T Tuesday: post birthday week edition

Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

T stands for Tuesday

Last week I was lucky enough to stretch my birthday celebration out over several days. On Tuesday (which is one of the reasons I missed last week) I was treated to lunch with friends. We actually celebrated two birthdays. We had a great time although I never snapped any photos. I did receive this wonderful violet from the other birthday girl.


On my actual birthday. May 5th, I was running errands in the morning and picked up my free drink from Caribou…the best chain coffee shop in my humble opinion. (not affiliation…just a very happy customer)


Since it was a hot day, I decided on a cold press coffee with room for cream.


Mr. G surprised me by not only coming home early that day but also with a lovely bouquet of flowers. I have no idea what the orange ones are but they are so cool! I was really worried Marvin wouldn’t be able to resist them but he was surprisingly restrained after a few initial attempts to get to them.


The look of innocence.

I did see a very strange sight during the week as well.  I was taking J to the eye doctor when we saw the Mystery Machine from the Scooby Doo cartoon.


Stranger yet was the very old police car ahead of it. It was as if it had rolled off a movie set or something. I’d guess late 1950’s classic black and white with a single cherry light on top.  When I shared this photo on FB, my cousin suggested that perhaps they were on the way out to Paisley Park which was just another mile up the road. No clue…just one of those things that really makes you do a double take. Glad I had J to quick snap a photo for me.

On Saturday, Mini-me and I went shopping using some of the birthday coupons and specials I had received then picked up yummy sushi to bring home. It was a really nice cap to a great week of celebration.

I actually have done a bit of crafting…


I used a skein of cotton yarn to make 4 small dish cloths. I like them small so they can fit down inside skinny glassware more easily.

I’m also continuing work on the commissioned scrapbook album. I’m half done with the pages. Eventually I’ll show another little peek at it. It’s always a tough endeavor to show a scrapbook without showing photos.

I’ve got an outdoor project in mind with some leftover fireplace stone veneer I was given. Hopefully I have enough to do my plan. When the rain stops, I’ll have to lay things out and see.

What are you doing today?

13 Thoughts on T Tuesday: post birthday week edition
    13 May 2016

    Hi Halle, thanks for visiting and your lovely comments. I love your yarn and your pieces are fine! Happy birthday last week too. How funny to see the Scooby Doo van! Your cat is so cute too. Sorry I am late replying which is due to my infected foot. Happy T day. Cazzy

    Bleubeard and elizabeth -
    10 May 2016

    Wow, you got some really wonderful gifts for your birthday. I love what Mr. Hobbies got you. Like you, I have NO idea what those orange flowers are, but I bet someone will know.

    We don’t have Caribou coffee here. In fact, I’d never heard of it till you mentioned it one year.

    Had to laugh at Marvin. He’s quite the looker.

    I agree that the procedure might be headed to Paisley Park. For those who don’t know, it’s the home of Prince, which is in your neighborhood. Thought I’d throw that in for the International T group.

    Thanks for sharing your birthday gifts, camera friendly Marvin, and your FREE coffee with us for T this Tuesday. Nothing better than free!

    10 May 2016

    Sounds like you had an eventful week, with birthday (hope you had a happy one) celebrations, wonderful flowers, delicious (and FREE!) coffee and a strange meeting with those vintage cars – hmm, wonder what they were up to? And your Marvin is really the star of the show! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Linda K
    10 May 2016

    Gorgeous bouquet of flowers and what wonderful ways you celebrated your birthday too. Not familiar with that coffee brand but how nice to get a free cuppa:)Marvin is so handsome and that is a great photo of him! Pretty color of yarn for your cloths-I love crocheted or knitted cloths for the kitchen too:) Happy T day!

    Dianne C.
    10 May 2016

    Looks like a fun week! Such beautiful flowers…love the photo of the unusual vehicles. maybe they were on their way to a Car Show? Quite fun! and sounds like you have several interesting projects going. me, I am just journaling and walking, though I feel the itch to do some cross-stitching again. So many crafts, so little time! happy T day!

    10 May 2016

    Great that you had such a fun week – looks all super – adorable flowers and interesting projects as well! Happy T-Day dear Halle! oxo Susi

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    10 May 2016

    WOW Mr G did great … those flowers are stunning and the orange bursts really make a statement ♥ I am a firm believer in birthday MONTHS ;-) maybe it’s a getting older thing. Glad you had such a great time. Fun blasts from the past with those vehicles. Marvin sure IS wearing a classic “who me!” face…so cute. Happy T Day Halle oxo

    Lisca Meijer
    10 May 2016

    Belated happy birthday to you! Wow! Those flowers are gorgeous and even more special because bought by Mr G. I do like those orange flowers whatever they are. And a free drink at your fav coffee place! Was that because of your birthday? I smiled at Marvin’s ‘innocent’ face. I must say he is very photogenic. Since Prince died I too have heard of Paisley Park. Could well be that there was some sort of ‘do’ going on. Thank you for visiting, Happy T-day, Lisca

    10 May 2016

    Hello on T Day, Your Birthday flowers look beautiful and it sounds like you had a wonderful day. Belated Birthday wishes to you. Yvonne

    10 May 2016

    Halle!! Happy Belated Birthday my dear!! Looks like you did quite well! Believe it or not but in the town we lived in in TX we had a Mystery Machine too! Quite fun to see it out and about town. Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

    Erika N
    10 May 2016

    Happy T Day! Sounds like you had a fun birthday and got lots of beautiful plants/flowers. Those orange ones are pretty spectacular. I also wonder what they are. Now that Scooby Do mobile is pretty neat. It is always fun to see unusual vehicles like that. The Oscar Meyer wienie mobile is on my wish of I would like to see.

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