The calendar says its Spring but I think Mother Nature needs her head examined. It’s cold and snowy. So since the weather isn’t cooperating I figured I’d create something that would brighten the gloomy day.
I pulled bits together from my scrap bucket.

I even briefly set up my sewing machine on my workspace to get some stitching onto the page. I sewed this scrap directly into the book.

This piece was stitched together before gluing into place. Gosh I’ve missed using my machine! For some reason it inspires me.
Lastly I added the word imagine. I was trying to imagine what Spring should feel like. I’m linking up with AJJ for Spring.
With it being spring break so many people are traveling. Mini-me and I did as well. It wasn’t a tropical destination. It was 4 hours NORTH of here for the state archery tournament.

We drove up on Friday and spent the night in a hotel since she didn’t shoot until Saturday. A snow storm was expected anyway so might as well go early. Thankfully we never did get any snow…just a cold wind.

We had to do the usual tourist things…amazingly enough there was others venturing into the frigid wind off the lake for a photo op that were nice enough to take a picture of us. That may look like standing water under Babe the Blue Ox but its solid ice.
After the tournament (at which she beat her personal best score by 24 points!) we headed for home but took a slight detour since we were that far north to visit Itasca State Park.

As we turned in we quickly realized that we probably wouldn’t get to see the headwaters of the Mississippi as we had wanted. Some of the roads weren’t even plowed. Instead we just took a photo of the map on went on our merry way.

I really wanted her to be able to jump across the Mississippi as I had when I was a kid…heck, I wanted to do it again now! Oh well…maybe another trip.
This is typically when I share my photo challenge but I’m woefully behind. I will get caught up though and share them next week as well as the next months challenge.
Hi there, I love your latest art journal page. I can’t believe your area got all that snow-pretty depressing since Spring is her. How awesome she was in an archery tournmant I tried archery a few years before we retired and really loved it. Hopefully you will get back to the park once the snow is all melted Happy T Day
Your journal page is gorgeous! I love the black and white stripes with the touches of color and stitching. Happy Tea Day, Kate
A wonderful spread! The black and white striped background looks fab and all your wonderful additions and the sewing – just unique! So happy to see you at Art Journal Joureny again Halle- thank you very much for joining in! Wow – you are a lovely mum to make such a long trip with your daughter at these bad weather conditions! Lovely photos – thank you for sharing your trip ! Happy T-Day! oxo Susi
happy uffdah day such a funny word love the photos and the blue on that page really works with the flower
Its a fabulous journal page and I love how you stitched down the layers. The materials you layered look great, It must have been a good trip away with your daughter, special times speny together and you will have good memories for the future, Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx
Sounds like a fun week so far! Interesting how different places do different breaks. Here we always have them at the end of February. Ever since I was a kid. :) Love your journal collage too. It’s a fun collection of papers and other bits. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
What a fun week! Your journal page is beautiful and I love the stitching you added to all those fabulous layers – amazing ?. It looks like you had such fun on your travels, the photo of you both is wonderful and I’m glad you stayed warm with your coffee – brrrr! Great result on the archery too and how cool to be able to jump over the Mississippi River, maybe next time …lol ?. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J ? x
I am hearing you about the spring. Wonderful cheerful journal spread to brighten the day. I don’t think I would have been so happy venturing north but it looks like you and your daughter had a great time. Happy T day!
Jump across the Mississippi what fun that would be to be able to say you did that.. I remember taking my daughter to Ponce de Leon Springs in Florida where i remembered swimming in the frigid water when i was little.. my how it had changed.. What was once just a hole in wall had become a tourist destination…When i went it was like a little swimming hole in a grotto and when she went they had cemented it all in… Sad.. but still it was fun seeing her in the same place.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb
When spring won’t come, art can at least make us hope it will be here eventually :)
Congrats on your daughter’s new personal best! It’d be great to have a photo with Paul Bunyan and Babe :) Here in Memphis I’m having trouble picturing the Mississippi River at the headwaters. Jumping across it sounds like magic!
Happy T Tuesday
I am so sorry I am late visiting. I fell asleep and when I woke, I realized I still had things to do before my friend arrives from TN to spend time with me. Do you remember Theresa who was in ABC and stayed a week with me in 2008? She will be here soon.
I fell in LOVE with your journal page. I always miss sewing when I go a few days without it. I could never sew anything except lopsided and funky, but it’s still sewing on paper. I truly adore how you created yours, and was simply thrilled you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey.
I was a bit surprised you showed your face and mini me’s too. But I was delighted to join you for BRRRRR! I can’t believe all the snow you got. I enjoyed seeing Paul Bunyan, too. What a fun time you two must have had, and I can tell what a great mother you are and SO supportive of her and her archery. Good for her and breaking her previous best.
Thanks for sharing your AJJ spread, your trip north and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday.
Beautiful journal page…I love the stitching too! Looks like you had a nice mini vacation, congrats to the archery contestant~ 24 points above her best is outstanding. she must work well under pressure! great photo of you two with Babe and Paul…happy T day! ♥
A wonderful journal page
Thank you for joining us at ART JOURNAL JOURNEY
“Mother Nature needs her head examined” – lol, Halle. I always love seeing stitching on pages. Yet I never bother to haul out my machine to do it myself! I’m putting that on my brain dump list. That’s sort of like a to-do list but it’s the things you want to get to sometime and don’t want to forget.
I love this 2-page spread! You didn’t say what you used for them but those “gold nuggets” in the lower right are really eye-catching and complete the page beautifully.
Hope you’ve enjoyed your spring break.
I was VERY late to T this week and am glad to see you’re still at the party – lol.
Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen
I love your journal page – I really must get my sewing machine repaired!! I love the pic of the archery competition trip! Reminders of my archery comp days! I saw one of your photo challenge photos and I remember the makers name but most of all I remember once having a parcel of Port Orford Cedar shafts delivered – the smell was wonderful! Belated happy T day! Chrisx
Thank you for taking me on your trip with you. Interesting bull… must find out more about that. (The bull, a black one, is the symbol of Andalucia where we live) Congratulations on Minime’s personal record. Well done girl. I had a bash at archery some years back. I have strong arms and shoulder muscles as I was a good swimmer. But there was no club anywhere near us, so I never followed it up. Shame really. Have a wonderful weekend, CU on Tuesday, Lisca