T Tuesday: quick edition

This edition of T stands for Tuesday is going to be short and sweet. Little more than the required beverage and a few words about my week.

The past week was a busy as I had suspected. I had very little time (read that as no time) to be creative. Saturday was spent in the yard cleaning up leaves and mowing one last time before Mr. G winterized the mower. Good thing too because….

when I looked out the window on Sunday morning the snow was flying. We got close to an inch. Of course its all melted now but that was just not what I expected to see…too soon Mother Nature, too soon.

A co-worker gifted me with this fun old book and 7 Gypsies tags after I had talked about the various ways I use old books. 

I treated myself to some K-cups for work. The staff lounge has a Keurig machine to make single cups of coffee now. Of course it’s BYOP (bring your own pod) but that’s ok. I don’t use it often but there are just some days that I really need an extra jolt of caffeine.

That’s it for today for me. I got up 45 mins early today otherwise this brief post wouldn’t have happened either. :)


What are you doing today?
14 Thoughts on T Tuesday: quick edition
    Linda Kunsman
    16 Oct 2018

    Oh no- it was cruel to snow already:(:( Glad it wasn’t much and melted. Must be fun looking thru the old cookbook. Nice you have a Keurig at work and can make whatever you choose. Happy T day!

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    16 Oct 2018

    Only, snow in October what a shocker …lol ?. How lovely to receive the old book and crafting goodies too – perfect! Nice to have your caffeine back up too – wishing you the happiest of T Days! J ? x

    Kate Yetter
    16 Oct 2018

    Snow already! Thankfully the real cold weather has not hit Pennsylvania yet but it has suddenly turned cold. Hope you enjoy turning your old book into a beautiful piece of art. Looking forward to see the end result. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    16 Oct 2018

    Wow snow already that must have been a surprise-I have heard that the mountains out west have gotten very cold with snow too. Nice gifts, hope your days will slow down a bit for you Happy T day Hugs Kathy

    16 Oct 2018

    Oh, the dreaded four-letter word SNOW. Way to early! Will be interested to see what you do with the old book. the K-cups are expensive, but uber convenient especially when you make a bad cup of coffee like I do. Happy T Day

    16 Oct 2018

    Snow – already?! Definitely too soon.

    What a thoughtful gift from your co-worker.

    Happy T-day, Halle. Hugs, Eileen

    16 Oct 2018

    Gosh snow, I think you will be pleased it melted quickly, I am not ready for winter to arrive yet. It looks a lovely book gift you received. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    Divers and Sundry
    16 Oct 2018

    Snow?! Wow! The snow is gorgeous to look at, isn’t it!

    Erika N
    16 Oct 2018

    Snow? Ugh! Our long range forecast is showing some next week. No!!!!!! It is too early. Glad you were able to join us! Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    16 Oct 2018

    I apologize for being so late, but the electricity on my block went out many hours ago just as I was commenting on Lisca’s post. So anyone who linked after Eileen gets this apology message.

    Before my electricity went off this morning, I noticed that YOU were warmer than I was here in KS. How can that be? There was snow here, too, but it was a few flakes that turned to water as soon as it hit the warm grass and pavement. I was SO lucky. I brought my chiminea inside before the weather turned bitterly cold. I forgot my hoses, though, so was outside last night dragging them inside because it was too cold to stretch them out and roll them properly. I hope your chiminea is OK and makes it inside before you get freezing weather.

    Let’s see. Who are the Vikings? Do they ever play the Lakers? JUST JOKING, dear friend.

    You have made a great friend to have gifted you with that book AND some 7-G embellishments.

    Thanks for sharing your snow, old book, and Viking blend, as well as your darling mug with us for T this Tuesday. And thank you beyond belief for your help today.

    Sharon Madson
    17 Oct 2018

    We got 3/10s of an inch of snow already Monday! I agree with you that it is too early! I didn’t get a chance to take a photo, because I had to take my hubby to the hospital for in and out same day surgery. Have to do again in two weeks, also. But hope snow doesn’t come again! Happy belated tea day!

      19 Oct 2018

      Pleased to hear the snow has gone now! What a lovely gift for you – looking forward to seeing how you use it! Lucky you being able to have a special coffee at work! A very belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

    17 Oct 2018

    Oh my! Snow already! (Having said that: we had had a hail storm down in southern Spain!) That Antique book looks fun to read. How kind of your frined and also gifting you with those embellshments. Yes, pod machines are very popular here too. We don’t have one as the pods are very expensive, and that is only ok if you drink coffee occasionally, but my hubby has coffee every day… Happy belated T-Day, Lisca

    Dianne C.
    17 Oct 2018

    coffee sounds especially good when the snow is flying! what a nice co-worker to gift you with tags and an old book…love that. the snow, not so much. good thing you Minnesotans are hearty souls! happy T day a bit late…hope you find time to create in the coming week!

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