T Tuesday: left the house edition

Last updated : June 1, 2020

Welcome to this weeks edition of T stands for Tuesday…the one where I left the house.

After weeks of working from home and only venturing out to do a quick curbside pick up of groceries or take out, I was pulled from my normal distance learning position to support our districts frontline workers childcare. We had been told when this all started that we may end up in the rotation but had been spared until now. Most of the workers who generally fill the childcare positions have been furloughed. That leaves us to pick up the slack.

Murphy was definitely having fun with me today… check it out.

I did not sleep very well at all because I was worried I wouldn’t wake for my alarm…like that has ever happened. I got up at 5 am had a bit of coffee, gathered my things and headed out to the door. Turned the key in my van…click, click, click. Dead battery. Great. It hadn’t been driven in weeks so I guess its not a huge surprise.

I head back inside to regroup and figure out what I’m going to take to work only the handle doesn’t turn. I’m locked out. Swell. I found the right key on my ring…wasn’t even sure I had one for that door… and got back in.

Mr G told me to take his car since his trunk was empty and I was planning to go to Home Depot BEFORE starting childcare at 6:45am. Ok…all is good there. As I pull into the Home Depot lot at just after 6 am…the sky opened up and a deluge of rain came down. Since my plan was to get mulch, compost and potting soil…from the outdoor garden center…that was a big no thanks.

Since I now had some time to kill and I realized I never ate breakfast I drove to Starbucks. As I’m waiting in the drive thru for the drink and muffin I realize my phone is at home…on the arm of the couch. UGH. I quickly drove home, grabbed the phone and made it back to the childcare site by 6:40am.

And now I get to start mt actual day of work….

I wore one of my homemade masks during my time. I had 10 littles in my charge….kindergarten and 1st graders. Herding cats is all I can say. I am exhausted. I definitely know that I do not want to work in elementary school again. Middle school is great!!!

Gosh, I’m even more tired reliving that…LOL

On Saturday I moved our compost bin to a location that makes more sense. It’s old location down by the neighbors chain link fence just wasn’t working for me. It was often half under water and I had to walk through a patch of creepy charlie to get down there. Did I mention I’m allergic to creeping charlie? And I often…most of the time…am barefoot.

So here it is….relocated and edged with flagstone veneer from a fireplace. I traded a friend for it several years ago thinking I’d be using it to ring a firepit. That never happened but this as an equally good use of some of the stone. I trenched the pieces about 2 inches down. 

Not bad for a mornings work.

Mini-me is all set to go do some target practice. We discovered the back seats of the Jeep folded down super easy so now she can transport it herself.

Lastly I leave you with a bit of humor I saved that made me laugh this past week.


Tuesday finds me back at distance learning from my livingroom. I’m not complaining one little bit. Our governor has extended distance learning for the entire state for the remainder of the school year. I know its the right call and am thankful he did this. But I’m not going to lie…I felt like crying when he said the words. So many emotions.

What are you doing today?
17 Thoughts on T Tuesday: left the house edition
    Kate Yetter
    27 Apr 2020

    Sounds like you had an eventful morning. Haha, I had to laugh at your description of all those little people. They certainly can be exhausting.
    And I love your funny of the viking. That is a much better way of looking at things. Think positive!
    Happy Tea Day,

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    27 Apr 2020

    I am so sorry, Halle, but I’m laughing so hard right now. NOT at the joke, but your exhausting day that started before your actual day started. At least you had Mr. G for saving the day with a fresh battery and vehicle. I bet he charged YOUR battery, too.

    So glad to read you have distance learning through the end of the year. Best for everyone.

    So glad Mini-me finally has a place to practice her archery. I knew you worried about that.

    Moving your compost pile was brilliant, especially since you are allergic to creeping charlie. That set up looks great and makes sense, too.

    Thanks for sharing your day and your coffee with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend. I bet you slept well after that great adventure.

    Linda Kunsman
    27 Apr 2020

    Oh my, what a way to start, and then continue such an early day!!! And I can just imagine how exhausting caring for a brood of little ones…
    Good for you to keep a sense of humor -and thanks for the funny ending:) Happy T day!

    27 Apr 2020

    Sounds like that was an exhausting day with looking after the kids and all the other problems! I’m glad I’m retired and don’t have to teach any more. Look after yourself, take care, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Iris Flavia
    28 Apr 2020

    “Glad” to hear Murphy is with you now, he left us, yipeee!
    And he has to destroy! From sewing machine to car, what a bully! And from that to the weather, “wow”.
    How do you cope with the glasses? Mine are fogging all the time with a mask.
    Yes to humour, better than crying, right. A happy T-day to you, it must get better soon!

