T Tuesday: on my workspace edition

Two weeks in a row…can you believe it?!?! I really shouldn’t be that excited about that accomplishment.

I thought I’d jump in right away and show my crazy bad embroidery skill on my quilt label. Let me preface by saying this was completely freehand. I didn’t even draw with a pencil…just winged it…and frankly, it shows.

I decided to embroider directly on the backing piece so it was imperative that I did it before the putting the “quilt sandwich” together and quilting. Every time I get the backing, batting and quilt top out to square up on the floor and baste, my least helpful resident has to come be a pest. Needless to say I have not gotten it put together yet. Good thing I love that cat because he’s kind of a jerk sometimes.

My secondary workspace is beginning to be more cluttered, I need to work on that. You can see a small stack of fabrics that have been cut 2 x 3.5 inches. I’m still thinking that is too small to want to deal with. Time will tell. I have seen a couple really cute scrappy patterns using that size pieces. Maybe it’s just the cutting that is driving me crazy. So small…such a pain but I think it definitely could be worth the effort in the end.

Using my tea set pincushion as my drink reference for the day.

You may also notice another stack of cards…

I am still plugging away at my paper scraps as well. I did sort through and toss some junk though. I really thought I’d have made a bigger dent in it by now. I guess the takeaway there is I have a lot of stuff.

This week has us in a polar vortex. The week is packed with nose hair freezing, the air hurts my face, ice on the wall, tell me again why I live here kind of weather. The following week should be better. I’m looking forward to going snowshoeing in PE with the kids when they return to in-person learning. I’m probably more excited than they are. I love snowshoeing! So yeah…I guess I know why I live here…I love the seasons…all of them!

What are you doing today?
14 Thoughts on T Tuesday: on my workspace edition
    9 Feb 2021

    Wow this is truly wonderful. You have a real talent for this type of art. Have a great day today.

    9 Feb 2021

    Terrific cards and quilt ~ Snowshoeing does sound like fun! I hope they go back sooooon here too. Enjoy your week ~

    9 Feb 2021

    You should consider the wonky embroidered signature as the deliberate flaw that makes this quilt unique and special.

    I love your teacup pincushion and wonder if you made it. It’s very cute and clever.

    Your cards are terrific!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    9 Feb 2021

    Fabulous embroidery, I like how you winged it …lol 😉. Those cards look amazing, such great designs! The snowshoeing sounds fun – enjoy! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    Lisca Meijer
    9 Feb 2021

    Gosh you have been busy. It’s lovely to put your name on the quilt. Don’t worry that it is not perfect. It is a very personal touch. I love all those cards you made. A good idea to use some of those tiny cuts of fabric. I also like the cut strips of printed paper and what you did with those. Genious. I think J and I are the only ones not having this polar weather (we both live in the south of Spain, New Mexico type of climate). But we are having gales and lower temperatures. (I don’t dare complain) Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca PS snowshoeing sounds fun although I have no idea what that would look like. Photos please next week!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    9 Feb 2021

    Your freehand lettering is wonderful. Really! I think it’s great.

    I know what you mean about helpers. I’ve NEVER had a problem with Bleubeard, but it seems Squiggles hates to leave my side no matter what I’m doing. He’s so needy, unlike Marvin, apparently.

    LOVE all those cards, dear. You are getting quite a few made. Thanks for sharing your cards, your freehand sewing, your teacup pincushion, and your ATC sized sewing squares with us for T this Tuesday dear friend.

    Divers and Sundry
    9 Feb 2021

    I’ve never tried free=hand embroidery. You were brave :) I like all 4 seasons, too, but our winters are so mild we rarely even get snow. Snowshoeing sounds like great fun! Happy T Tuesday!

    Jan S
    9 Feb 2021

    great cards and a good way to use scrap, i have far too many but hate to throw any away! sounds like the cold weather and snow is everywhere, thank goodness we don’t get it in Southern spain as i hate snow. Happy T Day Jan S

    Kate Yetter
    8 Feb 2021

    Great way to use al those scraps. Lovely cards. Happy Tea day, Kate

    Iris Flavia
    9 Feb 2021

    Great work – still not sure what to sew here, the machine sits bored by the balcony-door… Great cards. The “Just saying hello”-one is my fav. Yupp, same here. Hubby stays home due to car being stuck in snow (whole streets) and I have to walk all the way to the bakery…) Happy T-day anyways :-)

    Erika N
    8 Feb 2021

    I thought of you when I saw the national weather and your polar vortex. You are crazy cold. I love your embroidery. It looks good to me. And quilting is a good thing to do in that kind of cold. Stay warm until it warms up. Happy T day. hugs-Erika

    Linda K
    8 Feb 2021

    wonderful collage cards- great way to use up scrap paper pieces from other projects! Wish I could send you our snow since you like it so much:):) Happy T day!

    14 Feb 2021

    Your winging it sewing looks good enough to me! Funny that your feline friend wants to help! Love those cards Halle – my scrap mountain doesn’t get any smaller either! A very belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

    11 Feb 2021

    Your quilt is beautiful and the embroidered signature gives it a very unique look. Your comment about your kitty being a jerk made me laugh. Of course, cats are by nature jerks. Sometimes. Great greeting cards. Snow and snowshoeing? They are yours. I’m content with sticking my head out the door and yelling Is it July, yet? Take care and Happy T Day

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