T Tuesday: New Year edition

Happy 2025! Yes, I know I’m late but that’s kind of how I roll lately.

I’m starting to write this before work, bright and early Monday morning in hopes that it will get published in a reasonable amount of time.

I’ve been working a bit in my sewing room, organizing and crafting.

It seems as if I’ve been doing more collecting of supplies than using them lately. I want/need to remedy that.

I’ve been playing mostly with fabric but not always in a traditional sense. Fabric journal covers have been one of my recent endeavors.

I’ve been having fun using my stash and creating “sets” if you will. Everything coordinates.

I’m undecided if I’m going to open a new Etsy shop or not. There is a big, frustrating issue on the back end of things and I am no longer able to accept payments since my online bank I used was purchased. Etsy is not being very helpful or accommodating. In the meantime I keep creating without an end goal in mind. Honestly it’s really nice doing things that way.

Since I was sorting through fabric I decided to pull out my Christmas fabrics and make some Scandinavian star ornaments.

Several years ago I made a handful of them but had to look up the tutorial again to refresh my memory. I’ll share the completed ones at a later date.

I’ve been writing lists of crafty things I want to try…so many ideas, so little time.

One of my co-workers brought back these beautiful treats from her trip to India to share with our team.

They are Kaju sweets made with cashews, sugar, ghee and cardamom. The two I tried tasted as good as they looked.

I’m still unsettled on my WOTY for 2025. I loved brave so much, I hesitate to move on. I have a short list of words I may go with or I might just hang onto brave for another year. I don’t think there is any hard fast rule…and if there were I’d likely not follow it. :)

I have put together a full journal that I’m having fun making pockets, tags and other ephemera to include in and on the pages. It really is a lot of fun!

I can’t leave you today without an image of my best buddy Marvin.

Here he was watching an episode of Yellowstone with me. What I goofy cat!!!

I have a before school committee meeting Tuesday morning. No walk for me.

What are you doing today?

9 Thoughts on T Tuesday: New Year edition
    Carola Bartz
    13 Jan 2025

    Your journal covers are very beautiful, Halle. How odd that you cannot longer accept payments through your online bank – that must be a pain in the butt. Etsy usually is not very helpful IMHO. Thankfully so far I’ve never had a real problem with them and my shop runs well – I hope it keeps like that. Happy T day!

    15 Jan 2025

    Beautiful journals. The Kaja treats look tasty. Happy T day!

    Erika N
    14 Jan 2025

    Those Kaju sweets are gorgeous. I have had them before as I had a student who brought some back with her. I liked them too. I’m actually glad you reminded me what they are called because I’d forgotten and I’ve wanted to keep my eyes open for them in case I ever saw them. And all your fabric looks so beautiful. Have a great T day Halle. hugs-Erika

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    14 Jan 2025

    I used “Plan” two years in a row. This year I intend to create a lot of collages, so that’s why I chose Collage as my WOTY. I see no reason not to use Brave again, especially after all you have been through these past two years. BTW, I always love that mug!

    I love your coordinated sets. They all go so well together, too. I really like that fabric book.

    I like the fabrics you are using for the Scandinavian star ornaments. I look forward to its completion.

    That Kaju looks and sounds yummy. I would have picked the corn.

    No post would be complete without Marvin. Loved that he isn’t camera shy. Thanks for sharing your art, your sets, and your mug of coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear Halle.

    Iris Flavia
    13 Jan 2025

    Very beautiful covers- sad there are problems with that bank. Best luck resolving this. Oh, and Marvin…so cute. Have a happy T-Day.

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    14 Jan 2025

    What beautiful journals! You are so creative, that fabric journal is stunning 😊. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    19 Jan 2025

    Really nice works dear Halle. Today we were in the Sauna as most of the sundays. Thanks for your kind visit to my blog. Have a good time Violetta

    Sharon Madson
    14 Jan 2025

    Okay, I want some of those Kaju sweets made with cashews; they sure look yummy. I love your stash of laces. I need to use some of my stash to make ephemera for my junk journals. Great post. Happy T Day.

    14 Jan 2025

    Very pretty those journal covers and what you do with bits of fabric. What a bummer that the payments no longer get through. The Indian sweets look too good to eat.I got given some little marzipan thingies. Very sweet but very yummy. Happy T-Day, Lisca

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