A long holiday weekend always seems to involve a lot of food. This was no exception. But first lets work up an appetite with a few projects around the house….technically outside the house.
I finally got all my containers potted and this group is looking good. I decided to set the pots on ceramic tiles since we had them laying around. This should help keep them from rotting the wood of the deck.
Next I took some seed coasters my neighbor had given me a few years ago. She thought I’d likely craft with them. Since I was lacking on these type of seeds I decided to try to grow them instead.
We have basil, chives parley and thyme. I planted them in alphabetical order so I could remember what was what. :)
There is just all kinds of wrong with this photo. The socks with the sandals. The billion green ash seeds in the rock landscaping. And the pathetic condition of the rock in the first place. Oh well…it is what it is this year. We plan to get this front section of the house re-landscaped and new steps poured but with the craziness in the world right now, we have decided to wait. That being said I’m putting forth zero effort to make these rocks look nice. I didn’t include a photo of the coasters covered with dirt because…why? it’s just dirt.
On to the food…lets do dessert first…since it was served up on Friday evening anyway. It’s a Fireball whiskey cake.
We brought it over to the neighbors for a little social distance bonfire in the driveway.
Saturday morning I got up early to get these ribs in the crockpot. It was supposed to rain much of the day so grilling was out of the question.
Don’t they look good? I also made coleslaw and twice baked potatoes from scratch. Just call me Halle Homemaker.
I’ve made a ton of cards over the past week. You can see some of them in my previous post. I have yet to photograph the batch I made today. Or the postcards either. I need to get to it since I have work tomorrow. I’m actually going to the building to help clean out lockers. Considering there are over 900 students at my school its going to take a while to bag and tag everything.
Sounds a lot like my weekend and it was a good weekend. It’s nice to do some family/friends time. A little more normal…whatever normal is anymore. And I am curious about those seed coasters. I don’t know what those are as I have never seen them. Have a happy T day. Hugs-Erika
Looking good on your deck. I am trying my hand at veggies in pots this year. If they turn out, I may branch out next year. Don’t you just love when outdoor curb appeal comes together?I bet you new outdoor renovations are going to look great when completed. and your cake looks DELICIOUS.
Wow, you are going to love basil, chives, parsley, and thyme. I hope they grow. I just planted some basil and parsley, too. Mine didn’t come in pretty coasters, though (grin).
Wow, your meal looks awesome and your cake is out of this world. I am SO hungry now. Even the veggies look delicious and those potatoes are incredible. Scott hasn’t found potatoes either time he’s gone to the store for me.
Thanks for sharing your gardening, your fireball cake and whiskey look HOT, and your meal and drinks which are perfect for the happy Memorial Day weekend, as well as T this almost Tuesday.
Your garden and deck are looking good. And the food looks even better, I’m hungry! Hope all your herbs grow well. Stay safe and have a wonderful week, happy T Day, Valerie
What a delicious meal! And the cake looks very imaginative. Such a nice holiday celebration.
be well… mae at maefood.blogspot.com
The socks in the sandals sure made me laugh :-) Refreshing! Cinnamon Whiskey, now that sounds interesting, have never seen that here! OK. I need to go shopping, I need Brokkoli!!! 900?!! Oh, have fun… and patience, happy T-day!
Your meal looks delicious and so does the whiskey cake although I really can’t stand the taste of it. Funny how we all have lots of food on holidays! I had to smile at your sandals with socks, we have people here, men I should say who wear sandals with knee length black socks, I should also say they aren’t Spanish men either or English!! Have a Happy T Day jan x Have a happy T Day
Good morning, sounds like a wonderful weekend for all of you-and lots of “good eats” Have an awesome new week Happy T Kathy
I’ve never heard of seed coasters. Cool! I like your potted plants and your trellis/supports. Nice shapes. Your ribs look delicious, and I love your fiestaware :) Happy T Tuesday
Looks like you had a super time over the holidays! Your deck and yard look beautiful and I’m loving the look of your meal, I bet it was delicious – yum ?. Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
Your potted plant grouping looks good. The tiles are a good idea too. The seed coasters are really neat. I can’t wait to see how they do.
Yummy looking cake and meal. Halle Homemaker – lol. Do I spot a Corona beer glass there?
What am I doing today? Exciting stuff – the wash and puttering around.
Happy T-Day! Eileen xx
Your cake looks soooo yummy! My mouth waters! But I’ve never heard of Cinnamon whiskey before. That is a new one for me. Well done you. Your pots on the deck look really good. I’m sure you will let us know how you get on with those. No need to apologise for your sandals and socks combo. You can wear what you like in your own back yard! Those ribs look delicious. I never thought of doing them in the slow cooker. I have a slow cooker exactly like yours (for what I can see of it). Do you put liquid in it, or do you cook them dry? I have done ribs in the oven before, smothered in ‘smoked BBQ sauce’. But never in the slow cooker. Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
Nice to know many of us had nice weather over the weekend to have a summer season meal- whether grilled or baked. Your cake sounds interesting. And you’ve got a good start to your gardening now too. A nice kind of busy all around with the art time thrown in:) Happy T day!
Your seed trays look good, as do your plants! I love that you are wearing socks with sandals – I am wearing a small section of old tops in rotation, some way too big for me now, so I can get some wear out of them before I go back to clothes in the size I have shrunk to! I won’t feel guilty about throwing them away now! I figure that no-one is going to see me!!! Good luck with locker clearing!!! Still looking at that table and (Oh My!) that cake! Happy T day! Chrisx
Your lawn looks very green. I like all of the plants. That cake looks delicious. Nice assortment of food. It didn’t feel like Memorial Day weekend to me, due to the ongoing stringent rules due to covid-19. Happy belated T-Day!
Everything looks so green and vibrant! Very clever way to plant the herbs,, I must remember that one! That cake looks and sounds delicious, I had never heard of that whiskey until my daughter married a fella from Michigan ( we are Canadian ) , he likes that whiskey too, but not much of it lol,, I have never tried it but I would love to try the cake lol,, Everything looks wonderful and yummy!
Sorry I am late getting here. Your garden is looking good and you have been so busy with all the seedlings you have to plant. All your food photos look yumm Have a good weekend Stay safe Yvonne xx
How good your weekend food looks! Halle !! Wish you spent a lovely T-day. Your cupcake has to be delicious. Your seeds will grow very well, with these pampering you give them, great! I wish you a very nice weekend, stay safe and well, Big hugs, Caty