T Tuesday: projects edition

Summer is project time for me. That’s not entirely true, all the time is project time but I feel as if I should have more time to tackle the big ones. Gardening is always on the top of that list. And believe it or not, I don’t even have a photo to share with you of that this week. It doesn’t look a whole lot different.


I picked these service berries off a tree in the backyard. I plan to make muffins tomorrow with them. Several years ago I made jam with mixed results. It was a little too seedy for my taste.

There are so many more berries up higher than I can reach. I am tempted to get out my step stool but I’ve already taken one tumble (I tripped up the stairs because I was wearing my sunglasses indoors…ugh) in the last few days so I think I better keep my feet planted firmly on the ground.

Garage sale

My neighbor was having a garage sale this past week so I volunteered to help out.

In addition to some miscellaneous items that were on ready to be re-homed, I set up a little Halle’s Hobbies table. It wasn’t very successful but that’s ok. Not many people go to garage sales expecting to buy crafts. BTW- my teacup pincushions are my drink reference for the day. :)

Sew scrappy

I’ve started yet another scrap quilt. No i haven’t finished the first one but I think I actually like having both going at the same time. I’m really burning through my scraps. But there is SO. MUCH. IRONING.

This project is using the teeny tiny scraps, the wonky pieces and the ones I mis-cut for the other scrap quilt.

My Monday list had me busy all day. Of course I tend to add new thigs as I think of them…hence the different colors. Plus it just looks pretty. I’ve also started my accountability picture texts with my good friend. Each morning we text a photo of our list then either before bed or the next morning we text the another photo with the checked off list. I keeps us both in line and not in front of the TV binge watching a series on Netflix. With summer off and a tendency towards laziness, it’s best for both of us to have accountability.

fan fav

Sleepy Marvin.

Smiley Marvin

What are you doing today?
10 Thoughts on T Tuesday: projects edition
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    22 Jun 2021

    I’ve never heard of service berries, but if they make good muffins, that’s all that counts.

    I remember one year I held a Christmas boutique in my home in MO. One lady was there for over an hour and kept calling it a garage sale. I finally got to the point where I had to tell her it was NOT a garage sale, but handmade one-of-a-kind gifts. Not sure I ever shut her up because she kept trying to get me to lower my prices, like it WAS a garage sale.

    Not sure what you have more of, your scraps or your to-do list. Regardless, they are both almost overwhelming.

    Marvin IS the cutie of the week. What an adorable ending to this post. Thanks for sharing your service berries, your scraps, your lovely handmade items, Marvin, and your tea cup pin cushions with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    Iris Flavia
    22 Jun 2021

    Hmmm, summer, but… Marvin steals the show! Ohhh, such a cutie-pie- have a happy T-Day.

    Erika N
    22 Jun 2021

    I don’t think we have service berries here in New Hampshire. I thought they were unripe blueberries. How do they taste Halle? (I’ve never had one before). And sounds like you are keeping busy this summer. Nice list idea. I bet it works great. and of course, Marvin is definitely a favorite. What a cutie. Have a super T day and week ahead. Hugs-Erika

    22 Jun 2021

    I’ve never heard of service berries, I don’t much care for jam with lots of pips either. Good idea to make a list, I have a craft list! I’m not getting much done on it as my mojo has left. HappyT day, enjoy your muffins they sound delicious Jan

    Kate Yetter
    22 Jun 2021

    I too have never heard of service berries but free berries is always a great thing. I hope your muffins turn out. Keeping a list is a great way to keep accountable. I know what you mean about falling into the TV binge. I have to limit it for my children or else they would just watch TV all day. Thank goodness for warm weather and the pool. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Divers and Sundry
    22 Jun 2021

    The birds will appreciate those berries you’re leaving them :)

    I used to go to garage sales and had a lot of luck finding things back in the day.

    A list! Wow! You are well-organized. Happy T Tuesday!

    22 Jun 2021

    Oh we had Service berries in N. ID. they are very good. I just don’t do GS. I don’t need more “stuff” LOL

    Sharon Madson
    22 Jun 2021

    Your berries look good and muffins sound great. Oh, my goodness, I love your teacup pin cushions! They are so cute. Have a wonderful week!

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    23 Jun 2021

    I bet the muffins that you are going to make with the berries are delicious 😁. That garage sale looked so insteresting too, lots of goodies. Marvin stole the show though, he is super adorable when he’s sleeping – lovely photos! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    23 Jun 2021

    I have never seen Service Berries – but I bet they make great muffin flavouring! The Garage sale looks interesting – we have car boot sales here where folk hire a pitch (usually in a field) and take their own tables to set out their wares – with larger items scattered around the fronts of tables. Your ‘To Do’ list in colour looks good, maybe more encouraging than black pen! Love Smiley Marvin!!! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

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