T Tuesday: story time edition

Well boys and girls…not sure if we have any boys visiting but I’m all inclusive…it’s story time.

This week was eventful. We had more snow once again. This week we had a 2 hour early release on Thursday afternoon and a 2 hour late start on Friday morning. We never should have had school on Friday. The roads were glare ice. So slippery that I managed to spin out our Jeep across on coming traffic and end up with the back end in the ditch. Thankfully we didn’t hit another car and I was able to put the 4 wheel drive to good use by driving back out of the ditch. With frazzled nerves I continued on to drop the girls off at school and get myself to my school. UGH! So lucky. Could have been a much worse end to that story.

J also came home for the weekend to celebrate his birthday. We had cake…of course it might have been good if i’d remembered to take a before photo.

Whoa…not sure what happened with that image but I’m too far along and too tired to go fix it. One of my custom brushes must have gotten away from me. :)

I have been doing some work in Photoshop over this past week. I’ve been wanting to create some texture backgrounds. I hope to use them as overlays on photos, backgrounds, starting points for digi-art etc. 

I even thought about making some printables with ephemera, photos or even vintage linens for texture.  Do you ever use printables in your art? If so, are they purchased or freebies? I see tons of digital downloads on etsy but I wonder if people actually buy them or use them.

What are you doing today?
19 Thoughts on T Tuesday: story time edition
    11 Feb 2019

    oh so glad you, the passengers, and your jeep are ok-whew that was very scary. I think this is a difficult winter this year for many areas of the country. the cake looks lovely I don’t know anything about photoshop of digital things-but sounds interesting to play with Happy T hugs Kathy

    12 Feb 2019

    So pleased that you and your jeep are ok. It is always difficult to know what is underneath snow.

    Pleased that J made it home for his birthday and the cake does look amazing and I bet it tasted fantastic as well.

    A great digi background page. I look forward to seeing that in the future

    Have a great T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

    Erika N
    12 Feb 2019

    That spin off sounds scary and thankfully no one was hurt, as well as you were able to get out of the ditch. Sounds like a good week especially since J was able to get home. Kids coming home is always good thing. Happy T day. hugs-Erika

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    12 Feb 2019

    I’m so glad that you are all ok after spinning your car, I’ve done that too on sheet ice and it’s so scarry, makes me feel ill just thinking about it …lol ?. The cake looks so yummy, Happy Birthday J! The vintage papers you found look beautiful too; I don’t tend to use printables on my pages as the ink would cost a lot for my printer …lol ?. Happy T Day wishes! J ? x

    Linda Kunsman
    12 Feb 2019

    Oh no, thankfully no one was hurt in your icy mishap. Our day is supposed to be one of snow and ice today:( Just snowing now. Happy birthday to your son! I used to do backgrounds and make layers then print my digital projects for cards but haven’t done it in quite awhile. I have two folders of digital parts-backgrounds, flowers and such that I had bought from Paper Whimsy to use in my projects. Happy T day!

    12 Feb 2019

    I’m glad all of you were okay during that spin out. Very scary. Happy T-Day!

    Divers and Sundry
    12 Feb 2019

    I’m glad you are all ok. Some adventures aren’t worth having, and I count driving in the ice among them.

    That cake looks pretty. And delicious. Happy T Tuesday :)

    12 Feb 2019

    I had a ride like yours once when my daughter’s school didn’t early release like all the other schools in the area. After spinning donuts, if a storm was coming anytime during school hours, I instituted Mama Snow Day whether the school system was closed or not. Glad you were shaken, but not stirred. Oooh, that cake looks so good. I like your texture background. Stay safe and warm. Happy T Day

    12 Feb 2019

    I was pleased to read you were safe after the spin on the icy roads, not a good way to start the day. The Birthday cake looked yummy, Happy Birthday to J. Happy T day wishes and I hope you don;t have any more spins on the ice. Yvonne xx

    12 Feb 2019

    So glad you’re okay after the spin-out, Halle. I had one of those in NJ. I banged up against a plastic barricade. No damage thank goodness. Just a big fright. The worst part was getting to school to learn that it was closed! The teacher before me on the telephone chain got the message, rolled over and fell back to sleep. I just didn’t get the call!!!

