T Tuesday: Piping hot edition

red green teaSo glad you stopped by to join me for T stands for Tuesday.

Now that the weather has turned, I’ve been consuming a lot of tea once my coffee is gone each morning.

I think I spent a bit too much time in the cold garage painting my Pumpkin Minions…I definitely picked up some sort of bug.  Little J is home sick today with me. I guess I shared…wasn’t that nice of me?

Did you notice  the shape in the steam?

Look closely…

heart tea


Did you see the heart?

I thought that was super cool…or maybe I should say hot. *grin*

It’s going to be a really low key day around here.

What are doing today?


12 Thoughts on T Tuesday: Piping hot edition
    Kelly Deal
    22 Oct 2013

    Sitting at work…..lame…., but at least I have a steaming cup of hazelnut coffee in front of me!

    22 Oct 2013

    Cool steam heart! This morning I get to have my 3 yr. old GD for an hour or so, can’t wait. I don’t get her, by herself very often and I know we will be having T together when she gets here (we use colored water for our tea time) Hope you both get to feeling better quickly.

    22 Oct 2013

    oh dear…flu seems to be starting early this year. I’ve already had the first round of colds! yuck. hope the tea comforts and makes you feel better. Love that steamy heart! =)

    22 Oct 2013

    Sorry to hear you and little one is sick, feel better soon! I saw that heart before reading your words, SOOOO COOL, I mean SOOOOO HOT!!!

    Stay warm and enjoy the quiet day together, HUGS!

    22 Oct 2013

    sorry to hear you all are under the weather…that is never fun! Fab steam photo capture ♥ photographing steam takes patience and talent! Take care and feel better soon Halle oxo

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    22 Oct 2013

    I wish you felt better. I have something, too. Not sure what, but it’s causing me to sit on the pot a lot (TMI, I realize).

    I immediately saw the heart, and right next to it (on the left) I saw a ghost. Glad you were able to capture the steam. I worked hard at that one year, and got next to nothing. Maybe my new camera will work better. I’m always in awe of your photos, and this is no different.

    22 Oct 2013

    I spotted the heart right away, amazing that you captured it in a photo. Here’s hoping you and your little one feel better real soon.


    22 Oct 2013

    Yes I did spy the hear how clever, what a great mug of T! (Lyn)

    22 Oct 2013

    Sorry to hear that you and your little one are feeling ill today. I’m glad you were able to post so we could see that amazing little heart of steam that rose from your cup. Hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks for the nice comments–I’m much better today.

    22 Oct 2013

    I saw the heart! that is awesome~ my tea consumption is up each day now that it is cooling off too! Happy T to you ~Dawn

    Denise Price
    22 Oct 2013

    The pumpkin minions are adorable! Hope that you and your family feel better soon.

    23 Oct 2013

    Well, I’m fixing to go to watercolor class…each Wed. afternoon. Hope all are feeling better at your house. Oh, love the heart in the steam. Very observant of you.:)

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