T Tuesday: the return edition

Hello…I’m back. Hopefully without a long break again. The break started benign enough. I had a busy schedule with the end of school and just was going to take a week off from T stands for Tuesday. My brain had a whole other idea.

I ended up in the ER after experiencing a visual disturbance much like looking through a prism followed by the worst headache I’ve ever had. I honestly thought I might be having a stroke or aneurysm. Blood work and three types of MRI showed that I wasn’t having either of my worst fears happening but I did have blood on my brain…old blood. A next day appointment was made to see a neurologist. More tests were ordered to make sure I wasn’t having seizures or had a skull fracture from a blow to the head from a basketball a little over a month before. Everything came back good other than the mystery blood which is irritating my brain causing weird things to happen. So circling back around…the basketball hit appears to be the culprit. Basically a concussion that caused a small bleed that I wasn’t even aware of until later.

I’m still experiencing headaches and get a pain on the top of my head at times that is separate from the headache pain. I can drive now so that’s a good thing! I go back in September to be rescanned and follow up with neurology. What a crazy thing!!

In the meantime my garden has been growing and growing!

All the rain and neglect evidently has done wonders.

I even spied my very first cucumber today. It’s so cute!

The deck box garden is doing well too but notice anything funny about my flags….? 

I caught a red squirrel…well I saw him…didn’t try to physically catch him…stealing my flags. He took a big section and ran with them. I can only assume it was nest building material. Unless they were having some sort of decorating contest which, clearly, he won. LOL

I have done a tiny bit of creating. A journal page and a half complete dream catcher. I’ll share those another time. I do have one other project I’m just getting started on. Hopefully I’ll get it done as quickly as time demands. Nothing like getting a few weeks behind. Although truth be told, I only thought about it recently. So cryptic I know. It’s a gift and I have no idea if the recipient reads my blog.

Tomorrows list is long but I’m trying very hard each day to get most things checked off. Having a health scare and subsequent recovery really makes you realize that putting stuff off isn’t the best idea. You may not be ABLE to do it tomorrow.

What are you doing today?
16 Thoughts on T Tuesday: the return edition
    26 Jun 2018

    So sorry to hear about your health problems, that must have been a scary incident for you. Hope you are soon really well again. Love that baby cucumber, so sweet. How strange that the squirrel is stealing your flags, perhaps he is decorating the nest! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    26 Jun 2018

    Well, at least now you understand the problem and the culprit. Is there a way to remove the blood from your brain? It sounds scary and serous. I’m just glad you are still around. You really had me scared.

    I see you treated yourself to a cup of your favorite drink. That doesn’t look much like coffee (grin).

    Had to laugh at the squirrel playing Martha Stewart. So odd that it needed your flag. And of course, I am in awe of both your gardens. I have NO plants that lived this year, so I’m glad yours are doing well.

    Thanks so much for checking in and thanks for joining us for T this Tuesday.

    Linda K
    26 Jun 2018

    oh my what a scary thing to go thru. Glad you got a diagnosis and can breathe a bit easier. Wonderful looking garden and I love the flags so I do hope that squirrel doesn’t take too many of them:) Happy T day!

    Kate Yetter
    26 Jun 2018

    That is awful that you got hit in the head with a baseball. Just goes to show these things can have lasting effects even if you don’t have immediate symptoms. I worked on the Brain Injury unit for 8 years and some of the cases were so scary. I am really glad that you didn’t have any serious complications. I love the comment about the squirrel decorating. Haha. He certainly did have good taste. But I am glad you were able to retrieve your bunting before he made off with it. Your garden looks wonderful and I too agree that the rain water does wonders compared to hand watering with the hose. Feel better soon! Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Lisca Meijer
    26 Jun 2018

    Oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear of your blood on the brain. How scary! I’m glad they investigated it properly and that the worst things are eliminated. I hope it doesn’t give you more problems as it probably will take a long time for the blood to break down (if it ever will. I don’t know really) You made me smile with the squirrel bunting story. You should join us at Friday Smiles (http://wipso-astitchintime.blogspot.com/) with stuff like that! Have a wonderful (headache free) week, Happy T-Day, Lisca

    Kathy Inozarks
    26 Jun 2018

    So sorry, and very scary for you-so they are not concerned of the old blood? Your garden is growing super well and too funny about the squirrel that would made a fun video. Hope you will be feeling better each day hugs Kathy and Happy T Day

    Dianne C.
    26 Jun 2018

    oh my gosh! a really scary episode. so glad it wasn’t a stroke but wow. i guess basketballs can be pretty dangerous… Your garden looks great, despite the squirrel. Loved your ‘word picture’ about the nest decorating contest. That could totally be a children’s book! just saying… lol. feel better soon Halle! ♥ ♥ ♥

    26 Jun 2018

    Wow, Halle! I wondered why you were missing our parties. Thank goodness it was none of your worst fears. I hope the blood dissolves before your next scan and that the weird sensations and pains stop quickly as well.

    Loved the part about the squirel decorating contest. You have quite a sense of humor. That’s too bad about your pretty flags. At least it wasn’t something expensive like the cables in your car or squirrels nesting in you roof. We’ve had both several times. I think squirrels in our area are like rabbits in Australia!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    26 Jun 2018

    Oh my, I’m so pleased that you are ok and on the mend! Sending you wishes for a speedy recovery ?. Your garden looks beautiful and I smiled when I read about the squirrel, he certainly has good taste, doesn’t he …lol ?. Wishing you much happiness this T Day! J ? x

    26 Jun 2018

    I am haooy to hear you are o.k.- ! Your garden impressions are magical! Hugs, Susi

    Debra Terry
    26 Jun 2018

    Halle ! That is SCARY!! And something so random.. I’m so glad it looks like you will be alright. That darn squirrel!! We have ALOT of squirrels but ofcourse we encourage them and ‘knock on wood’ have not have them do any damage… Until earlier this month hubby noticed they chewed thru the gasline eading to our gas grill!!! Well soon it will be replaced and proper measures taken so it cannot be chewed again… We are smarter than the squirrels right?! lol I’d love to see what he did with your flags..lol Happy T day!! HUgs! deb

    Divers and Sundry
    26 Jun 2018

    What’s with concussions this summer? I didn’t realize they were so popular. We need to spread the word that people really do not want one lol

    Your red squirrel has excellent taste! Happy T Tuesday

    26 Jun 2018

    Oh dear you have been poorly. I do hope you are well on the way to recovering. I had to smile st the squirrel taking your pennant, his home will look bright an happy if he used materials in the nest. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne. xx

    Erika N
    26 Jun 2018

    That sounds scary Halle. I hope you are doing better and the symptoms are gone.At least you didn’t have anything worse. Your garden is looking nice and green and growing nicely. Ha-ha about that squirrel. :) Hope you enjoying your summer break and happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    26 Jun 2018

    Welcome back! I am glad you are on the mend, but what a scare! Your cucumber is so cute, and so are your flags. Obviously the squirrel thought so, too. Fun story. Happy T Day!

    27 Jun 2018

    Oooh! Sounds scary and you are so right – the advice from a friend when we arrived to live in our apartment ‘Do it while you can – you never know what will happen tomorrow!) She is well into her 90’s and very sparky so it seemed good advice to follow! The garden is looking good and the tale of the squirrel made me smile! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

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