedious picking again. It would be interesting to know if you could make wine or mead or some sort of adult beverage from these berries. More research I guess.

Speaking of research…can anyone help me with the name of this flower?

20150629_8035I believe it starts with a “C” but I threw out the handy dandy marker that came with the plant. I want to write it down so I can remember to purchase more next year.

I’m not sure what’s on the docket for today other than talking to my in-laws. The Twin Cities area got hit with some pretty big thunderstorms yesterday…large hail, winds and heavy rain. We got very little hail here and not much of it so the garden is fine. We heard reports of two inch hail in their area  though. UGH..that would be awful!

I have to show you my rouge bean plants too…I did not buy climbing beans but 4 of my plants have decided to climb.

20150629_8038I’ll be putting in some bamboo stakes today.

What are you doing today?

12 Thoughts on T Tuesday: Juneberry jam edition
    30 Jun 2015

    I’ve never heard of that type of berry, but judging by the amount of jam you made, it must be a sizable tree! We had a cherry tree in our backyard when I was a kid, and all I can remember is cherries and pits everywhere on the ground from the birds. I really don’t remember eating any although cherries are a favorite of mine. Hope you have a happy T Day!

    30 Jun 2015

    I’ve heard of Service berries but never seen or tasted one. I wonder if you could strain out the seeds of the jam mix before it sets. Your garden is looking good.


    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    30 Jun 2015

    Cleome (Spider plant) … now if I could only remember phone numbers ;-)
    Such fun how the seeds are housed in the long casings. We had those some years back.
    WOWEE on your Juneberries and that lovely jam. Can’t say I’ve heard of it. I thought Serviceberries grew on a bush but not checked on that either.
    Cider seems to be the new frontier (what’s old is new I guess!) … I bet you could make some nice Saskatoon Cider or at least have fun trying.
    Our silver dollar size hail earlier in the season made a mess of our Hosta leaves…I cannot image the really big stuff. It is noisy and scary.
    Happy T Day Halle oxo

    Linda K
    30 Jun 2015

    not familiar with those berries but boy do those jam jars looks fabulous! I think most anything can be made into a wine or mead. Hubby’s great aunt said that back in the day they used to pick dandelions and made dandelion wine! I even tried some and it reminds me of sherry. Glad you didn’t get damaging hail -wow, that can cause so many problems! Thunderstorms are headed our way again today-hopefully no hail. Happy T day!

    30 Jun 2015

    Now i have heard of Service berry but i don’t think i’ve ever seen one before so that was cool… I’m afraid i would have to strain out all those seeds but the jars of jam look absolutely yummy!! Reminds me of the red plum jelly hubs and i made years ago… Big Hugs and Happy Tday! deb

    Divers and Sundry
    30 Jun 2015

    I see somebody’s already identified your spider plant. My mother had them. :)

    I didn’t know serviceberry had so many names, and I didn’t know _people_ ate them lol. I’ve read about them being planted to attract birds, but I don’t have room for them.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    30 Jun 2015

    Wow, I learned a LOT today. Never heard of the ANY of the names you mentioned for the jam you made, but it looks like you got a LOT. And I’ve never heard of or seen that plant before, either. It’s great when I learn something during a T post.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge, your jam, and your plant with us for T this Tuesday. Had to laugh at the water. Loved how you included it in the jam photo.

    BTW, I hope all is well at your in-laws, including the garden.

    Rita McGregor
    30 Jun 2015

    Nope. Never heard of any of those names for a berry. Do not know the name of the flower, either. I’m not much help today–LOL! I heard about the storms down there! Glad you were okay. Happy T-Day! :)

    Carol L Samsel
    30 Jun 2015

    You must have had to pick a ga-zillion of those berry to make jam as they are not all the big here at least. Since you already know the name of the plant I won’t repeat it…I’ll just add that it will probably reseed it’s self everywhere :0) You can collect the seeds if you want and save for next year too. The seedlings do transplant easily in the spring when they show up where you don’t want them.

    3 Jul 2015

    I never heard of Juneberry, but it looks very much like something my neighbour had when I was a kid, that was called Paradise Apple. I’m not very botanically savvy, so perhaps whole different thing… Happy belated T-Day!

    Karla B
    5 Jul 2015

    I don’t know what juneberries are but they look so pretty!Your jam looks fantastic! Happy belated T-Day

    karla nathan
    11 Jul 2015

    Cleomes are my favorite flower bed filler. They sure spread, and mine come back every year.

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