    28 Apr 2020

    What a start to a day, one I don’t think you will forget in a hurry. Please forgive me for having a smile as well, when we had cats they never wanted to do anything other than please themselves, so the description of the littles had me grinning.
    Stay safe and well and Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

    Lisca Meijer
    28 Apr 2020

    Blimey! That was some morning! I admit that I laughed, although it was no laughing matter. But the way you described it was so comical, I had to laugh.
    I totally agree with your opinion about looking after small children. I ‘don’t do’ small children either. I got exhausted just reading your story!
    And then eventually the good news of distance learning for the rest of the school year. You must be sooo relieved.
    It’s great that mini-me can do her target practice. I didn’t know she was old enough to drive. Having said the, in the USA you can drive at an earlier age than in Europe (Here it’s 18)
    I love your compost heap. I will make a point of showing my hubby, as he needs another one, but hasn’t got the wood. This works just as well by the looks of it.
    I chuckled at the funnies. I must remember the Viking one. Very good.
    Happy T-Day,

    Jan Spencer
    28 Apr 2020

    Oh dear what a morning you had, not something you need when you are up so early, I never sleep well if I have to set the alarm, I always wake up before it goes off too, Ha,Ha.
    I can imagine how tiring it is looking after small children, our youngest GS is four tomorrow and wearing out our son oand DIL
    Take care
    Jan x

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    28 Apr 2020

    That was quite the adventure, I think I would have been exhausted too …lol ?. Great photo and I’m loving your glasses by the way ?. Hope that you are ok now and chill-axing after that busy morning! So pleased that Mini Me can still do her archery and your new compost bin looks fab. Thanks for the funnies and sending you Happy T Day wishes! Keep well! Hugs, Jo x

    Divers and Sundry
    28 Apr 2020

    Wow! That was a lot of difficulty packed all into one early morning! It’s hard on the kids with everybody’s routine all out of whack. People here are wondering what they’ll do when businesses reopen but schools are still closed. It’s a new world. I like your mask :)

    I’m glad to hear another with a barefoot habit speak up :) Your new area for composting looks great. How nice to have room for that :)

    I love the coronavirus memes. I get a kick out of the humor people are bringing to all this. Happy T Tuesday!

    28 Apr 2020

    I’m sorry to hear about your Murphy’s Law morning. Ugh. Your relocated mulch bin looks good. I hope mini-me has a target practice location that allows her to maintain the social distancing rules. I like that saying about the oath of solitude. Happy T-Day!

    28 Apr 2020

    What a nightmare, Halle! I hope you don’t have to stay on this rotation for long. I hope it’s just one day at a time, so you have a chance to recover from herding cats.

    It took me a while to figure out what that huge thing in the back of the car is. I had no idea that competitive archers had to bring their own targets!

    Belated Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

    28 Apr 2020

    OOhh you have been very very busy all the day dear Halle !! So much things happen, and then, ten little children to take care, uff, I ´m tired just thinking about that! You´re a stronger woman!
    Happy T-day ! and I hope everything come back to the normal routine. All the best for your mini-you! Thanks for the smiling.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, stay safe (beautiful your mask) and biig hugs,

    28 Apr 2020

    My that certainly was some adventure you had. Herding cats! ? That reminded me when I volunteered to chaperone the Young One’s first grade class on their field trip a walk about 5 min. from the school along The Blackstone River and Canal to look for the turtles sunning themselves and to try to find the blue heron. Yup, I know what you mean and God bless the elementary school teachers. Take care and Happy T Day

    28 Apr 2020

    Wow! rough start ~ I think we’re all going to experience that when we have to re-awaken from the cocoon. ~I can’t imagine that many small people..we have volunteer in the nursery at church, and if we get above 6 I start to sweat!. I’m glad you made it through ~ Blessings

    Erika N
    28 Apr 2020

    I love that I finally get to see your face (or most of it) Halle. You sound like you definitely needed to come home and big glass of wine. And you know, I rarely hear people say they’d rather be in middle school over elementary school. I happen to agree with you though. And love the Viking. Hope it was a happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    29 Apr 2020

    No! No! I shouldn’t laugh…sorry, this sounds like something from a sit-com except you were clearly under pressure! Glad it was all sorted the end! My son is still going in to school on a rota system. It doesn’t lookalike schools will open here until at ,least September! Pleased min-me can get her target practice in! Love the Viking funny! Belated happy T day! Chrisxx

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