T Tuesday: quilt top complete edition

Last updated : January 15, 2017

I’m happy to say my quilt top is complete! I’ve set my sewing aside for a little bit…I’m sure it won’t last too long but it is nice to have my sewing table free of clutter again.

scrap quilt top complete

It’s a throw quilt not a bed size. We are a family who likes to curl up on the couch or chairs. There are always the couple favorite blankets such as this flannel one I made a gazillion years ago and the least favorite one, a small crochet throw made with acrylic yarn. It was made by my great aunt and I haven’t had the heart to get rid of it even though it matches nothing, isn’t that warm and no one really likes it.  I’m staking claim to this new one as soon I finish it…at least for the first few snuggles.

quilt label perhaps

I ended up with 2 extra blocks that I cut and resewed to make this small block that I’m thinking I want to use as a quilt label. I’ve never labeled any of my quilts in the past and now kind of wish I had. I have a hard time remembering exactly when I created most of them. I’m not sure what sort of pen I should use to write along the white fabric. Obviously I know it needs to be a fabric marker but I also need to make sure it doesn’t bleed or fade. Any suggestions?

dark coffee or coffee in the dark

I was contemplating the backing for the quilt this morning while having my coffee and making lunches. I have a bedsheet that I dyed long ago as a tablecloth in our first house. My folks had given us a large table to use but it was not very pretty and was extra wide. A bedsheet seemed the most affordable option of a tablecloth at the time. I also am thinking about the binding…I’m thinking scrappy might be fun for that as well but only if I sew a plain border all the way around the outside to give some rest to the eyes. Oh well…it’s not like I have to decide yet but Winter is coming.  :)

I’ve got a few pesky household chores on the list for today but first I’m going to go for a walk…got to enjoy these warm Fall days while I can!

What are you doing today?

17 Thoughts on T Tuesday: quilt top complete edition
    11 Oct 2016

    Your quilt looks great and I’m sure you are going to enjoy it come winter. I really like your mug too. It would fit right in with me collection of unmatched colorful china.

    Linda K
    11 Oct 2016

    that is a gorgeous looking quilt Halle! Enjoy your walk and happy T day!

    11 Oct 2016

    Love your quilt, I can understand you wanting t snuggle under it – hold tight to it! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    11 Oct 2016

    Just read your comment….ya, I got the ear thing…LOL! If you are truly interested in a group such as this, here is a link you can check it out and possibly set up a group in your area….Arkansas is the Mothership group. http://www.bucketlistbunnies.com/arkansas-2.html

    I am in love with your quilt top! We do the same thing around here…. GDs like to use the baby blankets I had for their Dad, and all the afghans my Mom and G-ma made for me. Happy T-day

    11 Oct 2016

    Your quilt looks beautiful. Its a lovely idea to have one close by to snuggle in when its cooler. Happy T day. Yvonne xx

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    11 Oct 2016

    Question. Since you bought one of those things that works instead of dropped feed dogs, why not draw the name and date of the quilt in pencil (or if you have one, one of those invisible markers), then sew the information in black OR dark variegated thread on the white portion of the piece? Just a thought and there would be no bleeding or seeing the backside, because you did it before adding it to the quilt back.

    Enjoyed seeing the completed quilt and loved all that work you put into it. Thanks for sharing it and your coffee and mug with us for T this Tuesday.

    Did you take that photo, or did Mini Me? Is your hair that long? You realize you photo bombed yourself!

      11 Oct 2016

      I really don’t want to try to freehand sew on the label. I kind of suck at it. I hate embroidery…that was my other thought. What I need is someone to volunteer to embroider it for me….machine or hand…I’m not fussy. HA! Photo bomb? You mean in the coffee pot…? That is me…I didn’t even notice the reflection until you pointed it out…and yes my hair is that long. :)

    11 Oct 2016

    Walking and enjoying those Fall days…you and i are on the same page!!Gorgeous quilt!! Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

    Erika N
    11 Oct 2016

    Wow. The quilt looks spectacular. Love the colors. I think it will come in awful handy in another month or two when the snow starts to blow about. :) Happy T day Halle. Hugs-Erika

    11 Oct 2016

    Oh my gosh! This quilt is fascinating! I am thrilled about it! WOW WOW WOW! Happy T-Day dear Halle – a lovely mug ! oxo Susi

    11 Oct 2016

    It’s amazing the amount of different fabrics you have used in your quilt, and framed by the white makes them pop. Just beautiful.

    Patty's Magpie Nest
    11 Oct 2016

    What a feeling of accomplishment and something you will enjoy for years to come! I like having a lap throw when the nights get cooler and just rounded ours up again from the closet. A local friend of mine is a quilt designer and teaches all around the world. She also happens to be one of the nicest and most down to earth people. She likes using assorted large pieces of fabric for her backings cut randomly not worrying about matching anything. She designs fabric for Moda and other companies. Have a Happy T Day oxo

    Lisca Meijer
    11 Oct 2016

    What a lovely quilt! Yes, I would love to snuggle up under that. What do you fill it with? I love your mug. Seeing your coffee machine just reminded me that my husband just got a new grind and brew coffee machine for his birthday, so I could post something about that next Tuesday (We used it today for the first time). Happy T-Day and thank you for visiting, Have a good week, Blessings, Lisca

    Jo-Let's Art Journal
    11 Oct 2016

    Oh my, your throw quilt is wonderful – I love it! You are so talented, I have been thinking about making a quilt for some years now but have never got round to it – maybe one day :-). I really like to snuggle up with my blanket in the evenings, especially now it’s getting cooler. Your coffee mug is very pretty too. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

    12 Oct 2016

    your quilt will be a treasure!! so much work in it. but i looked up the old one you mentioned and i really like that, too – the backside in the blue tones! i made my first quilt this year, one with Hand sewing only, and i also had the desire to sign it (i know that: not remembering when i made something…). i wrote my Name and date with a thin liner first and handstitched along the line with a simple running stitch. if you just want to use a fine liner, i would suggest to try one on a separate Cloth and wash this for making sure it is waterproof. i also made a bed sheet for the backside. cheap, yes. (and i did not make any batting, i didn´t want to have it too thick).

    now wishing a belated t-day:)

    12 Oct 2016

    This looks great! Snuggles on the sofa sounds good too! Hugs, Chrisx

    Carol L Samsel
    12 Oct 2016

    OHHHHH!!!! I LOVE THE QUILT TOP!!!! One of these days I will make a quilt again :) It’s been many years.

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