Today for T stands for Tuesday I have a whole mess of things to talk about….now where do I start?!
Last week J got his braces off after nearly 4 years!! He looks so different…so grown up!! My friend Sandy sent him a care package of gooey sticky items for his indulgence after so long of abstaining. Thankfully he is my moderation kid and the treats will last a good long time.
I’ve continued to work on sorting and purging and reorganizing in several areas of the house since I had to move my sewing area to make room for the treadmill. It went from this…
I love that I can walk/run anytime I want but have to admit that not having my sewing machine set up all the time is really going to cramp my creative style. I sew all the time!!!!! Eventually I will figure this out. A temporary, easy set up station of some sort.
I finished everyone’s taxes just a few hours ago so I can mark that off my list. What a relief to have that chore done.
Let’s see what else….
I have taken some time to create a couple art journal pages in the midst of organizing. Neither are my favorites but its all about the process at times.
EDIT: I’m linking up with Art Journal Journey for this first journal page as suggested. Thanks Susi!
I realizing that I’m missing using old books for my journals. I guess it’s my art ADD. I was so completely sold on loose leaf until…I wasn’t. And so it goes.
The kids were really hoping for a snow day Monday morning…wouldn’t that be a wonderful gift after “springing forward” for Daylight Savings Time?!? No such luck. The street was plowed curb to curb when I got up at 5:30 (the old 4:30)…ugh. That was fine with me I had plenty of items on my list to keep me busy…such as shoveling.
Check that one off the list. It actually ended up to be a beautiful sunny day. Even though the temps never crested the freezing point…the suns rays are warm enough to melt snow.
In addition to sorting my crafting life, I’m also doing a bit of sorting of old paperwork and junk…basically trying to find space for things that are actually important.
Buried at the back of the bottom filing cabinet drawer was a stack of DVDs. I honestly couldn’t even remember getting these…until I started watching them. OH my gosh!! So much fun to see the house I grew up in…relatives that have passed on….how awkward we all were in front of a first generation VHS camera.
One of our relatives was tech savvy back in the day and bought himself a video camera. He brought it to family functions to record them for posterity. At the time I was kind of mortified but now am so thankful for these recordings. I got so see and hear my dad again! It was a little sad watching these videos but at the same time a gift. Seeing and hearing all the people that have passed on. Getting to show my kids a mini walk thorough of my childhood home. Having them laugh at me being young but still having the same mannerisms as I do now. Even better…seeing the exact same reaction from me as Mini-me has in the same situation. Laughter to tears and back again. So thankful for these awkwardly funny memories.
Tuesday holds errands and a couple appts as well as a college fair at the high school in the evening for us.
What are you doing today?
you sure are very productive Halle! Nice to see things get checked off the list though. We are in the process of turning our 8mm tapes into DVDs and it sure is fun looking back and trying to recall all the moments:) Happy T day!
wow you got lots done-it always feels good doesn’t it? hope you find another craft spot for you-I would miss that for sure. your journal page is very pretty-Happy T Day Kathy
Wow, you have marked a lot off your list. I can’t believe all the things you accomplished this week. I couldn’t give up my sewing machine, though. I would have to find a place for it, even if it was a bit inconvenient, like mine is.
Gosh, the snow really hit, didn’t it. I saw on the news that you didn’t get as much as some places like the Dakotas. Nice that you got all the shoveling out of the way, at least.
Your two journal loose leaf pages are beautiful. I love the flowers and the spring like backgrounds.
What fun you must have had watching those old recordings. Shows the nature vs nurture theory really works, too.
Thanks for sharing your week, and your healthy water with us for T this nearly Tuesday. Have fun at all your appointments tomorrow.
Your sport machine looks good, I hope you manage to fit the sewing machine in again, too. I have my Nordic walker and machine in the bedroom, and both get used a lot. Lovely art, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
Such a shame you can’t have your sewing machine up all the time. Mine hasn’t a space either so I tend forget I have it.
Wonderful pages and great to have the CDs to look at.
Happy T Day
Love Chrissie xx
Lovely post Halle – I have my sewing machine to set up every time again – since I do my art mostly in my all day living room. Happy T-Day! The journal pages are so pretty – the first one would fit AJJ Out and About as well., maybe you want to link?! Susi
Its was a great post, you have had such a busy week. I loved your art pages and I noticed Susi asked if you would like to share over at AJJ. I hope you are okay with the latest snow we saw on our UK news today. Happy T Day. Yvonne
Isn’t it wonderful to tick things off your list! Such a satisfying feeling. Well done you. Yes, It’s been snowing here too after a week of warm t-shirt weather. Wow! What a find those old DVDs! I bet you had a tearful and at the same time joyful time. I totally understand. I’ve been in a similar situation when I found some old sound recordings from the 60s. Hearing loved ones and myself when I was a child. Priceless! Happy T-Day, Lisca
You have achieved so much with all the things you have ticked off your list :-) . Your treadmill looks the business! I never seem to use my sewing machine when it was all packed away, so I’ve just set it up in one of our spare bedrooms in the hope that I will use it more :-) . Watching all those DVDs sounds so much fun with all those great memories that have been captured. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)
Well, you certainly have been busy! I got rid of my treadmill years ago, when I started having a foot problem. I did end up with surgery and now wish I had the treadmill back….LOL!!
Happy t-day
We’re not getting any snow, but it’s coooold here -for us, anyway ;) I was enjoying that warm weather. Happy T Tuesday!
Halle you make me tired just reading all this!! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb
What a fabulous post! Doesn’t it feel to good to get things ticked off a list! I love your journal pages! We love to watch old family films with our grandchildren – causes plenty of laughs – especially when they see their Dads! We heard that you were getting lots of snow ! Happy T Day, Chrisx
Wow, that’s a fancy treadmill! No wonder you were determined to make room for it. I trust you’ll find another permanent spot for your sewing, what with all the organizing you’ve been doing. Every house needs a good clean-out once in a while (Note to self ;-)
I would be very pleased to do journal pages that good! I love the backgrounds and all the texture/dimension and those daisies all lined up in a row. Where did you find the time to do them?!
I wish I had DVDs of my childhood and some of the folks no longer here. I carry them in my heart and head instead.
Happy T-day, Halle! Hugs, Eileen
How fun to be able to watch the old DVD’s. WE put so many of our old movies onto VHS tapes years ago and now they are obsolete too. And the snow has come this way-well the blizzard has come this way. What a nasty T day this has been outside. Enjoy yours. Hugs-Erika
Memories bittersweet and precious. I had a bunch of my dad’s old Super 8 film converted to DVD. So fun to see parents, aunties and uncles when they were young. Who knew they had lives before us! :-D You were busy this week. Wonderful journal pages. I especially like the embellishments with the footprints. Happy T Day
Oh my goodness, where do you find the energy?! Love that you found the dvd’s, so sweet to have those memories. Gorgeous journal pages, made me smile to read how you grow into one art form to another…me too! Your snow drifts put our little bit of snow to shame, but it’s still stinkin’ cold! lol! Have fun on the treadmill, and happy T day!
Thank you dear Halle! Great to have you with us over at Art Journal JOureny again! oxo Susi
Love your journal pages and everything here. Amazing post!Happy belated T Day!