T Tuesday: missed a week edition

Last week is a whirlwind in my mind. I’m not even sure why I missed T stands for Tuesday but I did. So this week will be a bit of a catching up….again.

I think we shall start with Mother’s Day.Mothers day sushi

Take out sushi from our favorite local sushi resturant. We actually had this on Saturday since we spent Sunday at my in-laws house. Since their health isn’t the best right now, I brought the meal. The boys tackled the spring/summer to-do list for their folks. It was a good day. Staying busy  was good so I didn’t dwell on my first Mother’s day without my mom.last concert

Last week also brought the last choir concert for J. Its an emotional concert for me…even before having a graduating senior. The last two songs are always the same and they are sung by all members of all choirs. Real tear-jerkers. As they sing the seniors come off stage and bring their parents a rose. Pass the tissues please…..

senior rose

They also have a fun slide show of highlights and the guess the baby photo of the senior. So awesome! When we got home it was late and I couldn’t bring myself to dig in the storage room for a bud vase especially when the recycling was so close. A wine bottle works well. And bonus it hits the T stands for Tuesday beverage as well. :)paint to paper

Workspace current view…

I haven’t really had any creative mojo for the past week or so. I’ve put paint to paper but completed nothing.

Most of this past weekend was spent outdoors. We scrubbed the deck which was long overdue. We decided that once it was scrubbed the weathered barnwood look was quite appealing so we’ve decided to just re-stain the railings.

Marvin approves. We used some plywood to provide a temporary gate so he could enjoy the a little sun on the deck with us. Of course he has his own personal greenhouse. Cats and boxes…

Anyway…we were enjoying the sunshine on the deck after long weekend of toil which also included planting in the garden.

The shed garden doesn’t look like much yet. Once the seeds sprout the space will quickly fill.

These onions are a funny story. Last fall I dumped this planter box into the shed garden figuring we’d just use the rototiller to mix in potting soil from containers into the garden. As I was pulling weeds, I noticed that this brick of soil was sprouting onion up from underneath. I tipped it back over and had all these green onions that were curling around the edges seeking sun. I tossed it back in the planter box and watered to see what would happen. Now a week or so later they are wonderful.

After we took the patio set and chiminea out of the shed and set it up we noticed that the chiminea is on its last summer.

The crack in the terracotta has grown exponentially. We need to be very careful with how we treat it over summer.

This week is slightly quieter than last…I think.

What are you doing today?
17 Thoughts on T Tuesday: missed a week edition
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    21 May 2018

    What a wonderful Mother’s Day you must have had. I think the sushi looks good enough to eat, and so different from what we get here. I’ve lost track of time. I didn’t realize this was the first year without your mother.

    Ahh, the last of the last. There will be more lasts over the next month or so, then a new beginning for J and a house that has less people in it. Our school was out last week, so I suspect yours will be out soon, too.

    I think our paintings are great. It helps to have some pages ready to go when the spirit moves you, as I’m sure it will.

    I’m laughing at Marvin. He has a real personality. I know about cats and their favorite boxes, too.

    WOW, those onions overwintered great. And you are going to have some great tomatoes this year. Mine have all DIED already. YES, it’s true. I think I’m going to focus on herbs only again this year. Both your gardens are going to be great.

    LOVED the rose in the wine bottle. I like the label on the bottle, too. Thanks for sharing your Mother’s Day, the concert (I saw J, even though it was hard to see such a small photo), your art, the deck, Marvin’s antics, and your rose in a wine bottle with us for T this almost Tuesday.

