T Tuesday: Spring break edition

My spring break was spent quietly at home catching up on projects and knocking items off the perpetual to-do list. Not very exciting but that’s ok.

My first major accomplishment was tackling all the scraps that had been piling up. Truth be told there are still more but these were the ones that were really bugging me as well as the ones that required no ironing before cutting.

I also went through my wardrobe and got rid of two grocery bags of clothes that no longer fit. This is a nice problem to have. I’ve lost over 25 lbs now and decided it was time to purge the old to make room for a few new things I’ve purchased.

As I mentioned last week I’m super excited about gardening season. The garlic I planted last fall is poking through the leaf mulch. My seedlings are doing well. I even planted carrots, radishes and beets straight into my garden box since they are cool weather crops. I’m hoping they do better this way…although it was 87°F today…crazy! We had snow flakes in the air just last week. 

I was inspired to create a little diorama with a coworker in mind after finding some of her favorite characters at the dollar store. I’ll share the completed piece along with process photos in another post after I give it to her.

Today’s hot weather and the first day back to school called for a nice cold one after dinner.

I’ll leave you with Marvin making sure the newly delivered box of toilet paper didn’t get up and walk away.

What are you doing today?
13 Thoughts on T Tuesday: Spring break edition
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    6 Apr 2021

    It looks like Marvin gave a crap (GRIN).

    You were in a cleaning, organizing, and gardening mood over spring break. I know where the 25 lbs went that you lost. Just ask my hips. Congrats on the weight loss, dear.

    I was really interested in your lovely Yellowstone glass. Far more so than the beer. However, the beer looked good in the glass. Thanks for sharing your organizing and gardening skills with us, as well as your beer for T this Tuesday.

    Erika N
    6 Apr 2021

    I think you had a super vacation. Puttering and doing fun things at home is always exciting. I am ready for gardening season too, and waiting for the wind to die down a bit. First its snow then its wind. Sometimes spring is just tough to tackle. And your photo of Marvin made me laugh. I bet that beer tasted good, it was certainly warm. Hope you have a wonderful T day Halle and good week back to school.

    janis spencer
    6 Apr 2021

    I really wish I could lose a few pounds, always harder to lose than gain, I am trying though! I may need to buy new but bigger soon. Lovely fabrics you’ve been cutting and organising, you’ve been busy over the holiday, ,it’s always lovely to see the shoots coming through, our tomatoes are already growing and have plenty of fruit on them already. Happy T Day Jan S

    Linda K
    6 Apr 2021

    Must feel quite good to have your scraps so well organized now. I should be doing more organizing in my craft room- but I get so caught up in playing instead:) Happy T day!

    Divers and Sundry
    6 Apr 2021

    It’s such an affirmation to keep those old clothes to the curb -or the charity shop ;) I like the Spring gardening part of the season. I’m looking forward to flowers. These days setting a guard on the TP might be a good idea. Happy T Tuesday!

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    6 Apr 2021

    Looks like you had a very productive spring break, tidying those scraps and gardening, and I can’t wait to see the diatoma! Marvin is so handsome and looks wonderful, such a good guard dog …lol 😉. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    6 Apr 2021

    Sounds like you had a nice time just doing what you wanted to do. I love seeing your garlic coming up. Mine was doing really well and then the roofers destroyed it. I was so upset. Have a very nice evening.

    7 Apr 2021

    What a feeing of accomplishment to get things organized and also congrats on your weight loss. Marvin looks pleased with himself. Take care and Happy T Day! Oh, could you send some of the 87 oF weather here?

    8 Apr 2021

    It’s good to get those little jobs out of the way! I am now ready to get rid of some of my too big clothes now. I am till losing but know now that this is for keeps. A good feeling! I love your little project for your colleague. Marvin the magnificent looks great! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

    6 Apr 2021

    Well done on getting your scraps organized, something I need to do, too. Sometime! Marvin looks good as watchman! Happy T Day, Valerie

    Sharon Madson
    5 Apr 2021

    That is quite a job, organizing those scraps. What a sweet photo of Marvin. Happy T Day!

    Iris Flavia
    6 Apr 2021

    Oh, I need to clean up. Tomorrow… What is it with cats and boxes, LOL – very cute pic. Happy T-Day.

    Kate Yetter
    5 Apr 2021

    I bet you got a great feeling of accomplishment when you see your scraps organized. What a great idea to plant those things in the fall. I am going to have to look into trying this. Happy Tea Day, Kate

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