I’d like to apologize in advance for this long post and the excessive number of photos. Thankful most people these days are on high speed internet…if not…you may want to return at a later date. You have been warned.
Where to begin… Well let’s start with a journal page I had slated to post last week and never got around to it.
It’s a page in my wonky junky journal.
It started its life as this…two different sizes and textures to work with. A challenge really.
The images I used are from an elementary music book. these two reminded me of a Romeo/Juliet thing…only with a happy ending…it is elementary school after all.
It’s not my favorite page but at this point, I’m just happy to be creative.
Another page I finished was this one…which I believe I posted a WIP shot the last time.
Making time to craft and create is a priority for me but as you know, life sometimes gets in the way.
Enter exhibit A:
Do you see what I see…? This image was texted to me simultaneously with a frantic phone call from Mini-me.
Lets back up a little for context shall we…
We had inadvertently left the garage door open a few inches overnight which was an obvious invitation for a mouse to waltz on in looking for a snuggly place to overwinter. Marvin clued me in to this on Friday morning by laying in front of the washing machine, diligently peering underneath. Since there was nothing I could do to help him with his task, I went back upstairs and proceeded with my morning. Made lunches, brewed coffee and had just sat down on the couch to enjoy my cuppa before moving on with the day.
As I sit taking my first glorious sip of coffee, I hear Marvin make a sound somewhat like it would be if you were trying to say “mouse” with a sock in your mouth then proceeds to bang around on the stairs with his giant paws. In an instant, I realized that he had caught the mouse and was bringing it to me…but decided to “tell” me about it…therefore releasing his jaws and the mouse. Marvin is cute but does not have a big brain. He lost track of it and I determined that it had gotten behind the baseboard and into the wall. Crud. Off to work I went with Marvin staring at the fireplace.
Now lets get back to this photo above…the mouse was on the mantle…he can climb bricks.
♫ spider mouse. spider mouse ♫
*shall we now collectively shudder*
My kids have now discovered the mouse on the mantle…send me a photo…call me… Yeah…I’m working…good luck kids. In turn I messaged Mr. G telling him the tale. I got this image back from him with what I can imagine was peals of laughter.
Image credit: Great Outdoors
Long story short…they did not get the mouse. I did late Friday evening with their help in corralling said mouse. Saturday was spent cleaning…everything… *shudder*. Gross.
Marvin was thoroughly exhausted from staying up for almost an entire day. Didn’t get his 18 hours of beauty sleep.
We did have some fun too…movie night at the neighbors. Chicken Run was on the projector.
I got my vote in at our county election office.
I also made a knitters wreath that I have had rattling around my brain for a while. Finally made it happen after all the cleaning and purging of things. Funny what you uncover like a wreath base.
Time to settle back with a lovely glass of red wine by the glow of my salt lamp. I don’t drink much red wine or any wine these days. It tends to make my joints hurt…I think it’s the sulfites.
I had to snap a photo of this sign at Goodwill…it made me laugh.
My kids have dubbed my cocktail of choice, gin and club soda, “spicy water” after inadvertently taking a big gulp of it when they were younger.
That about sums it up for me… my life is chaotic. But its good.
One more thing! Mini-me got accepted into both the universities that she applied to. We now need to make one more visit to cement her plan. Her college of choice is even giving her a yearly scholarship. Not full ride mind you but hey, every penny counts.
What are you doing today?
Oo, mice. Living in the woods like I do means we usually we have that same challenge every fall and winter. I spend so much time disinfecting. I get your heebie jeebies and pain. And great story too. Nice art too. You sounds like it was good to write this post. Hope you’re having some fun too. Like making that really cool wreath. Great idea. Have a great T day Halle. Hugs-Erika
You’ve been busy-great journal pages, we always have a mouse trying to get inside before winter-living rural it happens. not yet at the lake house thank goodness haha enjoyed reading about everything. Happy T wishes Kathy
Is the banner new? Either way it´s very cute! Haha, yes remember the days with a modem, oh, my!
LOL, poor Marvin! Now I have that picture with the sock right here! Yay for voting and… cool wreath. And yay for uni – happy T-day!
