T Tuesday: spring break edition

So the kids are on spring break and the sun finally came out…so what do we do…go to the biggest indoor mall in the USA. Hmmm…something a bit off about that decision. 

This is the amusement park in the center of the mall.  Before noon on a Monday it definitely wasn’t too crowded. We decided we needed to explore some of the shops to work up an appetite.

Since we love board games the first store we set foot in was Games by James.

This book had me cracking up…I just had to snap a photo.

Eventually we got hungry enough for lunch. The Hard Rock Cafe had no wait so we went for it. The food was ok. We were seated right next to the kitchen and a speaker blaring music. Not so great for conversation.

After lunch we wandered around a bit more. Mini-me was in search of a special drink she’d heard about.

We finally found it after circling the another level of the mall…or maybe that was when we were trying to find our way out. Anyway…her drink was, bubble tea which is some sort of chai tea flavored milk with these strange dark gelatin balls in it. Very shocking when you suck one up through the straw. It was tasty but weird at the same time.

My mom’s surgery went well…taking her to the oncologist this week with the results of her biopsy and potential treatment plan if needed. There is also another college visit scheduled this week. Never a dull moment around here.

What are you doing today?

18 Thoughts on T Tuesday: spring break edition
    27 Mar 2017

    Hi sounds like a fun day at the mall-I have not had the opportunity to do that in years and years since we live so rural–I used to enjoy the smaller shops Happy T Day Kathy

    Erika N
    27 Mar 2017

    Sounds like a fun day out with the kids, even if you did have to go to the mall. I didn’t realize there was a Hard Rock there. My daughter is a Hard Rock lover. She has a whole pin collection from when we’ve visited different one. I mentioned it to her and got an eye raise-road trip Mom? Hope your Mom’s results come back with no issues. Hugs-erika And happy T day.

    Linda K
    27 Mar 2017

    what we don’t do for the kiddies, huh? :) Glad to hear your Mum’s sx went well and here’s to positive thoughts for the best results hereafter! Happy T day!

    Patty's Magpie Nest
    27 Mar 2017

    Glad your Motherr’s surgery went well! Hope things keep looking up. You all must have gotten a great work out at that big ole mall and that you had a fun time. Happy T Day to ya Halle oxo

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    27 Mar 2017

    Ha! This is the place I didn’t get to see when I was in MN, but it was a fun virtual trip.

    Yes, I’m laughing at the snarky coloring book. Now THAT one I might actually enjoy coloring (or maybe not!). Yes, I laughed and laughed when I saw it.

    I ate at the Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas, and the food was only so so for the price, as I recall. Glad you three enjoyed it, though.

    So glad your mother is on the mend. Let’s hope you get a chance to breathe before the next round of drama occurs.

    What a fun drink. Not sure I would want to drink it, but it looks like a great conversation starter and great blog fodder. Thanks for sharing the Mall Of America and your daughter’s drink with us for T this Tuesday. Gotta admit, that coloring book was a bargain compared to the one I got!

    27 Mar 2017

    Sounds like a fun outing, and I love that colouring book. I’m not sure about that bubble tea, not quite my thing, but I know a lot of people love it. All the best for your Mom. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    28 Mar 2017

    The place looks enormous but I am sure there was lots to see there. Love the book title it made me lushg out loud.

    Have a very Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

    28 Mar 2017

    i had a big laugh seeing this coloring book:)) happy t-day!

    28 Mar 2017

    Gosh that is an enormous shopping Mall, I think I would be passing it by, I am for sure not used to places that size to shop in. I had a good smile at the name of the book. Happy T day. Yvonne xx

    28 Mar 2017

    Super that the surgery went well!This shopping Mall would make my daughter HAPPY!

    Happy T-Day dear Halle!

    28 Mar 2017

    Glad your Mum’s surgery went well! The trip to the mall looked interesting and I love that book title! We went to Hard Rock Cafe once – very overpriced for what we got but like you say OK food!! Happy T Day! Chrisx

    Jo-Let's Art Journal
    28 Mar 2017

    The shopping Mall looks fun and it looks like you had a wonderful day out with your kids! So pleased your mom’s surgery went well :-) . Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

    Lisca Meijer
    28 Mar 2017

    I loved the virtual trip to the mall. Virtual being the key word. In real life I am not a lover of malls and will avoid them if I can. I remember a visit to The Mall of America near Minneapolis. I think that put me off for life. It was the first big mall I had visited, in the seventies. But I suppose for mini me it was a treat. The bubble tea is a specialty from Taiwan. The ‘bubbles’ are tapioca pearls. Tapioca is the starch of the root of the cassava plant. We enjoy tapioca as a dessert but I have never had this bubble tea that everyone raves about. Happy T-Day Hugs, Lisca

    28 Mar 2017

    The Young One and I got to visit the MOA when I was attending a convention in the Twin Cities. It was an experience. I love Bubble Tea. A Chinese dim sum restaurant near me carries it. I think the “bubbles” are tapioca pearls. The title of the coloring book is hilarious. Sounds like you had a great day and a good week. Happy T Day

    28 Mar 2017

    That mall looks amazing Halle…. I’ve been to one multi level mall in CA and it was pretty amazing… otherwise its just been small town malls for me.. I have heard of that bubble tea .. I think my daughter likes it but i’ve never tried it… Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

    Divers and Sundry
    28 Mar 2017

    So happy for y’all that your mom’s surgery went well :)

    That mall looks fabulous. I keep hearing that malls are dying, but that one certainly looks vibrant!

    Happy T Tuesday

    Dianne C.
    28 Mar 2017

    I’ve heard of that beverage too, but never had one. The “mommy drinks” photo cracked me up! too funny… Cool photos of the mall, looks huge! Hope all goes well with your mom, glad she did well with her surgery. have a soothing cup of tea and enjoy some sunshine! ♥

    30 Mar 2017

    “Mommy drinks because you cry,” OMgosh, that’s priceless. I would love to see some of the inside pages.

    It sounds like you and your daughter had a good time just spending time despite the mediocre food and weird tea, which BTW was a perfect reference for our T-party gang!

    Hope your mom’s biopsy results show nothing more is needed.

    Belated happy T-day, Halle! Hugs, Eileen

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