T Tuesday: shopping edition

Another Tuesday is upon us. I swear that Monday is a lost day for me. I have great intentions of getting something ready early but something seems to get in the way.

Yesterday was a teacher workshop day so the kids were home. Mini-me and I went to the mall to spend some of her Christmas and birthday money. She’s such a thrifty shopper…I love it. Goes straight for the clearance racks like a pro. Not that she doesn’t ever pay full price but it’s got to be the thing that she wants/needs and can’t wait for it. I am happy to say that isn’t the norm…more like the exception.

Did you know that indoor shopping malls were born here in Minnesota? The very first one was built in Edina MN which opened in 1956.

Here’s an excerpt from an article on MNopedia.org:

Southdale Center was built at a cost of $20 million and had eighty thousand square feet; it opened with seventy-two stores and two anchors, Dayton’s and Donaldson’s. Seventy-five thousand people attended the gala opening on October 8, 1956. Another 188,000 visited the complex the following weekend, most taking advantage of the mall’s five thousand free parking spaces (organized into lots identified by clever animal symbols—an innovation, like the mall itself, that would inspire countless imitators). What did visitors see? Gruen’s interpretation of the best of European cities: “streets,” cafes, two department stores, and many smaller boutiques surrounding a “town square” with a garden court spotlighted by an enormous skylight. A fishpond, mature trees, and a twenty-one-foot cage filled with brightly colored birds. In short, a prototype for the malls that would fuel suburban growth throughout the country. 

Then, of course, there is the monstrosity called Mall of America built across from the MSP airport. Most Minnesotans hate the thing. I haven’t been there in well over 10 years even though its less than a 20 min drive.

I’m not really sure how I got off on a tangent about shopping malls but there you have it.

This was my view a little earlier this morning.  Lunches were made, everyone was up and moving on their morning routines…it was time for a cup of coffee and a little browsing on my iPad before moving forward with the day.

I wish it were light enough to take a decent photo of the journal pages I completed the last couple of days but we’ve had nothing but grey skies so I have to wait until later in the day to get any natural light.

Today I’m planning to do a bit of crafting and continue work on our taxes. Fun stuff…blech.

What are you doing today?

18 Thoughts on T Tuesday: shopping edition
    24 Jan 2017

    It’s always good to find time for a coffee! I am not a fan of malls, and never go to one unless there is no alternative. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Linda K
    24 Jan 2017

    Didn’t know where the first indoor mall was but I have heard of that humongous Mall Of America. It must be overwhelming! Love your cozy spot for a cuppa. Happy T day!

    24 Jan 2017

    Halle love that picture with your coffee mug… the soft lighting and the plants … just gorgeous… We don’t go to malls often either.. and when we do its usually just to walk around.. maybe buy a soft pretzel with mustard… but to buy i go elsewhere.. malls are just too expensive… Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

    24 Jan 2017

    Happy T-day and what a wonderful photo of your olive cup. I have a friend in Minneapolis and she has told me all about Mall of America, especially when it first opened. The larger cities (in CA) all have humongous malls, but I don’t think they would match MOA. We have sunshine today after 5 straight days of rain, so pretty and bright. Have a great day!

    24 Jan 2017

    i think i would prefer sitting on your Couch with a cozy Cup of coffee over visiting a mall. too stressful for me:) happy t-day!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    24 Jan 2017

    Although I never got to visit the MOA, I have been to some pretty big and some pretty expensive indoor malls in CA and KC, MO.

    Mini-me and I would get along great with our shopping habits. I go for the clearance racks first, too. You raised a smart girl.

    Your mug looks lovely against all those indoor plants. I think you have a great green thumb.

    BTW, the last time I visited an indoor mall was with Kathy, who just HAD to shop there. Both our indoor malls have gone downhill the last few years.

    Thanks for sharing your mall rant and your lovely coffee cup sitting amongst your green plants for T this Tuesday.

    24 Jan 2017

    I must often go to malls with my daughter – very exhausting always for me ..better just coffee or tea without a mall! Happy T-Day dear Halle! oxo Susi

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    24 Jan 2017

    Shopping sounds like fun and I loved reading about the history of the mall, fascinating! It sounds like your daughter is a clever and seasoned shopper seeking out the bargains first :-). I had a great day so far, I went to the hairdressers this morning and have been buying craft items this afternoon in the sale at my favourite store :-). Your morning coffee looks cosy and peaceful – Happy T Day!

    Lisca Meijer
    24 Jan 2017

    What a sensible daughter you have! Kudos! No, I didn’t know that the first shopping mall was built as long ago as 1956. I have been to the Mall of America on one of my visits to Minneapolis in the 70s. I had a dear friend living near there in Bloomington. She thought I might enjoy a visit. Needless to say I lasted about 20 minutes and didn’t buy a thing! I hate malls! Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca

    24 Jan 2017

    Shopper’s World in Framingham, Massachusetts was one of the very first malls, built in 1951. Technically not a mall like we envisioned. Two stories of stores that shoppers could get to by a covered walkway.

    When I was in MN, my daughter and I got to visit MOA. I’d never seen a mall so huge. The Young One and her friend, thoroughly enjoyed the amusement park.

    I like your mug and the giant G. Grey, drizzly day here. i just came in from shoveling the slush off the walk and end of the driveway. Motrin, a cup of tea, baking bread, and a nap are planned for the day. Happy T Day!

    24 Jan 2017

    Happy T Day.

    Beautiful coffee mug shot. You do sound very busy

    Love Chrissie xx

    24 Jan 2017

    Its good to sit with a cuppa and relax before starting the day. Your shopping trip with your daughter sounded good. Happy T day Yvonne xx

    Divers and Sundry
    24 Jan 2017

    I remember when we got our first enclosed shopping mall here. I prefer the smaller malls. The parking lots for the larger ones are just madhouses! I don’t shop much, and window shopping has gotten so boring, it seems, with no real design thought going into the displays. I visit a couple of malls during the Christmas season, though, to see the pretty decorations and to people-watch. Happy T Tuesday :)

    Dianne C.
    24 Jan 2017

    it’s dreary and rainy here in Ohio also…but I am glad it’s not snow! our local indoor shopping mall is practically a ghost town with hardly any stores left open in it. Hordes of unchaperoned rowdy preteens caused many people to just stop shopping there, and then a new outdoor mall across town caused its near demise. it will be interesting to see if it gets resurrected. Enjoy your hot beverage, and happy Tuesday!

    Erika N
    24 Jan 2017

    Hope you don’t get that big storm coming through, and also glad to hear the shopping trip went well. I am with you, even though my daughter is now 25- I am always there to go when she asks. Enjoy your mug and moments of relaxing…and hope you get some art time. Hugs-Erika

    25 Jan 2017

    Yes, I knew the first enclosed shopping mall was in MN. And with good reason, right? I visited Minneapolis on business once. It was summer – thank goodness. I remarked on the 2-story tall road signs and was told that was so the snow plows could find where to plow. True???

    Happy T Day, Halle!

    Carol L Samsel
    26 Jan 2017

    Starting my day with coffee is a must for me too.. I worked in malls for 18 years and now rarely ever step foot in one. Happy Be-lated T Day!!!

    Patty's Magpie Nest
    26 Jan 2017

    Not much of a mall fan and realized the other day when I “almost” had to visit the Apple store at our local mall but was spared that I haven’t set foot in there in almost two years. I had the same grey skies dilemma here. Guess there’s a BIG dark cloud hanging over a big portion of the US at the moment. Your photo looks cozy and inviting. Happy other T day oxo

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