T Tuesday: snowing and pouring edition

Here we are getting hit with another blizzard on a scheduled Monday off school. What’s up with that?!?  Mr. G was even sent home from work early. The word came over the intercom that they were closing early due to bad weather. I know all of us are hoping for a snow day tomorrow.

So that’s the snowing but what is the pouring, you ask? Acrylic pours. Pour painting. Fluid art. Whatever you’d like to call it. I just call it fun! It totally fits into my love of creative chaos and randomness.

This was the start of a second pour in one day. (You can see the other in my previous post.) I also used white in addition to these bold basic colors,

I used a dirty flip cup technique. Sounds awful doesn’t it? It’s truly not though. Well…truth be told it’s a messy process. I scraped out my mixing cups on the canvas as not to waste them. Having paint at the corners helps it flow over the edge more easily.

Crazy huh?!? The white circles were caused by air bubbles. So cool!

BTW- I didn’t use any silicone or a torch in my process. So many people do and get absolutely amazing results. I’m just not interested in having flammables in my basement. Perhaps when the warm weather comes around I can try that outside.

I love the look of these paintings when they are wet. They have so much depth. 

The dry version is so flat. I plan to put a gloss coat on to bring out some depth again and brighten the colors.

I also need to share the end of February photo a day challenge results.

23. Depth of field

24. Architecture

25. My Face

26. Need/Want  (got my T Tuesday beverage covered)

27. Something Old

28. Street 

I’ve started the photo a day challenge for March as well. This month seems a little more challenging so far. I may have chosen the wrong one for me. Time will tell.


Hopefully *fingers crossed* we’ll have a snow day tomorrow otherwise it will be a typical Tuesday for me after we dig ourselves out. UGH!

What are you doing today?

15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: snowing and pouring edition
    5 Mar 2018

    So worry you still are having snow storms-I heard about this next one on the weather tonight. I love your painting very much-looks like so much fun too Happy T Day

    Debra Terry
    5 Mar 2018

    Here’s hoping for a snow day for you!!! Woohoo!!! Stay warm! What a great result you got from your acrylic pour! I don’t think this is something i’ll be trying.. too messy and abstract for me.. I’m so glad you showed us yours. Good to know you don’t have to use silicone or a torch to get beautiful results! Happy happy T day Halle! Hugs! deb

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    6 Mar 2018

    I have considered trying one of those pours, but I don’t think I’m set up for anything that messy. I do LOVE your piece, though. It is gorgeous, even dry without the gloss on it. Keep them coming.

    I like how you interpret your photo challenges. So glad you were able to complete the one for February. LOVED how you included the lager. So clever.

    Thanks for sharing your pour, your snow day, and your final photos for this month, including your beer with us for T this Tuesday.

    Linda K
    6 Mar 2018

    Ugh, the snow… I have seen some amazing results with the pour technique but it’s not something I plan on getting into. Happy T day!

    6 Mar 2018

    Your canvas looks awesome, I must try this technique sometime, I have see so many blog friends having trying it with super results like yours. Your photos for the challenge looked great as well. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    6 Mar 2018

    Wow, your canvas looks amazing! I love the paint pouring technique that you used and the air bubbles look beautiful ?. As always the way you interpret the photo theme is wonderful, such a great photo of you too ?. Fingers crossed for your snow day and wishing you a Happy T Day! J ?

    6 Mar 2018

    OMGosh, Halle, you’re still getting snow! Sometimes I forget how long winter can hang around up there. I was born and raised in WI and lived there 20 years. Then hubby & I moved to NJ for 25 years. I don’t know which part is worse: the driving or the digging out ;-)

    Spring has arrived in our area. Temps are in the 70s and 80s already. The days are mostly sunny and the sky is brilliant blue. I love our springs.

    You do paint pours on stetched canvas. Wow – that’s brave ;-) I have to admit it looks like fun and the results are fabulous!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    Divers and Sundry
    6 Mar 2018

    The little snow we had is long gone. It’s definitely spring here. That canvas is gorgeous! Do you display them yourself, or do you sell them? I’ve seen ones not as nice as that at art fairs. Awesome!

    Erika N
    6 Mar 2018

    That paint pouring is cool and looks a lot like marbled paper. But it is kind of marbled paper in its way. Your snow is coming our way tomorrow. Oh no. I was hoping for an early spring. Hope you had a great T day Halle. Hugs-Erika

    Sharon Madson
    6 Mar 2018

    Love your painting. Great tip, too about dumping the cup! I think you are doing great on the photo challenge. I always enjoying seeing what you photograph for a word. :) About your tea cups matching my teapot. Here is my email foxygrandma23 @gmail.com

    7 Mar 2018

    Love those pours, really beautiful. When the weather is better I will do some again, I don’t want to work on them in my little kitchen. Hope the snow doesn’t get too bad again.. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    7 Mar 2018

    Your pouring is great! Happy T-Day!

    7 Mar 2018

    These poured painting method Looks so great. i can understand you want some vibrancy back by coating the Picture… good luck! happy belated t-day:)

    7 Mar 2018

    Pour painting is messy and a lot of fun. The piece you created with the air bubbles is so cool. Hope you get your snow day. Sadly, I’m waiting for another foot of snow. Deep sigh. Forlorn look.

    7 Mar 2018

    Your pour painting is beautiful. I couldn’t believe something of beauty could come from all that mess. Yes, a gloss might enhance it, but it is already gorgeous.And the air bubbles are a welcome surprise. I enjoyed looking at your photos for the daily challenge. Very clever how you sneaked your drink in… I hope you will start Postcrossing again. It really is fun and doesn’t take up that much time or money. I also find it fun to find internet traders that sell postcards (Usually in Eastern Europe) as where I live I can’t buy postcards (except tourist postcards on the coast and that is too far away). Happy belated T-Day, Lisca

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