Welcome to T stands for Tuesday…grab a cup while we chat.
We have way too much sugar left over from Easter. Thank goodness I don’t like marshmallows or these would be dangerous sitting all unwrapped begging to be eaten.
This is my weakness…chocolate.
“My weakness is strong.” ~Patton Oswalt
Maybe fueled by sugar or just that spring cleaning and purging mode but I have dug out a box of items that have been squirreled away for far too long.
Back in the late 90’s I used to sell on eBay. This box was forgotten in the back of our storage room until now. I also went thru my cookbook collection…some of it just has to go. Recently I’ve started selling a few things on eBay again but the fee structure is pretty steep. But you can’t sell just anything on Etsy.
While I work…Gracie watches the world go by.
I did get creative this past week as well. This 6×6 canvas makes me quite happy. Its a recycled canvas…meaning I hated the first painting I did so I covered it all up and began anew.
I’ve also worked in my coffee theme AB again but you’ll have to come back tomorrow if you want to see that.
I’ve got lots on my list today, more than I’ll ever accomplish.
What are you doing today?
Ah chocolate. No further words are necessary!
I have mixed success on Ebay–there is a lot of competition out there even when trying to destash books or supplies.
Gracie looks like she is enjoying her seat!
Chocolate is also a favorite of mine. We tend to buy too much Easter candy, so it lasts a while.
I’ve been going through some old boxes, too. I never sold on ebay, but bought my share of things.
Happy T Tuesday!
I hate marshmallow- so those Peeps could just sit. Now, Kit Kats and Reese’s are another story entirely-which is why I don’t have them in the house:) My friend tried selling some of my rubber stamps on EBay with only minimal success so we stopped. It just wasn’t worth all the work! I love going through cookbooks-too bad I don’t live nearby. Gracie is looking very content. Great little abstract canvas! Happy T day!
Powered by sugar you seem to be getting lots done ;-) I got rid of some cookbooks recently and it felt good altho I still have a few too many for someone that doesn’t cook all that much these days… Chocolate is a fav treat of mine but we did not buy any of the Easter kind. Gracie has a nice view on the world. Cool canvas…they get richer when layers are added. Happy T Day oxo
I am not a fan of marshmallows but my kids love them. Love your abstract piece. Happy T day
Having no little ones around any longer we don’t have the Sugar stash anymore. I resisted buying just for us this year as we have both put on a bit too much poundage this winter :( I have started de-stashing too and was considering listing on ebay again.. It has changed so much since I was a regular seller there :( but I may give it a go rather than just toss the extra supplies and things piling up here.
No peeps at out house, the Grandkids did have an Easter Egg hunt though and the chocolate went home in their baskets. Don’t know if their Mommys will be thrilled with little revved up kiddo’s. Oh well, that’s the joy of being a grandparent, LOL!
I really like your repainted canvas. Very interesting and layered.
Sorry I’m late. I was by earlier and tried to leave a comment. That’s when I found out I had an internet problem. It was finally resolved by calling AT&T who got me back online.
I can’t remember exactly what I wrote before, but I know I said I love, love, love that canvas. It is SO the NEW YOU!!
I hate Peeps, although I bought Sally some marshmallow bunnies and a Dove bunny last week. She loves Dove chocolate. Lots of packaging, though (grin).
I’ll take a Kit Kat, because I like them, too. You have great taste in chocolate!
I’ve never tried to sell anything on eBay, but I know you are right about Etsy. I hope you have good results.
Thanks for sharing these candies with us (without adding calories) for T this Tuesday. Also thanks for bringing Gracie along and sharing your gorgeous canvas.
I also an not a fan of marshmallows. Peeps could turn into colored rocks at my house–LOL! Love the kitty photo, of course. I’ve never sold anything on ebay and only bought on ebay once, I think, so I am not very familiar with it. Good luck! Great recycled canvas. Happy T-Day! :)
That is a lot of left over easter feasting, glad its not my house LOL. Those books look so antiquey, I love antique books
chocolate is always the best! but we didn’t do any Easter baskets this year…so no candy temptations laying around. sent a box of goodies out of state to the grandkids, and felt a bit sad there weren’t any little ones around to have an Easter egg hunt for! Love the canvas! good luck with the ‘clearing out.’ I need to get motivated to do that!