    I use lots of digital art I find online. I used to purchase tons of stuff from Scrap Girls. But the online digi-art market has changed (sadly IMO). I never pay for digital stuff anymore. There’s so much out there. I think there’s a huge gap between hobbyists and career digital artists. And a large price gap as well.

    Kate Yetter
    12 Feb 2019

    I agree, sometimes the schools do not close when they should. We are having some winter weather right now and thankfully they had the day off. Your sons birthday cake looks delicious. I love cake but it has been a while since I had a piece. My waistline protests. I love free ephemera. I won’t pay for it unless I really want it but there are so many great freebies I don’t see the need to pay. Personally, I love using altered images of vintage people. I love when they take old black and white photos and add color. Hope you come up with some beautiful things to use in your art. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    13 Feb 2019

    first: so glad you are fine!! on ice days schools really should be closed! about ephemera: years ago i bought a few sheets on etsy, but meanwhile so many freebies are around. and actually i tend to use more “originals” – e.g. not copies of photos, but the photos themselves i bought on ebay or flee markets. same with other old stuff. i had the tendency to copy everything before using, but i´m over that. what should i save it for? enough will come up every time… happy t-day

    13 Feb 2019

    Fab that you are fine! The cake looks great! Yes ther is so much free out there!

    Happy T-Day!

    Lisca Meijer
    13 Feb 2019

    Oh dear, that sounded really scary! I’m so glad you are OK and were able to put the 4×4 to its full use. It’s good your bow made it home in spite of the weather and his cakes looks fun (and scrummy) I used to use digital images when I did digital scrapbooking and I always used freebies. Only once did I buy a set of images. To be honest, I forget that I can print images and use them. I have soo many. The only digital things I print regularly are word art things. I don’t have fancy fonts and sometimes it’s easier to use ready made words or sentiments. Again, I have free ones. Happy belated T-Day, Lisca

    13 Feb 2019

    Oh Goodness! I’m glad you were all OK! The cake looks delicious – and was clearly appreciated!!! You have reminded me that I have some backgrounds that I made myself in Printshop stored somewhere on my computer!! I used to do quite a bit of digital art before I became a stamp addict but it was only very simple!! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

    Carol L Samsel
    13 Feb 2019

    The ice has definitely been hazardous this winter :( Glad you were all ok!!! Snow does make for pretty photos :) Thanks for stopping by for a visit!!! Happy Very Late T Day!!! Carol

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    14 Feb 2019

    My sincere apologies for the late visit. To see why that is, please see this post (https://alteredbooklover.blogspot.com/2019/02/food-might-not-be-my-friend.html) which will explain so I won’t have to for each T Tuesday participant I visit.

    I’m thrilled the accident wasn’t worse than it was. Good thing for 4 wheel drive and you knew how to use it. Glad no one was hurt.

    Did J enjoy his cake? Hope he had a good birthday.

    I have never known anyone who bought those digi images at Etsy. It’s amazing how much different your version is than mine from 2000.

    Thanks for sharing your snow (and trip to the ditch), J’s birthday, and your lovely backgrounds with us for T this Tuesday. I LOVE that MINNESOTA mug!

    Thanks for joining T this Tuesday

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    14 Feb 2019

    What happened to my post I just wrote? This could NOT have happened at a worse time. I am sorry for visiting so late. To see why that is, please see this post (https://alteredbooklover.blogspot.com/2019/02/food-might-not-be-my-friend.html) which will explain and I won’t have to for each T Tuesday participant I visit.

    I’ll be brief, since I wrote a much longer post before. Great cake, love the mug, thrilled you and the girls weren’t hurt in your trip to the ditch, and I probably wouldn’t buy anything like that. Thanks for sharing this time with us at T this week, dear. More soon.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    14 Feb 2019

    OK, this is ridiculous. Since your blog isn’t taking my messages, I’ll find another way later.

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