I had to laugh at the mouse story. I remember when my first cat, Dog, caught a mouse. He decided it was a play toy. He chased it all over the house (at the time I had hardwood highly polished floors). I don’t know which slipped and slid more, Dog or the mouse. I finally got tired of watching and put the mouse out of its misery. SO glad you took control of the situation. Poor Marvin was definitely working overtime.
You have created a couple of lovely, lovely spreads, Halle. So glad you are finding time for yourself amidst the hustle and bustle of your life.
I can’t imagine you not drinking wine. However, our bodies know us best, but at least you were able to enjoy one after the fiasco and the week you probably had at school, too. Thanks for sharing your art, Marvin’s woes, and your wine with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.
Your knitted wreath is very beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like it. Your mouse tale is also very funny. We have a story like that only I played the Marvin role! (Didn’t have mouse in mouth, though).
be well… mae at maefood.blogspot.com
OMG I am amazed at your storytelling!!! Loved reading this, but mice…ick ick ick. We found the remnants of a mouse city in the basement when we moved. Oy, trashed most of it sadly. I remember a neighbor cat that took up with me once, I was quite young in my own apt that was the top floor of a duplex. The cat would bring me tidbits of lizards, meowing the whole way up to the door to let me know open up, dinner! LeeAnna at not afraid of color
Beautiful journal pages- I especially love the pink one! And your wreath is gorgeous- that scarf is too pretty not to be worn though:) We have had some field mice get in our basement- but with no pets to sniff em out. We had to use the traps that don’t harm them because I insisted and then I had to rehome them myself. Good luck with the capturing. Happy T day!
Such a fabulous post! Loving your pages, the collage and layers look so pretty and the flowers in live made me smile ?. So pleased you have Marvin the mouse catcher, I bet he was on high alert until you caught the mouse. I would have sent hubby to catch it and then I would have been cleaning all day afterward too. How wonderful Mini Me got into both Universities – many congratulations! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
Mice can get in _anywhere_! Our cat used to play catch and release with the occasional mouse, and we always threatened to trade her in for a terrier ;)
Congrats to your daughter!
Happy T Tuesday
I love the pink postcard spread, Halle.
The two mouse story photos are very funny. Your catching and cleaning jobs were not! All’s well that ends well.
I love your knitter’s wreath. By coincidence I also came across a long lost wreath base. I took mine to a florist to adorn with dried flowers – lol.
Congratulations to Mini-Me!
Happy T-day! Stay safe and stay sane. Hugs, Eileen
I smiled at your mouse story. We live in the country and I could tell you a few mouse tales….. Your journal pages are great. I love that stamp and how you made the page that colour. The knitter’s wreath is beautiful! Very special! Congratulations on Mini-me’s acceptance to the uni of her choice and getting a scholarship too. Well done. Chicken run is such fun! It is made by Aardman studios in Bristol where we used to live. And some of the animators went to our church. Is the film over dubbed in American English or do you get the original English voices? Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
I absolutely love your knitters wreath. SO pretty. Oh my goodness! I didn’t see the mouse the first time. I certainly don’t like mice. Your journal is lovely. Loving the collage on all the pages. Happy Tea Day, Kate
What a fun post. Delicious art eye candy. I loved the story of Marvin and the mouse. And the mouse hunters. Sorry to laugh but it was a funny story. Congrats to mini me. Happy T Day
Great post except for a mouse in the house. LOL Your pages are wonderful a lot of expression in them. The wreath is fabulous too. I enjoyed this very much. Have a nice day.
I finally spotted the mouse in the picture ~ Loved reading about marvin with the mouse, I had to laugh out loud. Now he’s exhausted from the exertion of it all. Your knitters wreath is terrific! I’m going to try to send your picture to the creative reuse center near me so they can maybe do a class on that. Your journal is coming out really fun too ~ Enjoy!
I was able to post your wreath on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/757CreativeReUseCenter/ with a link to your blog.
Love the “I am happiest when when with you” saying in your jj. Sweet fun images, too. Fun Marvin story. Made me smile. Have a great weekend. I am here too late to say Happy t day! LOL
We had mice in our old house – and so did everyone around just about when they demolished an old building nearby. I took while to get rid of them totally! Poor Marvin missing his ‘treat’. I love the knitter’s wreath! Sorry I’m late visiting – life happening ! Chrisx