T Tuesday: photo op edition

The weeks are flying by…sort of…they are long in the fact that I’m not getting my creative time in anymore. But also short…as in I haven’t gotten everything marked off my to-do list…not even once.

I am having fun with the photo challenge I picked though.

Here are my photos from the first 9 days….

Since #8 also is my usual beverage it’s counting as my obligatory photo for T stands for Tuesday as well.

This past weekend was homecoming at school. Mini-me was in the parade then went to the football game on Friday. The dance was Saturday. A group a 7 girls went and had a blast.

Sunday had us doing yard work and helping J apply for college. Wow…can hardly believe it!

Monday night was the Fall choir concert and this time we saw both of our kids performing. What a treat.

Thanks for sticking with me through my meager and sporadic posting.

What are you doing today?
11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: photo op edition
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    17 Oct 2017

    You are doing well on that photo contest. I like how you managed to stitch them all together. And of course, I love the journal page and the other art you created. You have abstract down pat!

    It’s scary to read about the two children, who still seem so young from when I first “met” you on the internet. Glad you had some family time with them this weekend, though.

    Thanks for sharing these photos (LOVE the hoarding), your bottle of water, and your week update with us for T this Tuesday.

    BTW, does J know where he’s going to college, yet?

    17 Oct 2017

    The photos you shared look great and it seems a really interesting monthly challenge. You have been busy, but the family time sounded good as well. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    Linda K
    17 Oct 2017

    Nice photos Halle. Looks like you’re really enjoying your challenge. Glad you enjoyed some special time with your young uns who will be out of the nest before you know it. Happy T day!

    17 Oct 2017

    LOVE that book Halle! The Mists of Avalon.. i read that a long time ago while stationed in Germany with hubby…. yep made that much of an impression that i remember when i read it..lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    17 Oct 2017

    Happy T Day sounds like your are staying busy with lots of fun thrown in. great photos too Hugs Kathy

    17 Oct 2017

    I love your creative interpretations for the photo challenge, Halle. When you first mentioned the challenge, I thought, “huh?” Now I get it – lol.

    “Sticking with you?” that’s what T-friends are for ;-)

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    17 Oct 2017

    Such a happy post! I enjoyed seeing all your photos, they are so creative – perfect ?. Sounds like a busy fun week for all the family, making some great memories! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J ?

    17 Oct 2017

    I love all your potos and the way you interpreted the challenge. The Mists of Avalon, it rings a bell but I don’t remember Reading it. Do you rate it? Gosh kids grow up so fast. Your children seem to be enjoying themselves and that’s good to see. Happy T-Day Lisca

    Erika N
    17 Oct 2017

    Nice photos. Working really does cut into the art time. Oh, it is hard sometimes and I hate when I don’t get as much art time as I want. BUT, that’s the trade off I guess. Sounds like the job is going well though. Happy T day. Erika

    18 Oct 2017

    Love how you have covered these topics so far! I seem to remember The Mists Of Avalon (ha! just opened hubby’s cupboard beside the computer and there it is – may re-read some time – there is another one there too – The Forests Of Avalon) Good to see your own children performing isn’t it? Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

    Divers and Sundry
    19 Oct 2017

    I missed T Tuesday completely this week but am struck by your photo challenge. I’ve never participated in one, but it looks like fun :)

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