Welcome to T stands for Tuesday…grab a cup and stay a while.
Last week I had a scheduled post as the boy and I were on a college visit. It was a dreary day but we enjoyed our time on campus very much.
As we were eating lunch in the dining hall, J said “I could see myself going here.” That’s good sign. This of course was just the first of several visits to different colleges that we plan to see. It’s a tiny very rural college, in fact they have a horse barn so students can stable their horse if they like. I can’t even make that up! It feels as if you are driving to the middle of nowhere. This thought had me giggling when we opened the info packet. The slogan on their brochure was “Welcome to the middle of somewhere”. Very clever!!
The other thing I mentioned in last weeks post was that I was getting a new washing machine…here it is! I’m super happy with it so far. I’ve been working at rearranging and purging a bit in my laundry room/craft room first in preparation and now after the fact.
Here’s a work in progress shot. So much stuff and so little space! Time to make some difficult decisions.
Two bags of books and a box of misc was easier than I thought to get rid of. I also threw away half a bag of random bits and pieces that weren’t worth donating and brought a small stack of papers and supplies to my crafty neighbor to share with her extended craft circle.
Ah yes…looking better! But now we just learned that my in-laws want to give us their treadmill….that means my sew table will have to be taken down and all my sewing supplies will need to find a new home…somewhere. It seems that my quest of organization and pairing down has only just begun.
I have done some crafting and a bit of art journaling. My latest journal page is in the previous post. I’ll share my crafty bits I made at craft club in another post.
That’s it for now. I have some errands to run today including a trip to Goodwill with my donations.
What are you doing today?
Change is the only constant it seems. You have a lot going on Halle. Time to check out colleges ALREADY! Doing laundry is one of my favorite household tasks…always has been. If only I had that much enthusiasm for other chores ;-) Happy last T Day of February oxo
Good morning, I feel bad that you have to rearrange again for the treadmill-in the end hope it all works out well. I have a difficult time getting rid of anything in my craft room cause as soon as I find a new home for it-I need it for something lol Happy T day–we are bracing for a storm today but first I am going to grab my pair of sneekers and get my 3 mile walk in before it arrives. Kathy
You have been busy, it sounds like the college visits alone are very time consuming! I’m loving the story about the college you visited, the slogan sounds so apt :-). Your quest of organization and pairing down is inspirational – you’ve done such a fantastic job :-). Wow, your new washing machine looks state of the art, I bet it’s fun to use too. And oh, how I adore that little yellow chick on your mug, it’s so cute and made me smile – Happy T Day! J :-)
Wow, this looks like a BIG tidy up has happened, well done. Like the look of the new washing machine, too. That looks like a cute little university. I went to a small one, too, with 300 students! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
Well done on making some space in the craft/utily room
I think we all have too much craft stuff for the space we need
Happy T Day
Love Chrissie xx
Your craft space looks so neat and organised, I hope you find space to keep all you need when the treadmill arrives. The yellow duck on your mug made me smile as well, so cute. Happy T Day Yvonne xx
You have been doing a great job of rearranging and cleaning out and i hope to do the same once our son moves out-which should be soon:) Good luck with the college visits, and happy T day!
There’s a lot of new and exciting in your life lately! These days are full, with all the changes and decisions to make.
Happy T Tuesday
LOL! I started to just clean out my pencil holder, last night, and that began the domino effect and I was up well after midnight cleaning and sorting. All I accomplished was my desk top! LOL! Do you like your new washer? I know Maytag is a great appliance, but I’m wondering about the front loading??? I think I would choose THAT college….in the middle of nowhere. Happy T-day
Lol – well I guess everywhere actually is in the middle of somewhere. Leave it to some academics to figure that out ;-)That alone impresses me that it would be a good college to attend.
When I looked at your donations bags, I thought: Oh, no – not the books – you need those for altered pages and decoupage and … ; and those plastic beads – I have a whole jar myself. Am I ever going to use them? Is it time to let them go? Tough decisions. Good for you, Halle.
Sorry (sort of) to hear about the treadmill. Good for your health but will anyone actually use it consistently? We had one. It was a handy clothes rack for a long time until we finally donated IT.
Happy T-day, Halle! Hugs, Eileen
The middle of somewhere sounds like a good place to be! It is hard to part with some things isn’t it? Sounds as though more is going to have to go!! Today I have been in meetings here at the retirement complex – which is why I am so late getting here! Happy T day! Chrisx
Happy T Day Hall. I know about the too much stuff too little space dilemma. Mine purging project is waiting for me when I get home still. Hope today has not been as dreary for you as your college visit day-but good news it was a worthwhile trip. Hugs-Erika
Hmmm… sewing table or treadmill…. bye bye treadmill… i’ll walk outside..lol but perhaps thats not an option for you.. Lovely seeing your workspace.. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb
I feel horrible that it has taken me so long to visit. I know I’m not a very good host this week.
Love the idea of a horse barn. Bring your horse to school with you. What a concept. I can’t wait to see the next choice.
I’m with Deb. I think treadmills take up such a huge footprint, they are hardly worth the effort. May I suggest the garage (grin)?
Thanks for sharing your tea, your trip to somewhere, your reorganized craft area, and your new washer with us for T this Tuesday. Yes, it’s still Tuesday here.
A college in the middle of nowhere! As long as junior likes it… There’s a few more to visit if this one was your first. How exciting though. I wish I was young again and going to college. What a lovely washing machine. I have never seen one like that. I thought in the States you all had top loaders. You are doing so well re-orging your stuff and now you have to make room for a treadmill too! They take up a lot of space. How about juniors room when he leaves home? Happy (belated) T-Day, Lisca
Love your craft space. So organized.Mine is small.Good luck with the visits, my friend!Happy belated T Day!