    Linda K
    21 May 2018

    Glad you were able to enjoy Mother’s Day despite the sadness of your own recent loss. Graduation is another tear jerker too but it sounds like it was a wonderful ceremony. Barefoot is a nice choice for a vase in a hurry:) Just getting some paint on pages is a great start – especially with so much else going on- including yard work and gardening:) PS- my poppy page is 8″ x 10″. Thanks so much for your visit:)

    21 May 2018

    What a lovely sushi plate-it looks so delicious too. sounds like tear jerker event for sure-that is really sweet for the seniors. Kitties are so much fun aren’t they? I have been busy outdoors too and not getting any art done at all. a great treat with the onion plants-how fun Happy T Day hugs Kathy

    21 May 2018

    Glad you had a good Mother’s Day even though you missed your mom. The graduation sounds wonderful. Your garden is coming along well. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Erika N
    22 May 2018

    I bet you are excited to be back outside and getting the garden going and the deck cleaned off. Yup, those last things (concerts, games or whatever) are always very hard. I remember. Oh to go back 10 years in time! Hope its a great T day. Hugs-Erika

    Debra Terry
    22 May 2018

    Halle what a beautiful sushi plate.. and i don’t like sushi…lol We’ve been doing alot of yard work too.. Early mornings only.. thats all the heat i can handle.. the humidity sucks..lol

    First Mother’s Day without your mom and last concert with your daughter… firsts and lasts.. life is made up of that… but thats not so comforting at the time. Big hug sent to you Halle.. T day wishes.. deb

    22 May 2018

    It sounds like you had a good mothers day with family, it would be a sad time remembering your mom this year. The choir celebration looked good and I can imagine the tears as the students gave out the roses. Your garden looks like it is flourishing and that photo of Marvin looks great. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    22 May 2018

    The Sushi platter looks so pretty! A sad day that you turned to good I think! The concert must have been quite sad too even though it is full of hope for the students! Hugs, Chrisx

    Dianne C.
    22 May 2018

    sushi looks fabulous! glad you had a good mother’s day…and sure looks like you had a busy week. The choir concert sounds wonderful, and good luck with the Graduation. maybe more tissues will be needed! a big milestone and door to the future…happy T day! ♥

    22 May 2018

    A great sushi plate – wow! Fantastic Mother’s Day for you! Fabulous! Happy T-Day

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    22 May 2018

    Wow, you have been busy! What a fabulous week of fun and your plate of sushi looks so yummy, I love sushi and always have it when we visit London – yum ?. The rose would have set my off crying too …lol ? … what a lovely touch! I think Marvin likes his new box and your decking looks wonderful. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J ? x

    22 May 2018

    A busy week and more busy to come with a graduating senior. The last concert a mixture of happy and sad. And the excitement of what waits around the corner. Like your painted pages waiting for more. Your garden looks great and Marvin sitting in the storage box made me smile. Happy T Day

    Lisca Meijer
    22 May 2018

    Wow, what an exciting week.Lots of memories being made, happy and sad, with or without tissues. That sushi looks delicious. I love sushi, but hubs doesn’t so we never have it. How sweet that the seniors took a rose to their mums. A bottle somehow seems a very fitting vase for it. Wishing you Happy T-Day,. Lisca

    Kate Yetter
    22 May 2018

    The sushi looks delicious! For some reason that is what I always crave. Looks like you had a great mother’s day and the rose is beautiful. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    23 May 2018

    Many bitterseet moments, Halle. I love the part with the seniors bringing a rose to their moms. Glad you warned us to have tissues ready.

    That’s the most beautiful sushi platter I’ve ever seen. I love sushi; hubby doesn’t.

    Cats and boxes – lol. Boy, you really have a green thumb. I’m trying to sprout a sprig of rosemary fromm our big bush outside. I want a small pot in the kitchen. But I don’t think the sprig will send out roots. I’ll wait and watch a bit more.

    What a lovely post you shared for T today.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    24 May 2018

    What a lovely post! I can see how special the concert and rose were! The onion story is fun. And the kitty photo was fun as well. I hadn’t posted for a couple of months to T stands for Tuesday, and I have lost my mojo, too, so we have a lot in common right now. :). Happy belated T Day!

    Divers and Sundry
    3 Jun 2018

    You have been busy!

    I love your outdoor spaces. I always enjoy seeing the plants fill up their spaces as the season progresses. Your cat has the right idea :)

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