T Tuesday: May update edition

Last updated : June 6, 2022

I did it again. I went nearly a month without posting. Well folks, I’m going to make up for it with a photo heavy post.

Since I’m not sure where to start I’m just going to jump in with some fun fabric projects I’ve been working on.

The first of which are these microwave bowl holders. I love these things! I use mine a couple times a week. I love that I can throw them in the washing machine when they get messy.

While I had the machine out I did more piecing with my scraps.

I also finally got around to making my mixer cover with the fun fabric I bought over the summer. I can’t believe I waited so long! I love the way it looks.

Now shall we talk about the elephant in the room…or perhaps the golden goose in the gym?

Yup…that’s right. I turned 50 at the beginning of the month. There was lots of advertising at school.

And yes there was cake!

This was really cute. One of my students wrote this on the white board. I love that its spelled wrong. :)

That same student wrote me a little note a week or so before hand.

Enough about other peoples children…let me update you on mine.

Before the end of semester, Mini-me had a project for class that was a pop-up art show in the gallery. They were tasked to use washi tape and washi tape only to create a temporary art installation on the gallery wall. Pretty cool huh. She is back home for the summer after enduring a massive storm which knocked out power and cell phone service for the last day of finals. She took her Latin final in the dark.

J graduated from college with his Chemical Engineering degree this month as well. This is a bit of ChemE humor that went over my head but I’m using it for my drink reference anyway. He is back home as well. The house went from quiet to crowded very quickly.

I think this is the only journal I have played in all month. I’ve been doing a bit more organizing however I stalled out until I am done with work…I really want to sort through stuff with Mini-me since she is using more things in her art as well. I don’t want to get rid of something she will end up wanting shortly.

This was earned longer ago than I had thought until I see the date staring me in the face. It still blows my mind though that I’ve walked that much.

Mr. G and I also celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary in April. He still knows how to make me laugh with his shenanigans with his follow-up to my reminder note to run the dishwasher in the morning.

Speaking of laughter…this gave me a good chuckle. So much so that I had to snap a picture of it at our local coffee shop.

12 Thoughts on T Tuesday: May update edition
    29 May 2022

    So sorry to be so late here! Belated Happy birthday! You really have had a busy time…and you have done some walking to get that badge! Hugs, Chrisx

    Kate Elizabeth Yetter
    24 May 2022

    I am loving your fabric projects. Those bowl holders would certainly come in handy as I am always burning my fingers getting things out of the microwave. You look amazing, Happy Birthday! You don’t look old enough to have a college graduate. Congrats on having a full house again. What a blessing to have your children home. I am not looking forward to the day all my little people are gone as I love having them here. E

    Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    24 May 2022

    I can’t believe you showed your face on the internet. Happy belated 50th. I told everyone on my blog it was your birthday and suggested they visit. Mini and you look more alike every year.

    If you have time, I will explain the chemical engineering joke on the mug. Or you can just appreciate how clever you look when you drink from it!!

    Lots of sewing going on. Love your mixer cover. It’s a beauty. Nice to see your journal spread, too. Congrats to J for graduating college. I “met” you when he had just turned seven and Mini was four. Time sure flies, doesn’t it?

    Thanks for the great update, your birthday, J’s graduation, and of course, your mug you shared with us for T this Tuesday. Hope to see you back here more.

    24 May 2022

    Happy birthday! I barely remember my 50th LOL.

    Now I’m wondering if I should make covers for my mixer and food processor.

    24 May 2022

    Hi Halled, nice to see you around again. Looks like you had some fun celebrations for your birthda. Love what your student wrote for you, so sweet. I can’t walk so much these days because f my heart and other illnesses, but I still manage 2 walks each day and that#s good. Congrats to your kids on doing so well at school. Valerie

    Erika N
    24 May 2022

    Happy belated birthday Halle. That is a big milestone and sounds like everyone wanted you to have a wonderful day. And congrats for your son too. I remember when you were posting about bringing him to college. Life sure flies by. And nice art. How do you get that bowl shape for your microwave bowls. I love that idea as usually I use a dish towel but a bowl would be great. Have a super T day and week ahead. Hope it’s not another month before you join us for T. Hugs-Erika

    24 May 2022

    Your fabric projects look so fun. So nice that school celebrated your special day. Love the notes from the students. Mini-me nd her cow are adorable. Congrats to J. Mr. G’s dishwasher notes made laugh as did the chalkboard art. Happy T Day

    Divers and Sundry
    24 May 2022

    I’ve never heard of a microwave bowl holder like that, but I see how it would be quite handy. That’s the perfect material for the mixer cover.

    I remember turning 50. Barely ;) Happy belated Birthday and Anniversary!

    Happy T Tuesday

    24 May 2022

    Great catching up with you!! and congrats on turning 50.. i have you beat by 4 years .. soon to be 5..uuughh.. thanks for reminding me.. lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    24 May 2022

    Good to see you again, fun post with sewing projects and art too. Congrats on turning 50 that’s one of our lifetime achievements I think-Happy T

    24 May 2022

    Happy belated 50th. You look fantastic. I am so impressed with all of your sewing. Walking does more for a person than they realize. Have a wonderful day today and it’s nice to see you back.

    Iris Flavia
    23 May 2022

    Welcome to the group! I turned 50 in January. Geee…. Working in the dark, hm. Cool cup. And yay for walking. Happy anniversary and weee… so many live long with no brains, it seems ;-) Happy T-Day!

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