T Tuesday: seeing red edition

Mini-me and I are continuing to redo her new room aka J’s old room. Since he won’t be using his 9 months of the year, his stuff and my sewing machine have taken up residence in there. Sewing machine is only temporary. :)

Speaking of the sewing machine reminds me that I posted about my handmade journal yesterday. I even made a video of a flip through of the journal…check it out.

Back to the room makeover. Mini-me has lots of black and white accessories with splashes of red such as this painting she claimed.

As you can see it doesn’t look great on the blue walls.

So she is auditioning some paint colors.  Oh and check out the candelabra. I picked it up at a rummage sale a while back. It was in need of a bit of sprucing up. I removed the dangling beads and sprayed everything…including the beads and faux crystals black. They turned out really good!

I had also picked up a white vinyl cushioned vanity stool a while back. It evidently was so ugly I didn’t take a “before” photo.

I removed the cushion and upholstered it with that splash of red she was looking for.

And these great vintage buttons from my mom’s sewing box.

Doesn’t look great now with a fresh coat of black paint and the new cushion!?!!

The room seems to be coming together. The paint will be the biggest thing to contend with. Time is always a factor. She also wants fairy lights for soft lighting to hangout in. When it done I’ll have to take some more photos.

dark coffee or coffee in the dark

And of course since this is T stands for Tuesday I am sharing my morning cup with you…

What are you doing today?

13 Thoughts on T Tuesday: seeing red edition
    17 Sep 2018

    I am loving your re-do of that bench. The red is perfect with those buttons. It is amazing what a fresh coat of paint will do. I hope you will share the room when it is complete. I love seeing makeovers. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    17 Sep 2018

    What a fabulous makeover of the bench and the candelabra. Your poppy painting will go well in the new room. What a wonderful makeover that will be when completed.

    Of course, I enjoyed seeing your early morning coffee mug you shared with us, too. Thanks for showing Mini Me’s new bedroom plans and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear. How is J doing at college? Is he homesick yet?

    Kathy Inozarks
    17 Sep 2018

    You have been busy with the makeover-looking great. I love the bench and I think the poppy painting does look good on the blue wall but a fresh coat of paint is always nice to do. Love your coffee mug-Happy T

    18 Sep 2018

    Doing a makeover is a lot of work, but it’s starting to look good. I have a very similar vanity stool with a white linen cushion, your red one is super. Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

    18 Sep 2018

    You are such a great talent! Very inspiring all your art today again! Happy T-Day dear Halle! Hugs, Susi

    18 Sep 2018

    The stool make over looks fabulous, the red material and those wonderful buttons look great. I also loved the candelabra and your poppy painting. The room is going to look lovely. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    Linda Kunsman
    18 Sep 2018

    I’m really liking your makeovers! And how fun it is to refresh a room… I remember my son having to “share” my sewing machine in his room for awhile:) Happy T day!

    18 Sep 2018

    Halle that candelabra and stool turned out wonderful! I LOVE makeovers like that! Welldone!! Fairy lights sound perfect! I do hope you’ll show photos when done! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    18 Sep 2018

    I bet the room will look beautiful when finished and I have a thing for fairy light too …lol ?. I like the lighter of colour on the far left for the walls, I think the black pops more against it and I love your candelabra and stool, they look so elegant – you did an amazing job! The little black cat and three fabric squash are wonderful too! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J ? x

    Dianne C.
    18 Sep 2018

    Loved the junk journal video – awesome results! Your spruce up projects are fabulous…love the vanity stool and the candelabra! Yes, please post the ‘after’ photos of the room. ;) happy T day ♥

    Divers and Sundry
    18 Sep 2018

    I love what you did with that stool. I like that candelabra, too You are quite the hand with make-overs! Happy T Tuesday

    18 Sep 2018

    Awesome job on the vanity stool, Halle. Also on the candelabra. What a cute arrangement with the black cat and pumpkins. Did you paint the poppies?

    It’s really coming together; but the blue walls definitely have to go – lol.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    18 Sep 2018

    Sounds like there’s a whole lot of home improvement going on in your house. It looks good, and I hope you show us Mini-me’s fixed up new space once it is done. Hope it was a happy T day. hugs-Erika

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