T Tuesday: little bit of this and that edition

Last updated : March 2, 2021

I’m not really sure where to start so I think it would be best to start with a fan favorite…

Marvin being Marvin.

Taking up the most amount of space in the most inconvenient place at the most inconvenient time. Good thing we love him so much because he’s kind of a pain in the @$$.

Creating routine

I’m slowly starting to get a minimal routine of crafting/creating. It seems to happen during laundry time since I’m in that zone anyway. Whatever works right?!?!

I thought the word sticker was perfect for a journal page…especially one that I actually wrote some thoughts down upon.

I journaled about getting my first COVID-19 vaccine dose, creating and doing our taxes. Can you guess how I’d rank those from best to worst?

One of these was in order at the end of a productive weekend that also included some shoveling. I was super impressed that my arm wasn’t that sore after my shot. I did heard from co-workers that had their second dose (of the same vaccine I got) that it has some definite side effects, good news, they are short lived and bonus…you know that its working…your immune system is fighting! Not going to lie…it makes me a little scared but not enough to skip it.

New growth

Lets not leave it with the big ugly, loud noisy, unwelcome elephant in the room…lets talk about new growth.

Sorry for the awful photos…I originally took these to show a couple friends what the heck I was talking about. instead of trying to capture my sprouted avocado seeds in better light I got lazy.

I’m so impressed that they are actually growing roots. I cannot even tell you how may times I have tried unsuccessfully to sprout an avocado pit. Some days it’s the little victories! My goal is to put these together in a low vessel like a console bowl to set on the coffee table. Time will tell if I succeed.

I have my typical Tuesday ahead of me…
What are you doing today?
11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: little bit of this and that edition
    3 Mar 2021

    I laughed when I saw this pic of Marvin – we had a cat that used to do that – funny!!! Glad you are grabbing chances to craft! Well done on getting the jab! Mine hurt, hubby’s didn’t. We get our second in April! I love the way you got the avocado’s to grow roots – I might try this! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    2 Mar 2021

    AHHH, Marvin. What a cutie. I’ve never had a cat climb before, but my friend Sally’s cats both love to sit in her bathroom sinks. This photo is adorable.

    Your new avocado growth is wonderful. I’ve always used a glass and submerged part of the pit by using three toothpicks. Never thought of using a jar like you did. GOOD JOB, dear.

    That is a great journal spread. I always love how you layer everything, too. As for getting a covid shot, congrats. I hope the second one isn’t too painful. I bet taxes were the best (NOT)!

    Your beer looks very cold. But I know you like them, so I’ll join you, as long as you have a stout (grin).

    Thanks for sharing your art, Marvin’s sweet face, your avocado sprouts, and your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    Jan Spencer
    2 Mar 2021

    Can’t believe you’ve managed to get growth on the avocados, hope they keep going. I sometimes enjoy A refreshing beer on a hot day, more thirst quenching than wine. Happy T Day Jan S

    Iris Flavia
    2 Mar 2021

    Marvin is cuuuute. And the drink looks refreshing. Alas, I´d grown two avocados, too, both grew well… until winter hit. Despite humidifier they died. Good luck with yours and happy T-day.

    2 Mar 2021

    Ah, Marvin. Such a cutie. Isn’t being a PITA part of the job description for being a cat? 😺 I thought the avocado rootings were some kind of art people structure! Happy T Day

    Kate Yetter
    2 Mar 2021

    I love the idea of growing avocados. What a great idea. I just threw a pit away over the weekend. I wish I could have thought of this. I would choose art over laundry as well. We all have to prioritize. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    2 Mar 2021

    Oh my, Marvin made me laugh so much! What an inconvenient place for him to get all comfy and look so cute, butter wouldn’t melt…lol 😉. Your journal pages are amazing, love your layered designs! So wonderful to get the vaccine too, my mum and dad have had theirs and my sister too as she works for the NHS. I need to wait for mine, but I don’t mind. Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    Lisca Meijer
    2 Mar 2021

    What a wonderful photo of Marvin! He is a cutee even though he is a pain in the proverbial… I am dead impressed with your avocado pits. I might try that when I finish the next one. Your journal page is beautiful with all those layers. Well done for having your jab. We haven’t heard anything aboput vaccinations in our village and i don’t know of anybody among my friends who has had one. I know in other countrieslike UK and Netherlands, they are happily vaccinating the whole population. Here out in the sticks, we are a bit behind I think. Happy T-Day, Lisca

    Erika N
    2 Mar 2021

    Congrats for getting your vaccine. My husband has both of his with no effects so you might be lucky. And love seeing your journaling. Making art works no matter what else you are having to do-like laundry. Loving Marvin too. He is a handsome guy. Have a great T day. hugs-Erika

    2 Mar 2021

    Marvin is a typical cat yeah? giggle. Love the art. I too tried and tried to grow avocado and last year it finally happened. My plant is about a foot tall and weathered the winter well. Good luck on yours.

    Divers and Sundry
    2 Mar 2021

    Hello, Marvin :)

    I should try the avocado project. I always just throw them away, and this looks like fun. Congratulations on getting the vaccine. It won’t be too long, and we’ll begin to see more normal lives.

    Happy T Tuesday!

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